The strongest soldier

Chapter 314 The drama begins

The ambusher was above. Luo Zheng made a visual inspection and found that it was about a kilometer away from him. The people by the river were two kilometers away. The ambusher was also more than a thousand meters away from the people by the river. This distance was a bit long, and It was not suitable for a surprise attack. Luo Zheng observed for a while and whispered: "It seems that these people are not planning to make a surprise attack. They should be waiting for an opportunity."

"Could it be an attack at night?" Lan Xue expressed her opinion in surprise.

Luo Zheng raised the sniper scope and observed, and found that the people by the river looked like yellow people. He couldn't help but was startled, adjusted the focus and observed carefully, and said uncertainly: "What country do you think the people by the river look like?"

"Short in stature and bow-legged, could he be a Japanese? Wait." Lan Xue said, adjusting the sniper scope to identify it carefully, with a serious expression. After a while, Lan Xue put down the sniper scope and said seriously: "There is a guy who has Ren Dan. Hu, he should be from Japan, this kind of habit can only be found among Japanese people, it’s unmistakable.”

"Japanese people? Enemies are really on the same road." Luo Zheng said coldly, using the headset to signal Gui Shou and others to touch them carefully. Everyone hid in the grass and continued to observe. Luo Zheng asked: "Brothers, can you identify the other party? What? If they are Japanese, then we don’t mind killing Japanese pirates."

"OK." Guishou and others expressed their approval.

Luo Zheng saw that no one had any objections, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth. He didn't catch up with the anti-Japanese war. This is a good opportunity. Lan Xue next to him whispered: "There is something wrong with the situation. You see, the ambush does not ambush, the Japanese pirates also Is it a trap to be exposed carelessly by the river?"

"Hiss?" When Luo Zheng heard this, he immediately realized that no one who can come to the competition is a fool, and the Japanese pirates are no exception. There must be a reason behind burning fires and cooking food so unscrupulously. Looking at the people who are lying in wait, why do they Do not move? Obviously he was afraid, Luo Zheng's face became solemn, and he said in a low voice: "You and I, do some remote reconnaissance to see if there are ambushes behind them from time to time. Don't alert them, and come back to the place as soon as possible to rendezvous."

"I'll go." The mountain eagle rushed to say.

Luo Zheng thought for a while and said: "Xue'er, you stay, Guishou, Snow Leopard, help keep an eye on the Japanese pirates. I suspect there should be other people ambushing them near them." After saying that, he put down his equipment, grabbed the SVD sniper rifle and rushed quickly Go and quickly disappear into the bushes without a trace.

The mountain eagle also put down its preparations. It was much more flexible to go into battle lightly, and disappeared in the blink of an eye. Lan Xue continued to keep his hands with Ghost Hand and Snow Leopard. Just in case, Lan Xue asked Ghost Hand and Snow Leopard to go to the rear for reconnaissance to avoid being caught. After everyone finished the pot, I stayed alone and continued to observe.

After a careful search, there were no suspicious targets within 500 meters of the river, but Lan Xue did not dare to be careless. The master's disguise was difficult to identify. He focused on searching the area between the ambush and the Japanese pirates by the river. He sensed several suspicious objects, but could not confirm them. So he kept his guard up and continued to watch.

However, Luo Zheng detoured back to the ambush and observed it for a while. He was shocked when he saw nearly a hundred people in the ambush and five portable mortars. This guy was no match for the regular army. So many people ambushed a five-man army. The small team is more than enough, and there is no problem in charging directly, so why not attack?

With this huge question, Luo Zheng continued to observe the surroundings, but found nothing. Looking at the place where the ambush was, someone was talking on the phone. The distance was too far, and he didn't know what to say. After hanging up the phone, he still had no intention of attacking, but let The team was cautious and hidden, which made Luo Zheng even more curious. Do they really have to wait until night to take action?

After waiting for a while, there was no result. Luo Zheng was about to continue his roundabout reconnaissance when he saw two people in camouflage camouflage coming out of the bushes and joining the ambush. Luo Zheng looked through the sniper scope and saw these two people. He was a black man, holding an SVD sniper rifle in his hand. He couldn't help but be surprised, and secretly said: "Two snipers?"

At this time, the two snipers separated to the left and right, each looking for a position to lurk, but they disappeared. Luo Zheng suddenly understood that there was indeed a huge trap inside. What he saw was just the tip of the iceberg, and he slowly withdrew, and After everyone gathered together, they found that the mountain eagle had returned.

"I found an ambush in the bushes over there. There were about fifty people. They were only a kilometer away from the Japanese pirates by the river. They were well hidden. Where are you?" Mountain Eagle asked with a shocked look on his face.

Luo Zheng briefly explained what he had discovered, and then added: "It seems that the Wolf King is planning to take action against the Japanese pirates and has laid out a big net. I'm afraid what we saw is just one of them. What we haven't said is just waiting for the show to begin. If If we have a chance, let’s be fishermen for once.”

"That's fine." Lan Xue looked at the sky and nodded in agreement. The sky was gradually getting darker and it was not suitable for traveling. It was a good idea to stay and watch the show and continue to lurk and monitor.

Suddenly, a team of about fifty people suddenly rushed out from a bush on the other side of the river. They rushed towards the Japanese pirates on the other side of the river. Bullets were flying everywhere. The river was more than thirty meters wide. It was impossible for these people to swim across the river and attack them. , but the intensive firepower still frightened the Japanese pirates, and they all lay down to hide and fight back.

"Huh?" Luo Zheng was attracted by this scene. He looked at the other two ambushes and couldn't help being shocked. He whispered: "Brothers, the show has begun. The ambush is in a triangle formation. Attack one way first, and the other two." Act according to the opportunity, there is a river in the way, the Japanese pirates cannot pursue, and the firepower cannot match the opponent, so we can only fight and retreat, no matter which way we retreat, we will encounter an ambush, what a powerful ambush."

"These Japanese pirates are not bad, their marksmanship is good." Lan Xue watched coldly, and Luo Zheng also observed carefully. In just a short while, five or six people on the other side of the river fell, but the Japanese pirates were suppressed by intensive firepower. Unable to raise his head, he kept retreating, and some people were injured.

"Ta-ta-ta!" The fifty people ambush on the other side suddenly jumped out of the bunker, howling, and rushed towards the Japanese pirates. The dense bullets caught the Japanese pirates off guard. One person fell on the spot, and the remaining four reacted. Extremely fast, he quickly changed his retreat route.

However, Luo Zheng couldn't help but sneered when he saw that the opponent's retreat route was still on the other side of the hillside. There were nearly a hundred people ambushed there and it was impossible to rush past. Suddenly, a few grenades were thrown out from the quiet bushes and landed on the five sides. In the ten-person pursuit team, two lines of fire started fiercely, and a large area fell down immediately.

"Sure enough, there is an ambush. Come on, look who it is?" Luo Zheng whispered in surprise. He quickly raised his sniper scope and observed it carefully. Unfortunately, he couldn't tell the identity of the other party. He only saw that he was a Caucasian.

"Caucasians and Japanese pirates are joining forces. This is fun. It seems that the fun has just begun. Let's watch slowly." Lan Xue said coldly in a low voice.

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