The strongest soldier

Chapter 315 A succession of thrills

The two people who were suddenly exposed caught the charging team behind them off guard. Five or six people fell down on the spot. The others dispersed and lay down to fight back. After a brief panic, the group's attack power increased again and became dense. The bullets hit the two men and gained the upper hand, forcing the two men to retreat continuously. The Japanese pirates also began to retreat. The direction of retreat happened to be on the other side, where nearly a hundred armed forces were ambushed.

Seeing this scene, Luo Zheng's face condensed and he said strangely: "There is no reason why this group of people's attack power is so weak. How come they were defeated now? How weird."

"Da da da!" Suddenly, on a slightly higher slope, a Minigun M134 fast machine gun, the fastest machine gun in the world, roared out with 5.56 mm caliber bullets at a speed of 6,000 per minute. , with a range of up to 1,500 meters, and will immediately tear the person who is chasing him into pieces and fall into a large piece.

"Hiss?" Luo Zheng was shocked. He had only paid attention to Sam's country's strategic sniper rifle before. He didn't expect such a terrifying weapon. I wonder which country carried it? I quickly raised my binoculars and saw a sturdy man holding a Minigun, shouting and shooting. After a while, there were not many pursuers left. The strong man turned his gun and pointed it at the river. The other side started shooting wildly, scaring the other side into hiding in the bushes. Under the terrifying Minigun fire, bullets rained down on them, and no one could remain calm.

"Hiss?" Luo Zheng's eyes narrowed. Suddenly, a flower of blood bloomed in the sniper scope. The strong man like an iron tower was shot in the head. Luo Zheng was surprised and moved the sniper scope to look. It was the opposite slope, where With nearly a hundred armed men lying in wait, Luo Zheng immediately thought of the two snipers, and couldn't help but said coldly: "Such powerful snipers, it's not easy to ambush an army."

"One thousand sniper kills, one headshot, he is a master." Lan Xue whispered, his face full of vigilance, his eyes full of strong fighting spirit, the eagerness of a master to fight when he meets a master.

"There are two snipers, but only one was exposed just now. It seems that the people by the river knew that there was an ambush and designed a counterattack plan. The early execution was indeed very good. It is a pity that the combat effectiveness of the ambush was underestimated and there was no heavy firepower. Let's see how they turn the situation around." Luo Zheng sneered, planning to continue watching from the sidelines.

"Eh? Look at Minigan." Lan Xue exclaimed.

Luo Zheng's sniper scope quickly moved over, and he found a strong man as strong as an iron tower rushing over. He was a nigger, and he was very familiar. If he thought about it carefully, wasn't this guy the one who caused trouble at the China Exhibition Booth? Afterwards, it was proved that the other party was from the Sam Country. Luo Zheng was shocked and said: "The Sam Country did not directly attack the Wolf King's headquarters. This drama is more interesting. They are not good people anyway. Let's continue to watch from the sidelines."

"It's easy to understand that the Sam Kingdom and the Japanese pirates are together, but I guess there are others. I'm afraid this drama is not that simple." Lan Xue said, her eyes attracted by the gunshots on the other side of the river.

The nigger held the minigun and opened fire towards the other bank. The people on the other bank naturally retaliated. At this time, two more teams appeared behind the group, attacking from the left and right, outflanking them. In this way, the ambush soldiers on the other side of the river became prey. Suppressed by the intensive firepower, they were unable to resist. Coupled with the precise firing of the team behind them, the situation was worrying.

"It's interesting. The prey turns into the hunter, and the hunter turns into the prey. This show is interesting." Guishou said with a smile: "The bushes at nine o'clock are dense, suitable for hiding troops. I guess there are still people hiding inside. Waiting for the last opportunity, this battle is becoming more and more exciting."

"It's okay. The nearly a hundred hidden armed forces over there haven't moved yet. They just exposed a sniper. Look, the nigger was suppressed by the sniper. As long as Minigun's firepower can't come up, it's not certain who will win." Luo Zheng said, looking through the sniper scope and seeing the nigger ducking into the bushes.

Without Minigang's suppression, the ambush soldiers on the other side of the river immediately turned their guns and rushed towards the two teams chasing after them. The intensive firepower formed a barrage. The two teams were frightened and fell down to hide. The ambush soldiers took the opportunity to rush forward. , throwing grenades wildly, and his playing style is very methodical.

"Those two teams are going to be in trouble." Luo Zheng said. In the sniper scope, the two teams could not withstand the intensive firepower and began to retreat. Luo Zheng could clearly see that the ambush on the other side of the river was very fierce and he was not afraid at all. Death, he couldn't help but frown, if he faced such a person, it would probably be very troublesome.

"Look, the Japanese pirates are about to retreat. The direction of their retreat is interesting. It seems that they knew that there was a heavy ambush on the other side and they knew they were outnumbered, so they simply evacuated." Snow Leopard exclaimed.

"Not necessarily." Luo Zheng always felt that things were not that simple. Although the fight was in full swing and things were no longer simple, Luo Zheng always felt that something was missing. His heart skipped a beat and he said, "No, let's continue watching. Don’t be exposed, I estimate that Sam State not only knows the location of the ambush, but also knows where we are, and our delay in taking action has put a lot of pressure on them."

"Yes, Sam Country's information operations capabilities are too strong. Their position detection radar can completely detect our presence. Look above your heads." Lan Xue said suddenly. Everyone looked up in surprise, and there was a strange thing in the air. The thing was flying, like a bird. I couldn't help but be startled, but I quickly realized that it was a hummingbird, a special reconnaissance aircraft of the Sam Country.

"We may have been exposed, but so what? The Sam Kingdom knows our existence, but they can't determine our identities. Moreover, the ambush soldiers don't know us and continue to watch the fun." Luo Zheng said indifferently.

"What is that?" the mountain eagle shouted in surprise.

Luo Zheng looked up and saw a small model airplane suddenly flying out of the bushes. Luo Zheng suddenly thought of the scene of the last battle with the polar bear country. He immediately realized what he had done and his face changed. He said, "It's a model airplane. It's above It writes that high explosives can be commanded to fly remotely, detonate remotely, and clear targets at fixed points.”

"With this thing and the Hummingbird reconnaissance plane, no matter where the enemy is hiding, I'm afraid they won't be spared. Depending on the direction of flight, the ambush sniper will be worse." Mountain Eagle said coldly.

Luo Zheng found that the model aircraft roared away at such a fast speed that it was impossible to aim and block it. With the hummingbird constantly providing coordinates, the model aircraft flew for a distance at low altitude, as if it was chasing someone, and then dived down with a loud bang. The sound came, and Luo Zheng knew that the sniper was finished.

Facing high-tech weapons, the sniper had no power to fight back. Luo Zheng's face became serious and worried, what should he do if he was confronted? The model aircraft is fast, and it will definitely not be able to hit it, and it is impossible to dodge it. Being targeted by such a powerful bomb will definitely result in a narrow escape.

When everyone saw this scene, their expressions were grim, and they felt a sense of sadness.

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