The strongest soldier

Chapter 313 Discovering the Crisis

Everyone was lying under the shade of withered grass, chatting casually, and eating the food that had been confiscated. It felt like a vacation. If the temperature were lower, life would be better. The smell of rotting corpses in the air kept everyone on guard. In the grassland, in addition to enemies, there are also ferocious beasts, which cannot be provoked.

"Boom, boom, boom!" There was a faint sound of thunder in the distance, and everyone was shocked. There was no reason to thunder in this season on the grassland. Then I looked up at the sky. The hot sun was hanging high, and the people who were exposed to the sun couldn't open their eyes at all. If it weren't for wearing With their tactical eyes on, they couldn't raise their heads at all. Everyone's hearts tightened, and they felt something was wrong.

"It sounds like an explosion." Snow Leopard whispered, looking warily into the distance. There was nothing in the vast grassland except dead grass blown low by the wind. Soon, several more explosions were faintly heard. This time everyone heard Ming Ming, his expression changed, and he grabbed the weapon.

"Don't panic, it's far away. Who should be at war with the Wild Wolf Mercenary Group? Such a big movement cannot be an internal fight between the competition teams." Luo Zheng said with a smile. Internal fighting can only be a sneak attack. It is impossible to attack openly and openly. Once word spreads, he will be disqualified from the competition. For example, if a bald man comes to sneak attack, he must also have this consideration. Luo Zheng continues to lie down and close his eyes to relax, unmoved.

"Continue to rest." Lan Xue said softly and closed her eyes to rest.

"Sleep, the more lively they fight, the more it proves that the ghost brother's conclusion is correct, and the greater our chance is. It is estimated that hundreds of people are fighting for this movement. It seems that the Wild Wolf Mercenary Group has been prepared for it." Guishou said with some emotion and fell asleep.

As soon as everyone heard that it made sense, the worries that were still there disappeared immediately. Lan Xue whispered: "It seems that your analysis is completely correct. However, I am afraid that we have all underestimated the determination of the Wild Wolf Mercenary Group to resist. As the world The dignity and prestige of the top ten mercenary groups must be maintained with their lives, otherwise it will be difficult for them to survive. I guess the Wolf King has mobilized all his strength to come here and set up a net to wait."

"Yes, I have considered this, but I don't know much about his strength. By the way, haven't you been here to investigate before?" Luo Zheng asked.

"Yes, you all know the basic situation. The headquarters is located in this grassland, and there is also a base located in the desert hundreds of kilometers away. I don't know if the United Nations knows about this situation. If the United Nations launches an attack from the beginning, it might be able to take advantage of it. I went to the headquarters of the Wild Wolf Mercenary Group, but stayed for three days, which was enough for them to mobilize their troops. As far as I know, the Wolf King has 300 elite men and thousands of weapons, distributed in major bases. In this operation, if the Wolf The king has mobilized all his forces, I’m afraid it won’t be easy to fight.”

"Is the United Nations not aware of this situation?" Luo Zheng was surprised and asked quickly.

"I don't know." Lan Xue said casually, her face suddenly turned cold, and she asked hurriedly: "What do you mean?"

"Yeah, if the United Nations doesn't know about it, and with the strength of the competition team, they can unite to fight, it seems that it may be suicidal. If the United Nations knows about it, doing so will make the special forces of various countries seek death. However, this possibility It's not big, he probably doesn't know." Luo Zheng said, with a look of worry on his face.

"One more thing, will the Wolf King be hiding in a desert base hundreds of kilometers away from here and command remotely? With the Wolf King's ability, he must know the rules of the game. There is no reason to stay here as a living target. Should we consider going directly to the desert to them? base?" Lan Xue said suddenly, with a hint of worry.

"This possibility is not impossible, but the Wolf King will not give up easily and will not withdraw until the last moment. Let's see first and act accordingly when the time comes." Luo Zheng said, realizing that he had overlooked one of the most critical issues, that Even with the strength of the Wolf King, the three hundred elites were not easy to mess with. Their expressions became serious and they quickly thought of countermeasures.

Everyone was silent, analyzing each other. Time passed by, and the sound of explosions could be heard faintly, but the time between them was getting longer and longer, and the sounds were getting farther and farther. I didn’t know which side was winning, and before I knew it, it was coming. At dusk, Luo Zheng felt that he was almost done. He spread out the map and took a look at it, and then said: "Okay, it's time to hurry up. Let's go to the river first to check the situation. If the water is polluted, we will be in trouble."

Everyone packed up knowingly and walked forward, moving forward under the cover of vegetation. The mountain eagles explored the path in front and the snow leopards broke behind. They walked vigilantly and did not dare to be careless. In this grassland, every step could be fatal. Lizards, poisonous snakes, spiders, scorpions, etc. are not easy to mess with. Fortunately, everyone wears high-top explosion-proof boots and camouflage combat uniforms that are specially made and are not easy to be bitten, but they still have to be guarded against.

"Damn it." The mountain eagle responsible for exploring the path suddenly exclaimed.

Everyone was startled and asked quickly, but received no reply. They immediately tensed up and squatted on the spot to be on guard. Luo Zheng rushed forward and found that the mountain eagle had grabbed the head of a three-meter-long venomous snake, and the snake's tail. He tightly wrapped around one of the mountain eagle's thighs, quickly took a step forward, pulled out his saber and swung it, the horseman dodged past, and the poisonous snake was cut off.

Luo Zheng asked hurriedly: "Is it okay?"

"It doesn't matter, it's a pity. It's a black mamba, supported by the African god of death. If its venom is put on the saber, the lethality will be amazing. Such a big one is enough for me to eat for several nights." The mountain eagle was a little worried. He said helplessly, picked up the poisonous snake body and tied it to the backpack strap.

Luo Zheng did not object. Food was very precious to everyone, so he said, "I will open the way."

"Okay, just be careful." The mountain eagle agreed, slowed down a bit, and fell into the middle of the team.

The team continued to move forward. Luo Zheng carried the M99 and SVD on his back, and carefully opened the way with the Type 95 assault rifle. There were dense vegetation under his feet, and there were many murderous intentions hidden inside. He was cautious every step of the way and could not be careless. He saw a tree with two trees next to him. The trunk of the tree, which was about three meters tall, was fairly straight and not very big. Luo Zheng drew his knife and chopped it, removed the branches, held it in his hand as a stick, and beat it in front of him as he walked, to scare away snakes and poisonous insects.

After walking for a while, there was a downhill slope ahead, and beyond that was a river. There were zebras drinking water by the river, and some people were making fire by the river to make food. What surprised Luo Zheng was that there was a group of armed men hiding on another slope. , all the guns were pointed at the people by the river. He was condescending and happened to see them. He quickly issued a warning and hid in the bushes.

"What's going on?" Lan Xue trotted up quickly and asked. When he saw this scene, his expression suddenly changed and he whispered: "There should be teams competing by the river. Those people who are ambushing may be the Wolf King. Why?" manage?"

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