The strongest soldier

Chapter 3117 Deployment Strategy

Balu's grassland armed force is not a regular army, nor has it received any formal training. It relies purely on combat experience gained from generations of people. Combat is not scientific and systematic, and its combat effectiveness cannot be fully exerted. On the way here Luo Zheng has been thinking about how to improve the armed combat effectiveness of the grassland tribes, and finally found that it is difficult to improve the combat effectiveness in the short term. The only way is to arrange for his own people to join.

Just imagine, each class has an elite soldier king sitting in charge, guiding everyone in training, teaching everyone technical and tactical movements, and acting as the most basic commander during battle. The combat effectiveness of this class can definitely be greatly improved. This is true for all classes. Arrangement, the overall combat effectiveness can naturally be improved a lot.

As for the company, battalion and regiment level, one person is assigned to each level as a staff officer to guide everyone on tactics, explain the core tactics, etc., which makes it easier to command. Balu is not stupid. He understands the truth as soon as he hears it, and naturally agrees. This method is not only It can improve everyone's skills and tactics, and it can also improve the command ability of the troops.

Luo Zheng saw that Balu understood what he meant and did not think that he was going to seize power. He secretly breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help but think highly of Balu. This guy is indeed a tyrant and knows how to do everything to his advantage. With this talent, this He is indeed a man who does big things. He couldn't help but smile and said: "It's easy to handle if there's no problem. We'll talk about the details later. Now let's talk about my strategic concept."

"Please tell me." Balu said politely, pricking up his ears.

"I won't hide it from you. The Sam State and the government forces have reached cooperation. They have joined forces to fight against the rebels. But behind the rebels is the Dark Church, which is not easy to deal with. There will definitely be a big war between them in the next few days. We Sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, don't participate in the battle first." Luo Zheng analyzed in a deep voice.

"No war? Then our logistics may not be able to keep up. As you know, the grassland tribes are poor and have limited food. What everyone carries at any time can only last for a week, and after a week there will be no food or water." Balu said truthfully.

"You don't have to worry about food problems, and it doesn't take a week, at most three days. We will run the troops here in three days. My troops are also tired. I just use these three days to have a good rest. By the way, we have captured a lot of weapons and brought them over. Just for you to use." Luo Zheng replied.

"That's great, thank you." Balu was not polite and agreed gratefully.

"The troops will go out in three days, come and see." Luo Zheng said, picking up a piece of black charcoal on the ground and drawing on it. After a while, a simple topographic map appeared on the ground. Luo Zheng pointed at the map and said: "We are now in the middle of the country. A little further to the north, to the east is the grassland, which is your territory, to the north is the desert, which is the territory of the rebels, to the south is the oasis, the territory of the government forces, to the west is the plateau, desolate, to the south is the fertile land and rich resources, and is bounded by the sea , most suitable for human habitation.”

Balu came over and looked at the map without saying a word. He followed Luo Zheng's thoughts and listened and pondered. His ears perked up. For fear of missing a word, Luo Zheng continued: "The south of the town is the sea, and the east can lead to a larger place." The same is true for the town to the west. There are mountains to the north, and beyond the mountains is a desert area. It seems to be a marginal place and is insignificant, but there are oil pipelines underneath, and together with the largest oil fields, it can be sold directly to all countries in the world through the sea. This town It must be occupied.”

"The town is so important and should indeed be captured." Balu said in a deep voice.

Luo Zheng took a deep look at Balu, pondered for a moment and continued: "Occupation is necessary, but not now. Let the coalition forces of the Sam State and the government army fight with the rebels now, and wait until they both lose. You The focus is on penetrating from the east to the south.”

"What does it mean to penetrate from the east to the south?" Balu asked in surprise.

"There is a small town in the south, which is the largest market town leading to the east grassland. If it is occupied by you, the government troops will definitely panic and send troops to encircle and suppress them. Therefore, the timing of sending troops is very important. They should be able to win or lose in three days, regardless of Who wins and who loses? Your people suddenly attack, occupy the market town, and publicize your identity and ideas to the outside world. By the way, what is your identity?" Luo Zheng said and looked at Balu in confusion.

"We are a grassland tribe, let's call it the Federation. We stand for unity and freedom." Balu said.

"Whatever you like." Luo Zheng doesn't like to interfere in internal affairs. Since Balu and the others have made a decision, there is no need to change it. It is just a name. The key is the content, so he continued: "After you occupy the market town, announce your identity and opinions to the outside world. By arousing domestic and international attention, you will have the capital to compete for political power, and you will have to make decisions based on the situation later."

"Okay, I know that this market town can be easily captured with only 300 troops." Balu agreed, not doubting Luo Zheng's strategic plan at all.

"It's easy to capture. The key is to stay there and control the economy, trade and people's livelihood of the market town. In other words, after you capture the market town, you must better manage the market town instead of destroying it. There must be no less people who go, just like a handful The steel knife is inserted in the market town. If necessary, the steel knife can be inserted into the hinterland of the south. Just arrange for a reliable person to be in charge there. There is no need to go there in person, you and I stay here." Luo Zheng warned. road.

"No problem, I'll make the arrangements." Balu said in a deep voice.

"I will arrange for Gui Shou to lead people there. Gui Shou's comprehensive ability is very strong and suitable for this task. You and I have to stay here to deal with a more complicated situation." Luo Zheng explained.

Balu knew Gui Shou's ability and his status. When he saw Luo Zheng arranging Gui Shou's arrival, it was obvious that he valued this matter. He immediately tightened his heart and solemnly agreed: "Understood, I will arrange it here." My uncle taught me all my skills in the past. He was once a mercenary. Language communication is not a problem. I believe I can get along happily with Ghost Hands."

"That's great." Luo Zheng nodded and agreed. We already knew Balu's uncle just now and had a few chats with him. Luo Zheng felt that he was indeed a talented person and it would be most suitable for him to lead the team. After thinking about it, he told Said: "Remember to inform your recruits that you are not allowed to leave this thing within three days to avoid being discovered by the satellite of the Dark Church. The troops will wait for the satellite to leave their heads tonight before setting off. They will run in as they go. They will arrive at the market town within two days to ambush. On the third day Launch an attack, the specific attack tactics will be designated by Ghost Hand after investigation, and your people will be responsible for the specific execution."

"Okay, I will ask my uncle to closely cooperate with the actions of the Guishou brothers and leave the decision-making power to Guishou. I believe that my uncle knows the depth and will not mess around." Balu agreed with understanding.

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