The strongest soldier

Chapter 3116 Brothers talk

Half an hour later, in a natural cave in the valley, the entrance of the cave was about 500 meters wide, the highest point was about 10 meters, and the lowest point was two meters. The cave walls were full of protruding sharp rocks, which did not look like anything. It is not hard, and the weathering phenomenon is relatively serious, but it is not yet collapse. The cave is bottomless. I don’t know why it was formed. There are many armed men sitting quietly on the ground, holding their weapons and closing their eyes to relax.

A bonfire was lit in an open space at the innermost part of the cave. Several thick, cracked logs were burning brightly. The bottom of the bonfire was full of red charcoal, and underneath was a thick layer of ashes. Apparently, the bonfire had been burning for a long time. , there were many people sitting around the bonfire. Everyone was greeting each other and beaming with joy. It was Luo Zheng and others.

After the two armies joined forces, Luo Zheng asked all the troops to enter the cave and hide. With such a natural cave to hide in, there was no need to worry about being exposed. Balu asked his confidants to arrange food for everyone, and he personally took Luo Zheng and others. People came to the bonfire in the innermost part of the cave to rest.

They were all old friends, and everyone joked and talked about the past. After some greetings, someone arranged by Balu sent a clean and skinned fat sheep and a simple wooden frame to hold the wooden frame. The rack was placed on the bonfire, and the sheep were pierced with sticks and placed on the wooden rack. It could be rotated. Balu personally controlled it and roasted meat for everyone while chatting with everyone.

The former brothers of life and death gathered here. The atmosphere was harmonious and there was no barrier. It was as if they had never been separated. Even if they didn't know Xu Gang and others, they all became familiar with each other after just a few words together. A strong friendship existed in the cave. As the atmosphere spread, everyone was laughing and joking to their heart's content, making harmless jokes, and the atmosphere became even more intense.

In about half an hour, the mutton was roasted, and everyone ate it. They were all brothers who shared life and death, and there was no distinction between superiority and inferiority. Everyone ate and laughed casually. After a while, everyone ate and drank. Lan Xue watched secretly. Like Luo Zheng, Luo Zheng nodded, and Lan Xue quickly gave Guishou a look.

Guishou stood up knowingly and said to the snow leopard and mountain eagle: "Brothers, the army has been neglected for so long. I hope there will be no conflicts. Let's go and have a look."

The snow leopard and the mountain eagle nodded knowingly, got up, and walked outside while chatting and laughing. Shi Qian and Xu Gang also reacted and found an excuse to leave. Balu also reacted and gave a look to several of his confidants. These people He also got up and left. After a while, only Balu, Luo Zheng and Lan Xue were left by the bonfire.

Luo Zheng looked at Balu and was about to say something when Balu said first: "Brother, don't say anything. I will listen to your arrangements and do whatever you say? There are many armed people like me in this country. You chose me, which is your trust in me and your trust in our grassland tribe. I have to thank you for giving hope to the grassland tribe."

"Oh? Why do you say that?" Lan Xue asked in surprise, but Luo Zheng smiled knowingly.

Balu looked at Lan Xue and smiled bitterly: "You should be able to see that our grassland tribes depend on the sky for their livelihood. The tribe like mine is better off. It is close to the city and can trade with each other. Survival is not a problem, but other tribes are in misery. There are abundant resources on the grassland and survival is difficult. This is second to none. The most important thing is that people on the grassland have no hope. They can only survive on the grassland from generation to generation and cannot change. This is fatal."

"You guys have a long-term view." Lan Xue suddenly smiled. Lan Xue had never thought of this before.

Luo Zheng didn't expect this, so he took the topic and said solemnly: "Brother Balu, I won't hide it from you. The chance of success is not high. Let's talk ugly up front. This time it may plunge your tribe into the abyss. Even if there is no recovery, are you sure you want to do this?"

"We thought about this. Before we came, the elders and tribal leaders of the prairie tribe had a meeting together. After unanimous discussion, we decided to send troops. It was not my personal action on a large scale. We also thought about the consequences of failure. Since we still send troops, even if If we fail, I won't blame you. This is our own choice. Tell me, how sure are you?" Balu said, looking deeply at Luo Zheng, his eyes expectant and nervous.

Luo Zheng could understand Balu's mood. He thought about it and smiled bitterly: "It's hard to judge. I can only say that I will do my best. If you believe me, we will fight together. If you have doubts in your heart, withdraw your troops." Go back, I won’t blame you, we will still be good brothers from now on, after all, this matter is too important to be careless."

"Your words are enough, I believe you." Balu smiled and looked at Luo Zheng firmly.

"Okay, as long as you stand firm, I dare not say more. I am still 60% sure." Luo Zheng felt warm in his heart. It felt good to be trusted by others, and he immediately expressed his stance.

"You have brought us hope, and I believe you will bring us a future. The grassland tribes have lived on the grassland for generations. Without hope, your hope has brought the grassland tribes together for the first time. Everyone is willing to do it for Fighting for this hope, even if it fails, is enough to comfort the ancestors. As for what will happen in the future, who knows? It can't be worse than now, right?" Balu said with a firm look.

Luo Zheng smiled, sincerely. When the grassland tribal armed forces put this war on the spot to fight for hope and a better future for future generations, they would have the belief and determination to fight, and they would not be easily shaken. Only by understanding why we are fighting can we persevere and die without regrets. Only such a team can have hope.

"Balu, please don't worry. If you really fail, you can still go back to live on the grassland and you won't be worse than you are now. If there is trouble, my country will not sit idly by and ignore it." Lan Xue said seriously.

"That's great. With your words, I feel more at ease. I don't have any worries anymore. So what if all our generation dies in the war for a hope? People must have a goal in life, to strive for a beautiful future for future generations. It’s worth it, tell me, what should we do next?” Balu looked at Luo Zheng solemnly and said.

"The combat effectiveness of your troops needs to be improved. In this way, I will arrange for people to be incorporated into your team. People at all levels of squads, platoons, companies, battalions and regiments will be assigned as deputies. You will still be the chief military officer. My people will be responsible for tactical guidance and For combat skills training, this place is not small. Let’s stay here for about three days to integrate the troops first and increase their combat effectiveness. What do you think?” Luo Zheng suggested in a deep voice.

"Will your people join my team?" Balu looked at Luo Zheng in surprise and asked. When Luo Zheng nodded, he immediately smiled excitedly and said excitedly: "It's great, I have your people to help guide you." , leading everyone to fight, and having your people even at the squad level, I think the combat effectiveness can be greatly improved at once, which is great."

I recommend a new book to a friend, "King Kong God of War" by Yan Tao. It is a very strange fantasy book. Friends who like fantasy can read it.

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