The strongest soldier

Chapter 3118 The fight started

In the afternoon of the next day, the sky was gloomy, and countless dark clouds gathered over the town. The wind was blowing, and the waves were rolling and lapping at the coast. They were one meter high and made a loud rumbling sound that could be heard from a distance. Arriving at the door of a relatively intact room in the center of the town, Jackson looked at the sky with a joyful expression. A hint of worry gradually appeared in his brows, and then he showed a relaxed expression, as if he had figured out something.

"Report." A voice shouted.

"Is it Tang Tiantian?" Jackson said without looking back. He continued to look up at the sky, as if there was something attractive there, and continued: "I'm afraid it's going to rain today, and it's about to enter the rainy season here. Well, when it rains, we will have the ruins of the town to protect us from the wind and rain, but the enemies on the outside will not be so lucky. It seems that they are helping us today."

Tang Tiantian walked over in camouflage uniform, took off his bulletproof helmet and held it in his arms. He glanced at the sky and whispered melancholy: "I hope, twenty helicopters have been successfully loaded and can take off at any time, brother. We are all ready to fight and are just waiting for your order."

"It sounds like your mood is not high. Are you not optimistic about this counterattack?" Jackson said casually, retracting his gaze from the sky and looking at Tang Tiantian. Seeing Tang Tiantian's hesitation, his eyes gradually became serious and he said in a deep voice. Said: "You are very smart, and this is what I like about you. If you have anything to say, just tell me."

"Yes." Tang Tiantian said in a deep voice: "This battle is very important to us. If we win, everything will be easy. If we lose, I'm worried that the president will have opinions about you. If the general is changed at the last moment..." Tang Tiantian stopped. Ever since the Wild Wolf Mercenary Group defected to Jackson, Tang Tiantian has been very clear about his status. It can be said that Jackson's development determines the development of himself and the entire Wild Wolf Mercenary Group. Everyone is on the same rope. Grasshopper, Tang Tiantian didn't want anything to happen to Jackson.

"What choices do we have?" Jackson looked deeply at Tang Tiantian and asked in a low voice, his eyes solemn.

Tang Tiantian's face froze, and she gave a wry smile and said, "In other words, we can only win this battle. The disparity in strength between the enemy and us is not big, and the disparity in equipment is not big, it's just..."

"It's just that you're not optimistic about my tactical deployment? Or is it something else?" Jackson asked in a deep voice.

"It's just that we don't have enough weapons to restrain the bullets of the bullet-proof armor, let alone the weapons to restrain the mechas. There are a large number of people from the Dark Church in the rebel army. On the surface, we have a slight advantage in troops and weapons in this battle, but ┅┅ "Tang Tiantian knew that continuing to speak would shake the morale of the army, so she did not dare to say any more.

Jackson understood Tang Tiantian's worries, thought about it, and said in a deep voice: "I don't want to hear this again in the future. Your worries are not unreasonable, so we can only place our hope on helicopter bombings. The mechas are very powerful, but the face It cannot withstand the attack of large-caliber artillery shells, so I will hand over the helicopter to your people and hope that you can carry out this bombing seriously."

"Yes." Tang Tiantian solemnly agreed. Both of them would be harmed and prospered. They did not dare to be careless in the face of major right and wrong. Tang Tiantian knew exactly what he should do.

"Report." came a shout.

"Tell me." When Jackson saw that it was his intelligence adviser, his heart tightened, but his face remained calm as he responded.

"Our satellites detected that the enemy is rushing towards us, intending to attack. The hidden sentry on the front line also confirmed this. The enemy has about 5,000 people, divided into five groups, each group has about 1,000 people. They come from the marching route and attack. The targets are three points on the left, center and right respectively. The remaining two groups are following behind. They are obviously reserves, all camel cavalry, and they are marching very fast." The visitor eagerly reported.

"What, the enemy took the initiative to attack?" Jackson was shocked and couldn't understand why the enemy did this. You must know that taking the initiative to attack means leaving your position and being exposed to the gun. It is an unwise choice, even if you have to It is also best to attack at night. It will be easier under the cover of night. What is the enemy singing? Jackson looked at Tang Tiantian doubtfully.

Tang Tiantian's face also changed slightly. The enemy's active attack meant that everyone's original counterattack tactics were invalid and meant redeployment. Seeing Jackson's confused look, he quickly said: "The front of our position is in the middle, guarded by troops. Deep ditches and trenches are not a big problem. The left side is close to the coast and troops are stationed there. The right side is the mountains and there are troops stationed above. It is impossible for the enemy not to know this. Why are they still dividing their troops? If it were me, I would concentrate my troops to attack a little. The enemy is not stupid. We must know this, and there must be a conspiracy behind the division of troops.”

It has to be said that Tang Tiantian is indeed a person with high IQ and rich combat experience. He immediately realized the problem, but after all, he is not the commander-in-chief. There are some things that can only be mentioned but not spoken. Jackson's face darkened, he looked at the intelligence staff and shouted: "Immediately notify the combat troops to enter the position. The reserve troops have been hidden for me and don't move."

"Yes." The intelligence staff member saluted and hurriedly turned around and left.

"Since the enemy has divided its forces, we are not polite. No matter which way the enemy comes, they will be blocked by our defense forces. It is impossible to break through the defense line in a short time. You can gather all the helicopters and attack one of them. Say goodbye to the enemy. You're welcome, just use cluster bombs." Jackson said murderously.

"Yes." Tang Tiantian also felt that it was best to do this. Concentrate superior firepower to attack the enemy's one line, and the other three enemy lines would naturally retreat, and then they would pursue the victory.

"Pay attention to the enemy's anti-aircraft missiles." Jackson reminded. Anti-aircraft missiles have a guidance function and can chase and kill helicopters. They are a powerful ground-to-air weapon and the nemesis of helicopters, so they must be guarded against.

Tang Tiantian also knew that the enemy had many anti-aircraft missiles, and said in a deep voice: "I understand, which way to attack first?"

"Attack the center and make it difficult for them to move around. Remember, the helicopter will take off quickly and attack suddenly when the enemy is close to the position. Be sure to leave with one strike and not be entangled by anti-aircraft missiles." Jackson said murderously.

"Yes." Tang Tiantian said in a deep voice. Seeing that Jackson had nothing to say, he turned around and hurried away.

"Johnson!" Jackson shouted in a deep voice.

"Here." A capable soldier flashed out of the inconspicuous darkness, looking at Jackson with a burning gaze. He was the captain of the Jarhead team.

"Assign a brother from the squadron to infiltrate the enemy camp for me and burn it down. If these bastards dare to attack us, they must bear the consequences. The others should be ready for battle and go out with me at any time." Jackson He yelled murderously.

"Yes——!" Johnson shouted coldly, turned and left.

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