The strongest soldier

Chapter 298 New Mission

"Hahaha, who made our angel water beauty in white angry? You are so brave." A hearty voice came from outside. Soon, a tall figure appeared at the door with a rebellious smile on his face. He glanced at Luo Zheng casually, moved a stool and sat down, and continued: "Boy, I heard that you fucked Lao Maozi a lot? Tell me what happened."

"Xue Hu?" Luo Zheng didn't expect that it was Xue Hu who came in, and asked in surprise: "Have you returned to the base?"

"I just arrived yesterday and you made such a big fuss. I had to come back and have a look." Xue Hu said with a smile.

Luo Zheng knew that each elite soldier king in the base was responsible for many things. He was on standby at any time to undertake various tasks. However, there were also matters that were mainly followed, such as Lan Xue, who mainly followed the affairs of the Wild Wolf Mercenary Group, such as Drunkard, who mainly followed Samsara. The killer organization, while Snow Fox was responsible for dealing with the polar bear's Snow Bear Special Operations Brigade, earning the name Fox in the Snow.

The Snow Bear Special Operations Brigade was buried by an avalanche by Luo Zheng for unknown amounts of time. Whether his mortal enemy was killed or by his comrades, Snow Fox was naturally very happy. It was reasonable for him to come to ask about the specific situation. Luo Zheng smiled in understanding. : "You want to know about the snow bear, right?"

"It's necessary." Xue Hu said with a smile, and there was more expectation in his casual eyes.

"The ghost will write a detailed report on this matter. I'll let you know when I look back." A rich voice came out with a strong voice. It was Captain Wu. Captain Wu glanced at Luo Zheng and continued: "Wu Miao said you It’s no problem, brat, you’re recovering well, you’ve made me worry in vain, just come to my office if you have nothing to do.” After saying that, he threw a bag over and turned around to leave.

"Yes." Luo Zheng agreed quickly, took the bag and opened it. It was a set of clean officer uniforms. He glanced at Xuehu apologetically. Xuehu smiled in understanding and left. Luo Zheng quickly put on his clothes. From inside to outside, there are leather shoes and socks, everything is available.

After getting dressed and putting on his military cap, Luo Zheng hurriedly walked outside. He vaguely felt that the captain was looking for something to do with him. He was walking in a hurry. Soon, Luo Zheng came to the door of the captain's office, knocked on the door and went in. He closed the door with his feet. Damn, after saluting solemnly he said: "Captain, Luo Zheng is here to report, please give instructions."

"Take a break, be casual, don't always salute, come and sit down." Captain Wu smiled and motioned Luo Zheng to sit on the sofa. He looked at Luo Zheng and said with a satisfied smile: "You did a good job, you gave us a good face. Now you have become a celebrity and have a good reputation. There is a task that Mr. Li will personally order for you. Do you have the confidence?"

"No." Luo Zheng replied without hesitation.

"Huh?" Captain Wu looked at Luo Zheng in surprise. This kid was acting too unconventionally. He laughed and scolded: "Others always scream when they hear they have a mission, for fear that they won't give it to you. It's better for you to refuse directly without even knowing it. Why do you say you have no confidence?"

Luo Zheng responded in silence, his face as calm as water, but he was worried about Lan Xue's safety in his heart. No task was as important to Luo Zheng as Lan Xue, so he naturally declined.

"I understand, are you worried about Lan Xue?" Captain Wu is also a human being, otherwise he would not be the captain. He said dissatisfiedly: "Bad boy, I haven't finished speaking yet, why are you in such a hurry? What's more? , this task is for you to be assigned by Mr. Li himself. You think I am willing to give it to you, but I am not at ease if I leave it to you."

"Oh? What mission? Who is Mr. Li?" Luo Zheng asked in surprise, vaguely feeling that there was a connection.

"Are you interested?" Captain Wu scolded with a smile. After thinking for a moment, his face straightened up and he became serious. He warned: "You joined the National Blade Special Warfare Brigade, but there is no specific position assigned. It is a reserve talent. Now, I You are officially included in Lan Xue’s team, what questions do you have?”

"No." Luo Zheng was overjoyed. Having the establishment means that he has stabilized and become a real member of the National Blade Special Warfare Team. There is no pressure to accept Lan Xue's leadership. The teammates are all brothers who have been through life and death, so there is no difficulty in getting along with them. Where can I find such good things? He agreed wholeheartedly.

"It's okay if you don't. There are some things that I can officially tell you now, but please remember not to spread the word." Captain Wu seriously warned him. Seeing Luo Zheng sitting upright, he listened carefully and said with a satisfied smile: "Guo Zheng The Blade Special Warfare Brigade has three brigades. We belong to the Action Brigade, and there is also the Intelligence Brigade, which is responsible for intelligence collection, and the Equipment Brigade, which is responsible for the development of military technology weapons. The direct person in charge of the three brigades is Mr. Li, who is Lan Xue's grandfather. You guys Saw it."

Luo Zheng was shocked. He didn't expect the National Blade Special Warfare Group to be so large. The elegant old man and the agreement between them appeared in his mind. He smiled bitterly and said: "So that's it. I have an agreement with him, but , he sent me on a mission and he didn’t have time to train, what should I do with the agreement?”

"Stop bargaining. You kid exchanged your life for life and saved Mr. Li's granddaughter. Mr. Li personally appoints you as a general to recognize your ability. At least you don't have to worry about becoming an ordinary soldier king within half a year. Let you join the Blue Army. Mr. Li also means that Team Xue will not let you join if you cannot reach the strength of an ordinary soldier king, do you understand?" Captain Wu laughed angrily and scolded.

"Does that mean I've achieved the first point?" Luo Zheng asked back. Seeing that Captain Wu was about to curse in anger, he quickly said with a smile: "No, calm down, my mind is slow. You, sir, have a lot of missions." , talk about the mission." The mission was directed by Mr. Li, and Luo Zheng realized that the mission was related to Lan Xue.

"You just need to be dealt with." The captain of Wuhan University laughed and scolded, his eyes full of admiration, and continued: "There will be a global special forces competition in three months. This competition is held every two years. The subject of the last competition was encirclement and suppression. The biggest terrorist in the world, whoever kills the target is the first, there is no second."

"Isn't there going to be a secret fight between the participating teams?" Luo Zheng asked in surprise.

"Your boy responded well." The captain of Wuhan University smiled and said: "This kind of competition is said to be about military skill exchange, deterring terrorists, and promoting peace. The three major slogans are shouted loudly, but behind the scenes everyone knows that it is for each country to show its strength. In the hunting ground, secret fighting is nothing, as long as the hands and feet are clean and no clues are left, other participating teams have been directly wiped out."

"With internal fighting and external threats, we still have to complete the mission. It is indeed a hunting ground, a hunting ground where strong men fight. It's interesting, but what does it have to do with me? Lan Xue is in danger, and I must rush there." Luo Zheng's eyes flashed. There was a trace of fighting spirit, but he quickly regained his composure and asked calmly.

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