The strongest soldier

Chapter 297 Wu Miao’s Thoughts

Three days later, everyone walked out of the vast mountains, and an open plain appeared in front of them. A mountain camp was on standby. When they saw everyone coming, they brought hot water and cotton clothes and escorted everyone forward. After a day and night, everyone arrived at the border. What everyone didn't expect was that the commander-in-chief led the group army generals to rescue at the border. Everyone was treated like heroes, but Luo Zheng quietly boarded a transport helicopter.

The person driving the transport helicopter was a member of the National Blade Brigade. What Luo Zheng didn't expect was that military doctor Wu Miao also came, bringing equipment and an assistant. After the helicopter flew into a high-altitude cruise, he began to examine Luo Zheng's body. He hung up the salt water, his face full of worry.

Luo Zheng didn't even have a chance to say goodbye to everyone. Considering the mystery of the National Blade Special Warfare Brigade, this arrangement was reasonable and reasonable. Seeing Wu Miao's worried face, he couldn't help but ask: "What's wrong?"

"You have frostbite in several parts of your body and need to rest. I hope you will cooperate with my treatment after you return and are not allowed to leave the ward for three days." Wu Miao said with a serious face.

"It's just frostbite, a trivial matter." Luo Zheng was thinking about Lan Xue's safety and didn't care about his own injuries. He said nonchalantly, closed his eyes and rested, and soon fell into a dream. Fighting continuously, Luo Zheng spent too much energy. The energy and physical strength were completely relaxed at this moment, and the whole person suddenly relaxed.

Seeing Luo Zheng sleeping as soundly as a baby, Wu Miao felt a pain in her heart for no reason. It was a strange feeling. She had never felt like this before. Wu Miao looked at Luo Zheng's face intently. It was dirty and unnatural, and she felt that she His face became hot, and he quickly turned away and looked out the window, his heart pounding.

After a while, Wu Miao calmed down her panic and looked at Luo Zheng again, with a little more appreciation in her eyes. But when she thought of Luo Zheng and Lan Xue's life-and-death love situation, her expression finally calmed down. With a hint of paleness and bitterness, he looked away from the window again, secretly warning himself that this feeling should never start.

However, people's feelings are very strange. Wu Miao realized that she had a crush on Luo Zheng, and also realized that there was no result. Without thinking about him, all kinds of thoughts came to her like a flood, from the first day she met Luo Zheng to her observation. From Luo Zheng's training to everything that followed, Wu Miao suddenly found that she had begun to care about Luo Zheng.

"What a sin." Wu Miao sighed secretly. There were many people in the base who were better than Luo Zheng, and there was a long queue of suitors. Wu Miao didn't know why she had a crush on Luo Zheng, although this This good feeling is very weak and has no results. Once it develops, Wu Miao doesn't know what will happen to herself.

Thinking of Luo Zheng and Lan Xue's life-and-death dependence, Wu Miao was filled with envy. As a woman, with such a man to care for her throughout her life, what else could she ask for? While thinking wildly, when she heard the assistant's surprised shout, Wu Miao looked embarrassed, as if she had done something wrong and been caught by her parents, and asked in a panic: "What's wrong?"

"Are you okay?" the assistant asked curiously.

"It's okay, I'm just a little airsick." Wu Miao casually found an excuse to excuse himself. When he saw Luo Zheng sleeping soundly, he became very angry. He wished he could kick him to relieve his hatred and teach this person who had inadvertently stolen his heart. Bastard, but when he saw Luo Zheng sleeping, as if he hadn't slept in a few days, his heart ached and his resentment disappeared.

The helicopter roared forward, and Wu Miao looked outside with concern. Unknowingly, the helicopter landed at the base of the National Blade Special Warfare Brigade. The medical staff came over with a cart, carefully lifted the sleeping Luo Zheng up, and then went to the medical center. Pushing into the room, Captain Wu looked at the sleeping Luo Zheng and asked Wu Miao with a wry smile: "How is the situation?"

"There was no gunfire, but the frostbite was severe and required more than three days of rest," Wu Miao said truthfully.

"Three days? Is it so serious? It must be cured as soon as possible, and there must be no sequelae." A trace of worry flashed across Captain Wu's face and he hurriedly let Wu Miao go.

Wu Miao came to the medical room and signaled everyone to use scissors to cut off Luo Zheng's clothes. At this time, everyone discovered the bulletproof vest on Luo Zheng's body and the wolf skin inside the military boots. Wu Miao secretly cursed this bastard for being afraid of death and signaled everyone to help. , after removing all the clothes from the body, the strong muscles and frostbitten parts were exposed.

Looking at Luo Zheng's hard muscles, Wu Miao felt a burst of heat for no reason, and his face was hot. As a military doctor, Wu Miao had seen many soldiers' figures. There were many people who were stronger than Luo Zheng, but Wu Miao didn't feel anything at all. In embarrassment, he silently cursed his enemy, took a deep breath, and examined carefully. With the help of assistants, he applied plaster to the frostbitten area, covered it with a quilt, and pushed it into the hospital bed.

In the daze, Luo Zheng felt that someone was helping him apply medicine again, and he thought about the possibility of returning to the base. He was too tired and didn't want to move, so he continued to fall asleep. He didn't know how long it took, Luo Zheng. When Zheng woke up, he found it was pitch black outside, but the room was snow-white, like a white iceberg and snowfield.

Luo Zheng was startled, and after taking a closer look, he realized that he was in the ward. He had been stripped naked and lying on the bed. He shook his head, which was a bit confused, and felt his body carefully. It seemed that the frostbitten area was fine, and his physical condition was Very good, no hidden wounds left, I couldn't help but be overjoyed.

At this time, the door was pushed open and someone came in. It was Wu Miao. Wu Miao didn't expect Luo Zheng to wake up so quickly, and asked in shock: "Are you awake? How do you feel?"

"It's okay, thank you." Luo Zheng said gratefully.

"You're welcome, this is our job." Wu Miao said calmly, and was about to lift the quilt to check. When she saw Luo Zheng's panicked eyes and shy look under the quilt, she couldn't help but be startled, then smiled and said: " What are you afraid of? I am a doctor, how can I know if you are okay without looking at it?"

"It's two different things. I feel much better now, so I don't need to trouble you." Luo Zheng said awkwardly.

"It's the same thing. I already looked over your body when I applied the medicine, and there's nothing there again. What's wrong? You're shy." Wu Miao joked for no reason. When she saw Luo Zheng's panicked eyes, the resentment in her heart was swept away. Kong, teased: "You're not even afraid of death, but you're still afraid of being seen by me?"

"You said two different things." Luo Zheng pressed the quilt tightly, his face turned red.

Wu Miao was in a good mood when she saw Luo Zheng's appearance. She smiled and said, "You won't be allowed to see it, right? You won't be allowed to leave the hospital."

When Luo Zheng thought of being discharged from the hospital, he immediately thought of Lan Xue. His face became solemn, he let go of his arms and said, "Look, you are a doctor. I will be discharged if everything is fine."

Seeing Luo Zheng's sudden change in attitude, Wu Miao couldn't help but be suspicious, but she still lifted the quilt and checked carefully, and found that all the frostbite on Luo Zheng's body was healed. Isn't this too fast? Suddenly thinking of Luo Zheng's extraordinary physique, he understood in his heart and asked casually: "Why are you in such a hurry to be discharged from the hospital?"

"Lan Xue is in danger, I must rush there as soon as possible." Luo Zheng said seriously.

"Come out, come out, leave the hospital immediately." Wu Miao said angrily for no reason, turned around and left.

"Huh?" Luo Zheng looked at this scene in surprise, a little confused. Who was provoked?

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