The strongest soldier

Chapter 299 So that’s it

You kid, after listening to what I have to say, what are you so anxious about? Captain Wu scolded with dissatisfaction: "I received the news ten minutes ago. In view of the terrorist incidents caused by the Wolf King of the Wild Wolf Mercenary Group in our country, which had extremely bad effects, our country has applied to the United Nations. The goal of this competition is set to Wolf King, do you understand now? "

"I understand, but Lan Xue is in danger now. The competition will be three months later." Luo Zheng asked.

"Aren't you a very smart person?" Captain Wu laughed and scolded: "The competition will be held in three months. Naturally, we can't alert the enemy now. I just got in touch with Lan Xue, and they will rush back right away. You have to train for three months. Countries All the top special operations teams are sent, and your team is not the strongest in the base. I am worried about letting you go, and we must train specifically for three months."

"No problem, I promise to complete the mission." Luo Zheng heard this and immediately understood everything. As long as Lan Xue is fine, it will be fine. As for the mission, the mission of a soldier is to perform the mission. Luo Zheng didn't care and agreed.

"Get ready first. They will start training when they arrive. What are your personal thoughts on training?" Captain Wu smiled with satisfaction and asked.

"Where is the Wolf King hiding?" Luo Zheng asked back. Only by knowing yourself and your enemy can you formulate a targeted training plan, right? As a hunter, Luo Zheng knows one thing very well. If you want to hunt, you must know the prey's habits, characteristics and attack methods, and use targeted restraint.

Seeing that Luo Zheng realized this, Captain Wu smiled with satisfaction and gained more confidence in this competition. He thought about it and said, "Ask Lan Xue about the specific situation later. He is in charge and knows a little bit about it in detail. I can tell you first that the Wild Wolf Mercenary Group, as one of the top ten mercenary groups in the world, is definitely stronger than you know. They have bases in every continent. Last time you only destroyed the bases in Asia. There are African bases, European bases, and American bases, four major bases. They are numerous and difficult to deal with, but the headquarters is in Africa."

"The headquarters is in Africa? There are many deserts and grasslands there?" Luo Zheng said in surprise. As for how many bases the Wild Wolf Mercenary Group has, Luo Zheng doesn't care. Just kill the Wolf King. The best way to kill the Wolf King is to directly Destroy their headquarters and force the Wolf King out. Therefore, it is imperative to pay attention to the situation in Africa.

"Yes." Captain Wu nodded and replied, his eyes full of exquisiteness.

"What a headache. I'm good at jungles, and I can also survive in snow. I'm not familiar with this desert grassland. It seems that I need to train my desert and grassland survival skills in a targeted way." Luo Zheng said helplessly.

"Very good. Now that you are aware of this, things will be easier to handle. My plan is to strengthen your basic skills in the first two months. You can practice physical fitness, fighting and shooting by yourself, as well as equipment, driving, language, and information." You are familiar with the combat characteristics of special forces from other countries, and I will arrange for people to train you for the last month of desert and grassland survival training. Are there any questions?" Captain Wu asked.

Luo Zheng thought for a while and said seriously: "No problem, don't worry, we won't give up until we kill the Wolf King this time."

"Very good, you go back first and hand in a detailed report on what happened in the past few days before dinner tomorrow. By the way, Lan Xue and the others will arrive the day after tomorrow." Captain Wu issued the eviction order.

Luo Zheng stood up, saluted and left. When he came outside, a gust of cold wind blew. Someone was training hard on the training ground. Luo Zheng took a look and pondered. This mission is very difficult. The headquarters of the Wild Wolf Mercenary Group must be heavily defended. , is so powerful that one Wolf King is enough of a headache, and they must always be on guard against attacks from participating teams from other countries, which are the top special forces in the world.

However, when he thought of having the opportunity to fight against the world's top special forces, the blood in Luo Zheng's heart boiled. Fighting against the strong, there would be no regrets in dying. Thinking of this, Luo Zheng's eyes became firm, and he walked towards the dormitory, watching The familiar dormitory was empty with only one person in the absence of the brothers. There was still a warm feeling in his heart. People who had narrowly escaped death outside especially longed for a stable home. Luo Zheng knew very well that the National Blade Special Warfare Brigade was his second A family.

"Brother, are you there?" Someone knocked on the door outside, and in came Drunkard and Xue Hu, the elite soldiers of the base.

"Two brothers are here, sit down wherever you want." Luo Zheng started to pour water for everyone. When he saw the drunkard taking out a bottle of wine, his eyes suddenly lit up. He reached out to grab it. When he saw a blur in front of his eyes, he knew that the drunkard was there. He hid and used small and delicate grappling techniques to quickly cut into the drunkard's hand veins.

The drunkard's face changes. If his hand pulse is cut, his arm will be paralyzed, and the wine will be snatched or dropped. Unless he lets go and fights back, the wine will still be snatched away. It's not a life and death fight, so just put the wine into Luo Zheng's hand. When it was sent up, Luo Zheng snatched it away and said with a smile: "Brother, why are you so polite? You even brought wine."

"Your kid's behavior is getting more and more ruthless, and you have the aura of success if you don't succeed. It seems that you have gained a lot from your experience in the past few days." The drunkard smiled appreciatively, his face suddenly turned aside, and he pretended to be vicious. He looked like he was scolding: "But, we are brothers, do you need to treat me like this?"

"I can't help it, good wine touches people's hearts." Luo Zheng smiled nonchalantly. After getting along for so long, Luo Zheng knew that drunkards are not stingy people. He looked at Xue Hu and asked with a smile: "Brother, you come here empty-handed, don't you?" So kind."

"I don't have much, and all my food and clothing are at the base. You still want me to bring you a gift?" Xuehu scolded with a dissatisfied smile. He picked up a cup and moved it over, signaling Luo Zheng to pour some wine to taste.

Of course, Luo Zheng would not refuse. He poured three full glasses, put the bottle aside, and said with a smile: "Brother Drunkard, thank you for the good wine. Come here, here is a toast to you."

"Take my wine to honor me, you can imagine it, you kid is a bad example." The drunkard laughed and cursed, but he picked up the wine glass and drank it in one gulp. Only drunkards dare to drink this kind of high-concentration medicinal wine so hard, Snow Fox Seeing Luo Zheng finish his drink slowly, he smiled awkwardly and took a small sip.

"It's okay if you don't have the ability to drink. You don't even have the courage to drink. Drinking with people like you is the most boring thing. Come on, brother, drink more." The drunkard looked at Xuehu dissatisfied and said.

Luo Zheng smiled, filled the cup for the drunkard, and filled it for himself. He burped and felt a warm current spread all over his body. He was so warm and comfortable that he couldn't help but secretly said: "It's really a good thing. Let's drink this cup." , the remaining cold air and moisture in the body are probably eliminated."

"Who has lost the courage to drink?" Xuehu next to him said dissatisfiedly. They are all elite soldiers. They compete secretly. No one will be easily convinced. Xuehu picked up the cup and drank it in one gulp. They met soon. At the bottom, he showed the empty cup and said, "I don't have the guts? What is this?" As he said that, his eyes became blurred, his body swayed, and he fell on the iron bed next to him and fell asleep.

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