The strongest soldier

Chapter 27 Crazy Training

After figuring it out, Luo Zheng continued to train latently. After one hour, he felt uncomfortable all over his body and always wanted to move. Luo Zheng tried his best to endure it. After two hours, Luo Zheng felt unbearable itching all over his body and wanted to scratch it with his hands. As if frozen, his whole body was stiff, and he wished he could stand up right away. Luo Zheng gritted his teeth and persisted. Until three hours later, Luo Zheng could no longer hold on.

Luo Zheng was not very satisfied with lurking for three hours at a time, but he could accept it. Before joining the army, he could lurk for two hours at most. Three hours was considered an improvement. Luo Zheng found that his senses were much more sensitive than before. I wonder if it is the breathing method passed down from my family that plays a role?

It was already twelve o'clock in the evening. Luo Zheng quietly sneaked back to the camp, washed and skinned the snake, stewed it over a low fire, cleared a space in the restaurant, and started playing the third set of military boxing. As early as the recruit company's At that time, military body boxing was a routine that must be trained. As for how far you can practice it, it depends on your personal understanding.

The main features of the first set of military boxing are routine exercises that are composed of basic fighting skills and basic movements. The movements are concise, have martial arts implications, are applicable, have certain training value, and have self-defense effects; while the second set of military boxing mainly It is a routine practice consisting of basic fighting movements such as throwing, grabbing knives, grabbing guns, and attacking. The movements are concise and applicable. Each move is "defeating the enemy with one move." It can protect yourself, exercise the body, and enhance your physique.

The third set of military style boxing has the characteristics of the first and second sets, as well as the characteristics of the Chang Fist, which is stretched and generous, the movements are flexible, fast and powerful, and the rhythm is obvious. It also has the characteristics of the Nan Quan, which has steady steps, fierce momentum, and strong and powerful movements. The number of movements is equal to the sum of the first and second sets, the amount of exercise is also larger, the difficulty of the movements is more complex, and they all have martial arts implications. It not only exercises the body, but is also an effective means to defeat the enemy.

Luo Zheng fought for two hours and was soaked all over. He washed himself with cold water under the faucet and put on clean clothes. Then he sat down to rest, wiped away the stewed snake meat, and took a look. It was already three o'clock in the morning. Luo Zheng slept with his clothes on, while practicing the breathing method passed down from his family to restore his strength.

Early the next morning, Luo Zheng got up. There was a gathering sound outside, and then the team started running in the morning. Luo Zheng looked at the time, it was 5:30, and saw that everyone was running with heavy loads. The weight of the marching bags they prepared was unknown. , thinking that everyone would have dinner soon, he quickly got busy.

Breakfast was steamed buns with rice porridge. Luo Zheng still made them in an hour. Seeing that everyone hadn't arrived yet, he simply ate by himself. Just after finishing the meal, the team came over to eat. Luo Zheng watched silently and found that the instructor was also there, and a few The officers sat together and whispered something, not bothering to eavesdrop, and ran away to wash their clothes.

The instructor came out after eating and drinking. He saw Luo Zheng washing clothes. He stopped and sneered disdainfully. Without saying anything, he continued walking forward. Luo Zheng hung up his clothes and came out. He saw the team gathering at the training ground and took a look. Time, eight o'clock, the team began to do the hook ladder training. Each person went up and down 200 times, and everyone was gasping for breath. After the hook ladder training, they had to cross a 30-meter barbed wire fence, which was still 200 times.

Luo Zheng could see that everyone's physiques were good. If they continued to train at this amount, their strength would grow a lot. He couldn't help but think about his own training amount. It seemed that he had to increase the amount, but Luo Zheng still had to do it. He does not intend to engage in training immediately, but continues to observe the training of the troops.

At ten o'clock, the troops went to the gym for training, and Luo Zheng followed him. Everyone just laughed a few times, but they didn't feel embarrassed. The instructor didn't even look at Luo Zheng, but Luo Zheng didn't care, and carefully wrote down everyone's training methods and training methods. Measurements include 100 reps of 15kg dumbbells, 100 reps of pull-up machines, and 100 reps of arm strength bars.

After lunch, I took a short break and did some anti-exposure physical training at 1:30. I held my assault rifle horizontally, with a brick hanging from the muzzle of the gun, and sunbathed for an hour without moving. At four o'clock, I went to the training ground to shoot targets for an hour. After that, I practiced the reverse technique, which is to jump back 1.5 meters high and hit the ground with my back. Half an hour after dinner, I continued to run 2000 meters with a load of 20 kilograms.

At the end of the day, Luo Zheng thoroughly understood the army's training plan, and took note of the training methods and essentials while listening. After dinner, while everyone was running with heavy loads, he quietly left the canteen, entered the back mountain from the back, and found an open space to train. Without equipment, Luo Zheng practiced push-ups, squat jumps and backward falls.

Two hours later, Luo Zheng continued to practice lurking while using breathing techniques to regain his strength. Three hours later, Luo Zheng got up and looked at his watch. It was already twelve o'clock in the evening. After three hours of lurking training, Luo Zheng felt that he Feeling energetic again, he found a big tree as an imaginary enemy and started practicing Juntiquan. This practice lasted two hours.

Three days in the morning, Luo Zheng returned to the cafeteria, washed himself and went to bed with his clothes on. He quickly fell into a deep sleep using the family's breathing method. Two hours later, when the sky became brighter, Luo Zheng got up to cook as usual, and suddenly found that he was energetic. I am still very full of energy, and I am overjoyed when I think about the progress I have made in my breathing technique.

With the help of breathing methods, the body can fully withstand high-intensity training. As long as the nutrition can keep up, the training volume can be increased. Thinking of the two-year appointment, Luo Zheng's eyes became firm, and he clenched his fists and started to make noodles for breakfast. , although the people here don't want to see me, but they can provide a good environment, which is enough, cooking is just a thank you.

After breakfast, Luo Zheng did not continue to watch everyone's training. The instructor and others thought that Luo Zheng was satisfied with his curiosity and went back to sleep. No one cared. Luo Zheng was so happy that he went up the mountain to train for two hours, and then went to the place where wild beasts roam. Some traps have been laid, and the strong training volume requires sufficient nutrition to keep up.

In the afternoon, Luo Zheng continued to train in the back mountain. He practiced martial arts boxing against a big tree. His fists were wrapped with cloth and he kept punching at the big tree. He regarded the big tree as an imaginary enemy and kept imagining ways in which the enemy might counterattack. With my own method of coping, I practiced for another half an hour. I felt my arm was so swollen and painful that I had to stop. I unwrapped the cloth and saw that the knuckles of my fist were bleeding and very red and swollen.

Luo Zheng knew that if he continued to practice, his palms would be useless, so he had to stop and take a short rest. After feeling that the pain in the knuckles of his palms was less, Luo Zheng went to the hillside to practice running back and forth, rushing up the hillside quickly, and then rushing down again until he was about to reach the end of the hillside. Squeeze out the last bit of energy.

On the way back, Luo Zheng saw a hare trapped in a trap. He was overjoyed and took the hare back to the cafeteria to cook. During the meal, Luo Zheng still watched silently and listened to everyone talking about their training experiences. , learned that there was a 25-kilometer cross-country march training in the evening with a load of 20 kilograms, and I couldn't help but wonder, should I do cross-country march training?

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