The strongest soldier

Chapter 28 Encountering the Enemy

After thinking for a while, Luo Zheng decided to train according to Lan Xue's method. In comparison, Luo Zheng found that although Lan Xue's training method was cruel, he had no choice but to fight for the two-year appointment. After the troops were pulled out for training, Luo Zheng I also came to the back mountain and found a dense jungle to start training. There were trees everywhere. It was not easy to run fast and required constant dodging. This kind of training can improve judgment, calculation and body skills.

In less than ten minutes, Luo Zheng felt dizzy and couldn't keep up with his breathing. His chest hurt so much due to lack of oxygen that he had to stop, sit on the floor, and use breathing techniques to recover quickly. After resting for about half an hour, he felt better. Later, Luo Zheng knew that haste makes waste, so he started practicing Military Boxing. Two hours later, Luo Zheng was covered in sweat and felt exhausted. Every time he punched, it was very difficult. He knew that he was almost done. He found a place to disguise himself and carried out sniper training with a gun in hand.

The moonlight was like water and veil, gently caressing the plants and trees on the earth. The evening breeze was a bit cold, and the leaves rustled. The surrounding became quiet. After a while, Luo Zheng felt that his breathing became smoother, and the stiff muscles of his body slowly relaxed. , the whole person enters an ethereal state, and all the surrounding sounds are clearly distinguishable in the mind.

I don’t know how long it took, Luo Zheng felt as if his blood had solidified, and his body was out of control. He knew that it was almost done, and I was afraid something would happen if he continued practicing, so he slowly moved his body. After ten minutes, Luo Zheng hid his disguise. He went to the bushes, took the gun and walked down the mountain. Under the cover of darkness, he quickly returned to the canteen.

One side of the cafeteria is against the mountain. Luo Zheng easily climbed in through the window. He closed the window and looked at the time. It was already three o'clock in the morning. He quickly washed himself, fell on the bed and rested using the traditional breathing method. It didn't take long for him to enter. Entering a state of deep sleep, breathing becomes deep and long.

Early the next morning, Luo Zheng woke up and felt that he had endless strength in his body. His finger joints no longer hurt. All the congestion was dispersed and they were as good as before. He knew it was the result of the improvement of his skills. He couldn't help but be overjoyed. He heard someone getting up from outside. He gave the order, quickly tidied up, and got into the kitchen to get busy with breakfast.

A week passed in a flash. During this week, Luo Zheng practiced physical fitness and speed in the morning, body and boxing skills in the afternoon, and sniping and lurking in the evening, exercising his endurance and willpower. When he was tired, he used breathing techniques to adjust his breath. After a while, in this desperate training state, Luo Zheng could feel his strength and speed increasing.

This morning, while having breakfast, the training team said that they would conduct sniper training later. Luo Zheng was a little curious, so he did not go to the back mountain. After cleaning up the canteen, he came to the training ground and saw the instructor explaining the key points of sniping. After listening for a while, he was all How to practice your eyesight, that is, eye sniping. Luo Zheng remembered Lan Xue's analysis of eye sniping and heart sniping. Eye sniping is the first step to becoming a sniper. The highest level of a sniper is heart sniping. Lan Xue asked Luo Zheng directly practiced mental sniping. Luo Zheng believed Lan Xue's words and had no interest in listening.

At this time, Luo Zheng suddenly felt that someone was watching him, and he couldn't help but be startled. During this period of time, everyone from the instructors to the students had selectively forgotten about Luo Zheng. No matter whether Luo Zheng was listening or observing, everyone pretended that he didn't exist. Maybe it’s the right thing to pay attention to? Luo Zheng turned his head in surprise and saw something familiar. A closer look revealed that the other party was wearing a provocative sneer. It was Song Yang, an old acquaintance who sent him to border defense. Luo Zheng suddenly became angry.

"What are you doing here? You haven't prepared lunch yet." The instructor seemed to have noticed something unusual, and when he saw Luo Zheng's expression was wrong, he asked angrily.

Luo Zheng glanced at the instructor, then looked at Song Yang, wondering in his heart, he hadn't seen him before, could he have just arrived? He also joined the training camp later, so Song Yang should be a related person. Why can Song Yang participate in the training camp but he can't? Luo Zheng keenly noticed the strangeness here, but he did not point it out. A coldness flashed in his eyes and he turned around and left.

The instructor also noticed Luo Zheng's abnormality. He glanced at Song Yang and his expression became complicated. He wanted to scold Luo Zheng, but found that he couldn't find a reason. After Luo Zheng came to the training camp, he did it for everyone on time every day. He had good food, did not interfere with or affect everyone's training, and did not cause trouble for everyone. It would be too obvious to blame him any more. He suppressed his anger and ordered the troops to disband and rest, and motioned to Song Yang to come aside.

"Instructor, is there any way to drive that person out?" Song Yang whispered with a livid face.

"Song Shao, I'm afraid this matter is a bit difficult. He came here for training and was registered by the military region. Let him leave before the training is over. On the surface, it is difficult for everyone to explain, but don't worry, I remember what the old chief told me. You just You may not know yet, but I asked him to cook every day and didn’t teach him anything at all. If he stayed, it would be a waste of time. When the time is up, he would be sent away as unqualified." The instructor explained in a low voice.

"That's fine, but I have a grudge against him and I can't take advantage of him. Is it okay to vent my anger? Doesn't the training team have a death indicator?" Song Yang said coldly.

"Huh?" The instructor was cold.

"Don't worry, instructor. My dad said that after this matter is completed, I will transfer you to work beside me. We all know your ability and loyalty, and we will not entrust you with important tasks in the future." Song Yang whispered.

The instructor's expression changed and he hesitated. When he saw Song Yang's impatient look, he gritted his teeth and said in a low voice, "Don't play so hard that you can't stop playing."

"Understood." Song Yang sneered, looking at Luo Zheng's back as he walked away, a trace of viciousness flashed in his eyes.

"Report." The warehouse manager trotted over and saluted the instructor.

"What's the matter?" the instructor asked seriously.

"Student Luo Zheng came here early in the morning to apply for ammunition. Will it be given?" the administrator said quickly.

"What should I give? Aren't bullets under unified management? What if something happens?" Song Yang said dissatisfiedly from the side without waiting for the instructor's answer.

The administrator glanced at Song Yang in surprise. He couldn't figure out who this guy was. He actually dared to give orders in front of the instructor. However, he found that the instructor was not dissatisfied. The administrator realized that there was something strange in this. This person was not simple, so he suppressed his anger. , looked at the instructor, waiting for orders.

If it was before, the instructor was too lazy to care about Luo Zheng's training. After all, not giving him ammunition would give him a false excuse. Once the matter was exposed, it would be difficult to trace it to the superiors. Now the situation is different. Song Yang wants to repair Luo Zheng. If Luo Zheng has ammunition in his hand , maybe there will be a murder, and then I won’t be able to eat and walk around.

"Instructor┅┅?" Song Yang said dissatisfied.

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