The strongest soldier

Chapter 26 Continuous self-improvement

The cafeteria is quite spacious, with a dining hall and a kitchen for cooking, but it is very simple and does not even have a basic fan. There are a lot of pots and pans. There is also a miscellaneous room with various foods in it. Luo Zheng After a brief observation, the thought of living here for three months made my lungs about to explode. But when I thought of Lan Xue, I swallowed my anger hard. The canteen is the canteen. Once it comes, I will make peace with it.

Children from poor families have early masters. Luo Zheng was born in an Orion family and is no stranger to cooking. It is not easy to prepare meals for thirty people when he is just a child. Without any preparation, he may not be able to cook in an hour. He wants to stay here. You have to endure it and act quickly.

Soldiers have big appetites, and they can swallow half a kilogram of rice by themselves without any problem. Luo Zheng estimated the amount of rice and washed it. He didn’t have a rice cooker, so he had to steam it in wooden barrels that were about to become obsolete. Fortunately, Luo Zheng had done this job before and kept the fire going. , boil a large pot of water, put the rice in and cook it, then take out the rice and drain it, put it in a wooden bucket with a bottom, scoop out the remaining porridge, wash the pot, and put the wooden bucket in the pot Inside, put water below, cover tightly on top, and steam over high heat.

While the rice was steaming, Luo Zheng went to the miscellaneous room and took a look. There was meat, potatoes, cabbage, eggs, etc. He thought that two dishes and one soup were enough. It was the same when he was in the recruit company, and he had some concerns in his mind. , picked up the potatoes, pulled out the Type 65 army dagger that he carried with him, and peeled them very quickly.

Soon, a large pot of potatoes was peeled, then the meat was cut, and the vegetables were washed. Luo Zheng did all this skillfully. In half an hour, everything was ready. The rice had been steamed. He took it out to wash the pot and cook. The firewood was very strong. After a while, a large pot of braised pork with potatoes and fried cabbage came out, and then I made an egg and tomato soup.

As soon as it was done, a voice came from outside, "Is the rice ready?" Soon, a soldier came in and saw two dishes, one soup and steamed rice. He turned and left without even looking at Luo Zheng. He quickly came to the training ground, saluted the instructor and reported the situation.

The instructor did not expect that Luo Zheng could prepare the meal in just an hour. A trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, but he quickly regained his composure. Thinking of the instructions from his old superior in the capital, he said coldly: "Is this garbage still useful? , just in time, it saves everyone a lot of trouble, pass my order and start dinner."

"Yes." The soldier agreed.

After the team disbanded, they rushed towards the kitchen. Everyone saw that the food had been placed on the table in the cafeteria. No one thanked them and everyone took their bowls to eat. Luo Zheng looked at this scene coldly and remained silent. Now that everyone has identified themselves as guanxi soldiers, it’s okay to be guanxi soldiers. There is no need to explain, and no one will believe the explanation. I also ate it. I was already screaming with hunger all the way here.

The officers and soldiers left after eating. The canteen was in a mess. Luo Zheng silently cleaned up the canteen, washed the tableware, and mopped the floor. It was already seven o'clock in the evening. The soldiers were going out for night training. Luo Zheng came outside and saw Everyone was ready to run with heavy loads, but they didn't have a marching bag, so they came to the warehouse.

The warehouse manager did not embarrass Luo Zheng. There were a lot of things that should be distributed, such as clothes, utensils, weapons, etc. Luo Zheng led the things back to the kitchen and pushed open a miscellaneous room. The miscellaneous room was very small and could only be put down. There was a bed, and there was dust everywhere in the room. Luo Zheng had to clean it.

A few minutes later, Luo Zheng made the bed and lay on the bed fully clothed. He came full of enthusiasm, but he was met with injustice, neglect and ridicule. Why was all this happening? Why does the instructor do such a great job? Why not just shut yourself out? What's so weird about this?

After thinking for a while, Luo Zheng couldn't figure it out, so he simply gave up. The top priority was to become stronger. As long as he could become stronger, what did a little humiliation mean? Luo Zheng quickly figured it out and began to recall the combat skills taught by Lan Xue. Since the instructor was unwilling to teach them, he would practice them himself.

With the decision made in his heart, Luo Zheng smiled firmly and calculated his time schedule. In addition to three meals a day, each meal lasted an hour, he still had twenty-one hours. He had the breathing method passed down from his family and slept. Only three hours are enough, and the remaining eighteen hours can be used for training.

Of course, you can't train blindly. Luo Zheng has seen Lan Xue's strong strength and the enemy's combat effectiveness. In comparison, he is inferior in all aspects. After thinking about it, Luo Zheng decided to focus on strength and speed training during the day and at night. When practicing spears, if you have the chance, just watch how other people practice fighting skills. If you don't have the chance, forget it. I learned military boxing when I was in the recruit company, and I practiced Yeluzi at home before. Just pick it up and practice again.

With the decision and direction, Luo Zheng felt that his eyes suddenly became brighter, and the unfair treatment and insults he had received no longer mattered. He immediately stood up, put on his camouflage uniform, picked up an empty gun without bullets, and set off. Yes, according to regulations, guns can be distributed for everyone to familiarize themselves with. Bullets are only distributed during training and not during normal times to avoid accidents.

After walking out of the cafeteria, Luo Zheng looked around and walked towards the back mountain. Then the moonlight plunged into the mountain forest and found a hillside to stop. The surroundings were full of shrubs. Luo Zheng recalled Lan Xue's words, collected the shrubs, and quickly compiled He put a disguise on his body, even covering his head, leaving only a pair of eyes exposed, and then lurked in the bushes. He seemed to blend in with the surroundings, and could not be noticed at first glance.

Luo Zheng, who had lurked down, immediately breathed using the breathing method passed down from his family. He quickly entered an ethereal state. Gradually, the frightened crickets around him began to chirp again, frogs chirped harmoniously, the moonlight was as gentle as water, shining on the bushes, and the wind was gentle. The gentle breeze blows by, revealing a quiet and peaceful scene. Who would have thought that there is a person lurking here?

At this time, Luo Zheng was feeling everything around him carefully, not letting go of a sound, imagining the position of the cricket and the position of the frog. He didn't know how long it had been, but Luo Zheng vaguely felt that there was danger approaching. He couldn't help but be startled, and carefully When I felt it, I felt a faint rustling sound, and something was approaching. I couldn't help being startled, but I didn't move. I waited patiently, my whole body tensed, and I held my breath.

Not long after, Luo Zheng felt that the thing leaning against him was getting closer. He couldn't help but turn his head slightly and looked over. He found that it was a snake, three meters long. It was holding its head high and spitting out a message. He couldn't help but smile. Shi Jun held the dagger in his arms, waiting calmly and motionless.

Perhaps the snake felt that it could not swallow Luo Zheng in one gulp, so it turned around and swam to one side. Luo Zheng's body bounced, suddenly jumped up high, and rushed towards the snake. The snake raised its head and was about to fight back. The army dagger in Luo Zheng's hand It flashed across like lightning and hit the snake's head directly, causing the snake's head to fly off.

"Good stuff, I can make up for it tonight." Luo Zheng grabbed the snake and smiled proudly. He suddenly thought that it would be good to guard the canteen. At least no one would notice the food he made at night. It would be much more convenient to turn on the small stove, and the depression in his heart was gone. And empty.

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