The strongest soldier

Chapter 265 Encountering a battle by chance

After lifting the snowflakes, it turned out to be a corpse. The corpse had been eaten clean by wild beasts, leaving only the skeleton. Luo Zheng picked up the clothes on the ground. They had been torn to pieces and covered with blood. It was vaguely visible that it was snow. The camouflage combat uniform was a thick and wear-resistant winter coat. There was no military rank or national emblem, and no nationality could be seen. Luo Zheng threw the clothes aside and saw two military boots next to them, which were full of marks torn by teeth.

The military boots looked still wearable. Luo Zheng picked them up happily and poured out the snowflakes inside to see. They were not too bad. He picked up the rotten clothes and wiped the inside of the boots clean. At least they were much better than his own leather shoes. Luo Zheng took the boots Trying on the last one, the military boots were a little too big, but the wolf skin wrapped around the feet made it just right. Luo Zheng was so happy that he put the other one on and stamped his feet. He felt much more comfortable.

"Huh?" Luo Zheng looked to the side in surprise. There was a raised snowdrift. It didn't look like a stone under the snowdrift. Luo Zheng walked over and kicked it. It was a backpack. Luo Zheng was surprised and squatted down to check. There was a radio communication inside. equipment, a medical kit, a sleeping bag, and a pack of compressed biscuits, but no weapons or ammunition.

Luo Zheng picked up the radio communicator in surprise and checked it. It had been frozen and could not be used. He threw it aside helplessly. He did not lose heart and opened the medical box. It contained all first aid medicines and a sleeping bag. It could also be compressed. Luo Zheng was immediately overjoyed that the biscuits were not broken. With these things, his hope of getting out of this damn snowfield was greatly increased.

Soon, Luo Zheng became confused. The medicines in the medical kit were all in foreign languages, which was different from domestic equipment. Thinking that the military boots were several sizes too big, he couldn't help but secretly thought: "Judging from these equipment, are they foreign soldiers? Foreign soldiers What are you doing here?"

In confusion, Luo Zheng found a pistol not far away. He couldn't help but was startled. He thought that the pistol belonged to this person and had been carried there by the wild beast. He ran over to pick it up in surprise. The pistol was frozen and could not be used. Luo Zheng Zheng reluctantly threw the pistol aside. With such a low temperature and no maintenance for a long time, the gun would be useless. Luo Zheng was too lazy to check the surroundings and continued on his way.

The hope of survival increased greatly. Luo Zheng seemed to see a chance to survive. His confidence increased greatly. His strength seemed to be endless. The snow layer became shallower and shallower. Luo Zheng almost marched in a hurry. At noon, Luo Zheng ate a meal. At night, there was a sleeping bag. Luo Zheng found a cliff to shelter from the wind, climbed up to an open platform halfway up the mountain, spread the sleeping bag behind a boulder, and moved a few more rocks to block it for protection.

After doing all this, Luo Zheng breathed a sigh of relief, swallowed the last snow chicken clean, swallowed some more snow water, and got into the sleeping bag to rest. The sleeping bag was very warm and should be a special military product. It was windproof, moisture-proof, and insulated. Hot and cold, sleeping in it was like sleeping on a bed at home, Luo Zheng quickly fell into a dream.

There is no need to worry about wild beasts on the mountainside of this cliff. Even if wild beasts come, it will not be a big problem. If you are in a sleeping bag, the wild wolves will not eat easily if they cannot see the food. There are huge rocks to cover them and they will not roll down the cliff. Luo Zheng Soon he fell into a dream. He had been traveling for several days. He was sleepy and tired. He really needed a sleep. It was okay if he didn’t have the conditions. Now that he had the conditions, Luo Zheng chose to sleep without hesitation. As long as he got enough sleep, he could survive. The hope is greater.

I don’t know how long it took, Luo Zheng faintly heard the thunder and thought it was going to rain. He thought the sleeping bag was waterproof, so he didn’t care and planned to continue sleeping. Suddenly he remembered that this was a snow-capped mountain plateau and there was no chance of thunder or rain in this season. He couldn’t help but I woke up with a start, opened my eyes and saw that the sun was shining brightly outside.

After sleeping for a while, Luo Zheng felt much better, and the frostbite in parts of his body was actually much better. He couldn't help but wonder, thinking that it might be related to the breathing method passed down from his family. Recently, Luo Zheng found that his body's resilience was getting better and better. As he became stronger, Luo Zheng picked up the pistol, opened the mouth of his sleeping bag, and got out after making sure there was no danger outside.

"Boom!" There was another faint sound of thunder. Luo Zheng turned his head and looked over in surprise. It was to the east, and it should be dozens of miles away from him, because the surroundings were dead silent, and thunder could travel very far, but this thunder The sound doesn't sound like God is thundering, but more like the explosion of a grenade?

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng trembled, quickly packed up, rushed down the mountainside, and ran quickly to the east. The strange corpses, strange thunder, and this indifferent area connecting several countries, Luo Zheng Zheng thought that there might be a battle ahead and planned to go take a look. Anyway, along the way, if possible, he would find a way to get communication equipment to contact the outside world as soon as possible to prevent Lan Xue from doing something drastic in anger.

It's been several days, and I don't know what's going on outside. Lan Xue should go after the Wolf King to avenge himself, right? Thinking of the terrible consequences of Lan Xue's suicide after successfully taking revenge, Luo Zheng became anxious and quickened his pace. Half an hour later, the sound in front of him stopped and Luo Zheng continued on his way.

Another half hour later, Luo Zheng came to a canyon. The canyon was not big and suitable for an ambush. It was surrounded by mountain peaks. If you wanted to go there, you could only go through the canyon. It was an ideal ambush point. Luo Zheng observed it for a while and did not dare to go directly. Take the canyon to avoid being ambushed by someone in the canyon and accidentally injure yourself, and run towards the mountain peak.

Half an hour later, Luo Zheng climbed up the mountain and continued on his way east along the ridge. Ten minutes later, there were traces of explosions in the canyon ahead. It looked like someone was ambushing here, but no bodies were seen. For communication equipment, no The nosy Luo Zheng sped up and rushed forward.

Marching in a hurry without seeing anything suspicious, Luo Zheng slowed down helplessly and looked around vigilantly, searching. Suddenly, gunfire rang out in front of him. The sound was very faint. Luo Zheng was startled and listened carefully. Several more gunshots were heard, and this time Luo Zheng heard it clearly. He was startled and quickened his pace again.

After climbing over a mountain, there was still a hillside ahead, but the view was much wider. Luo Zheng was surprised to find that there were two groups of people fighting in the distance. One group was chasing and killing, and the other group was fighting and retreating. The situation looked very dangerous, and he couldn't help but I became curious, but unfortunately it was too far away to see clearly, so I quickened my pace.

Ten minutes later, Luo Zheng carefully climbed up a mountain and hid behind a rock. The snow on the mountain was very shallow and the field of vision was wide. Luo Zheng found that the pursuing party was fully armed, like an army, and the retreating party was also fully armed. He was dressed as a soldier and could not tell his identity. Luo Zheng was startled and decided to check the situation before talking.

"Fuck your grandma, come on, da da da." At this time, the person responsible for breaking up the rear roared angrily, with a voice filled with absolute murderous intent, as if he was going to pierce the damn sky with an angry bullet. He slashed across the space barrier fiercely, as if he was going to tear the pursuing enemy into pieces, but he was quickly suppressed by the pursuer's precise firepower and hid behind a rock unable to move.

"Huh?" Luo Zheng was shocked when he heard that it was one of his own and the voice was very familiar.

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