The strongest soldier

Chapter 264 Snow Chicken lives on

When the sun rose the next morning, Luo Zheng stood on the mountain in the wilderness and looked far into the distance. He was secretly glad that he had stopped for the night. He had been traveling all day and night. He was very physically exhausted and had an empty stomach. But there was still snow all around him. There was nothing edible in sight. Luo Zheng once again used the sun to check the direction, dragging his tired body and continued eastward, observing the surrounding snow as he walked.

One hour passed, two hours passed, and Luo Zheng felt that his will was about to collapse. Hungry was on the one hand, and there was still a vast silence ahead. There was no hope in the snowy wasteland. He was alone and could not find anything. It’s really disappointing to have no one to talk to and no companions to encourage each other.

Luo Zheng wanted to give up. He was too tired, too hungry, and his body was numb from the cold. He didn't want to move. He wished he could lie down immediately and lie down forever. He didn't think about anything. It was all over. This damn cold weather , Damn Snowfield, Damn Wolf King, Luo Zheng thought bitterly, Lan Xue appeared in his mind involuntarily.

"Lan Xue doesn't know that he is still alive. I'm afraid he is seeking revenge from the Wolf King now, right? No, I have to go out as soon as possible to stop this. Lan Xue takes revenge in a rage, loses basic judgment, and his combat effectiveness is greatly reduced. He will definitely die. No, we must not let this happen." Luo Zheng shouted in his heart. Suddenly, a huge force surged out of his body. This force spread throughout the muscles and bones of his body, and his whole person suddenly exuded powerful vitality. Luo Zheng dragged He continued on his way with his tired body and his eyes firm.

Another hour passed, and Luo Zheng saw a hillside in front of him. The hillside was covered with trees. Although it was covered with snow and there was no life, his eyes lit up. Where there were trees, it meant there were other creatures, and there were also other creatures. Luo Zheng was overjoyed that he had something to eat and hurriedly crawled forward.

Luo Zheng came to the woods and searched around with his bloodshot eyes. The hunting skills he had learned in the past kept popping up in his mind. Ten minutes passed and nothing was found. Luo Zheng continued on his way, his eyes full of anxiety and desire. , half an hour passed, and still nothing.

Facing the cruel facts, Luo Zheng became a little desperate. Out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly noticed a line of footprints on the snow near a bush on a slope. He couldn't help but be overjoyed. He followed the footprints to the bush, pushed aside the bush, and found a rock crevice inside. There is a disk-shaped nest, which is full of hay, and there are three snow chickens lying inside.

Seeing the snow chicken, Luo Zheng was overjoyed. He rushed towards it like a hungry wolf, not caring about the bushes in front of him. Facing the hope of survival, Luo Zheng exploded with the remaining strength of his body, reached under the snow chicken with one hand, and grabbed it. He grabbed the feet of two snow chickens, and the remaining one wanted to fly away in a panic. Luo Zheng quickly grabbed the snow chicken with his free hand, grabbed the wings of the snow chicken, and roared excitedly.

The voice carried Luo Zheng's hope and spread far away. Snowflakes fluttered and fell from the tree branches. Luo Zheng glanced at the snow chicken in his hand. The feathers were earthy brown, densely covered with dark brown beetle-like markings. The throat was white, and the head and neck were white. It is brownish gray with large white spots on its wings. It must be a good thing to grow in this inaccessible mountain snowfield.

Driven by the desire to survive, Luo Zheng didn't care much. He pulled a few vines and tied the feet of the two snow chickens together, threw them at his feet, picked up the other one and twisted its neck directly, draining the blood into his stomach. He poured it in violently, like a beast that drinks blood and grows fur. The corners of his mouth and body are covered with blood.

After drinking up the snow, Luo Zheng tore open the skin of the snow chicken and exposed the tender meat inside. In order to survive and stay alive, Luo Zheng didn't care about anything. He opened his mouth like a hungry wolf. His mouth was full of residual chicken blood, and he bit into the tender meat without hesitation, as if it was the most beautiful food in the world.

Because snow chickens grow in snowy fields, they eat all stems, roots, leaves, buds, etc. of wild plants. Sometimes they also eat insects and small invertebrates. The meat is so tender that Luo Zheng, who was very hungry, ate several large mouthfuls Suddenly I found that it tasted good, and I couldn't help but feel more appetite, and continued to rush forward.

Ten minutes later, Luo Zheng had almost eaten all the tender meat on the skin of the snow chicken. As for the internal organs, Luo Zheng did not dare to eat them for fear of being poisoned. After eating a snow chicken, he was half full, and his body temperature Also gradually coming up, Luo Zheng looked at the remaining two snow chickens, couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, and rested on the spot.

With food in his belly, his physical strength gradually recovered. After a while, Luo Zheng felt better. He grabbed two snow chickens and continued on his way. This was the backup food for the next few days. It was freezing cold, so Luo Zheng didn't dare Kill it to prevent it from freezing to the point of being unable to eat, so you just carry it with you.

Luo Zheng walked along the canyon outside the mountain forest. This walk lasted for most of the day. Until the sun set, there was still snow in front of him. However, with two snow chickens in hand, Luo Zheng was not too worried, but his body was very cold and uncomfortable. , the frostbitten parts were more and bigger. If he didn't leave this damn snowfield as soon as possible, he would not be able to survive. In order to survive, Luo Zheng did not dare to stop at all, and gritted his teeth and persisted.

It was getting dark and the moon was out. Luo Zheng was so sleepy that he wished he could lie down and sleep immediately. His face was haggard, his eyes were sunken, and he looked listless. He climbed over the hills and walked over the ridges. After passing through canyons, Luo Zheng didn't know how far he had gone. There was only one thought in his mind, that is, keep walking, without stopping at all.

When you are sleepy, wash your face with snow to stimulate the brain nerves and stay awake. When you are tired, slow down and let your body slow down, just don't let yourself stop. Luo Zheng knows very well that the only way is to let yourself enter a state of non-self-control and continue to be numb. To move forward, to walk with inertia, you have to hold on. Once you stop, problems such as body soreness, fatigue, frostbite, etc. will appear, and people will collapse.

"The revolutionary ancestors were able to cross the snow-capped mountains back then, why can't I?" Luo Zheng encouraged himself secretly, gritted his teeth and persisted, and kept walking. The thickness of the snow gradually decreased, and the marching speed gradually accelerated. Under the moonlight, Luo Zheng watched There was only snow deep to my feet. I was overjoyed, and my firm eyes were full of hope for life.

One night hurried past with Luo Zheng's insistence. People must have faith and hope. Time passed quickly. Early the next morning, when the sun rose again, Luo Zheng stood on the empty hillside and stared into the distance. Looking out, the snow in front is lighter, and in many places the road has left the original shape of the mountain. On the flat wilderness, some brown stones are exposed, and some green grass grows under the stones.

"Ouch——!" Seeing this scene, Luo Zheng screamed in surprise and was born. With the hope of life, he finally saw hope. I believe that in two days' walk, he will reach the scope of human life, right?

"Huh? What is that?" Luo Zheng, who was excited, suddenly spotted a silhouette not far away from the corner of his eye, like a corpse, covered by heavy snow, and hurried over.

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