The strongest soldier

Chapter 263 Kill the wolf and get the items

The sky is clear and cloudless, the sun is staring high at the earth, and there is no green life in the vast snowy wilderness. It is as quiet as death. The wind blows the snowflakes and flies away. A wolf stands like a stone sculpture. , if it weren't for the icy cold edge in his eyes that made people tremble, he would definitely have thought it was a dead wolf. Luo Zheng looked at the wild wolf in surprise, took out his pistol, and waited sternly.

Meeting a wild wolf in the snow is definitely not a good thing. Fortunately, it was a lone wolf that got separated from the pack. It had a flat belly and was probably very hungry. However, a very hungry wild wolf was even more ferocious. Luo Zheng didn't dare to have it. There was no care at all, even though there were only two bullets, at the critical moment of life and death, there was no need to worry about saving.

The snow was too thick, and half of a person's body was stuck in it, making it difficult to move. If time went on, more wolves would be attracted, so he could only fight quickly. When Luo Zheng saw that the wild wolves were not moving, he simply took the initiative to attack. The soldiers had guns. Hands, fearless of anything, the wild wolf may have sensed Luo Zheng's provocation, and roared angrily, vibrating the hair on his body, shaking off the snowflakes on his body, and walked towards Luo Zheng, growling , with fierce eyes.

Luo Zheng was no longer Wu Xia Amon. He had experienced too many lives and deaths. He faced the hungry wolf without any panic. When he saw the hungry wolf taking the initiative to attack, he simply stopped and waited sternly. His eyes were like squares and he locked the hungry wolf coldly. Wolf, when the hungry wolf was no more than five meters away from him, he aimed his gun at the hungry wolf's eyes.

Anyone who is familiar with wolves knows that wolves have "legs of numbness, waist of tofu, and a broomstick tail and an iron brain." If the wolf is facing it head-on, if it is flat land, Luo Zheng will not mind attacking the wolf's waist, but the ground under his feet is thick. Snow, it is difficult to move, it is inconvenient to move, it is facing the head, the head is too hard, the bullet may not kill you immediately, once the death call is issued, it will be troublesome, and the eyes are weak, the bullet will crush the brain, Certain death.

However, Luo Zheng found that this wild wolf was not simple. After seeing the pistol, his head kept changing positions and shook irregularly, making it difficult to aim. He continued to move forward and stopped three meters away. The ferocious wolf became manic. It is the preparation and momentum before the attack that forces the prey to panic.

As one of the top of the food chain, wolves naturally have a set of survival rules. There are many psychological attacks before hunting. Timid people are often too scared to move. Luo Zheng knew this, and a sneer emerged from the corner of his mouth. He felt like a hungry wolf. When the authority was provoked, he roared angrily, covering his neck, opening his bloody mouth, and a stream of stench spewed out along with the roar.

"Bang!" Luo Zheng fired without hesitation. The bullet broke the dead silence of the snowfield and shot into the hungry wolf's mouth with a roar. After encountering resistance, the bullet's kinetic energy began to spin irregularly and at high speed, churning the wolf's internal organs into pieces. A pot of porridge, the bullet's remaining momentum roared out from the hungry wolf's butt, disappeared into the snow, and disappeared.

"Ouch--" The hungry wolf screamed and fell to the ground. His cold eyes were fixed on Luo Zheng. His eyes were full of terror and confusion. He couldn't understand why he died at the hands of this weak creature in front of him. Already?

The hungry wolf whose internal organs were completely minced had no strength, his consciousness began to fade, and he gradually closed his eyes. Luo Zheng walked up, put away the pistol, and pierced the blood vessels in the wolf's neck with the sharp part of the handcuffs, and blood flowed out. , Luo Zheng gritted his teeth, leaned forward and sucked it up. He had not finished all the rice all night and was already starving. In order to survive, he had to eat bark and ants, not to mention wolf blood.

Gudonggudong! Luo Zheng drank the wolf's blood in large gulps. It was freezing cold. If he drank too slowly, the wolf's blood would solidify. He wouldn't be able to drink it at that time. If he missed this time, he didn't know how long it would be before he could find something edible. He must do everything possible. Drink more, the law of nature, survival comes first.

A few minutes later, Luo Zheng felt that the wolf's blood was getting less and less, and the wolf's body gradually hardened. He had to stop, grabbed a handful of snow and wiped the blood at the corner of his mouth, then took a big mouthful of snow and swallowed it as it melted into water, and then Use the sharp part of the handcuff to skin the wild wolf.

The blood and meat of the wild wolf were all frozen into a hard stone and could not be eaten, but the fur was very useful. Luo Zheng peeled it off very carefully, even scratching and tearing it. After half an hour, a piece of wolf skin was peeled off, Luo Zheng Cut the wolf skin into two parts, then lie on the snow, lift up your feet, and take off your leather shoes and socks.

I used to act as bait when I went shopping with Guishou. I only wore a pair of ordinary leather shoes on my feet. Leather shoes cannot keep warm when walking in the snow. Cold comes from the feet. If the problem of keeping feet warm is not solved, they will freeze to death in this snowfield. When drinking wolf blood, Luo Zheng felt the heat generated by the blood entering the body and thought of this method.

If the wolf skin is not tanned, it will be very smelly. Fortunately, it is freezing here, the skin will not rot, and the smell is not great. Luo Zheng wrapped the furry side around his feet and tore off all the close-fitting T-shirts. , split into two, used as leggings, tie the trousers and wolf skin together, and then put socks in them.

After both legs were done, Luo Zheng rested for a while and felt that his numb feet had some warmth. He couldn't help but be overjoyed. As long as the problem of keeping his feet warm could be solved, Luo Zheng would have the confidence to walk out of this vast snow-capped mountain plateau and put on his leather shoes. It was very crowded, but it was still wearable. Luo Zheng glanced at the wolf corpse on the snow and said with some gratitude: "Brother Wolf, I'm sorry. Let's reincarnate and do something else in the next life."

After saying that, Luo Zheng looked up to the east, gritted his teeth, and continued to stride away. Perhaps because he drank the wolf's blood, his body was not numb from the cold. After walking for about an hour, it began to gradually get warmer. Luo Zheng hurriedly Slow down to prevent your body from sweating, and continue to grab the snow and put it in your mouth to turn it into water and swallow it.

After a night of raging snowstorms, although the temperature on the snow-capped mountain plateau was still tens of degrees below zero, the sun was good and the air was good, which made people feel very good. Luo Zheng kept hurrying and used the sun observation method to confirm it within an hour. direction to avoid going in the wrong direction.

The snow-capped mountains and plateaus were covered in white everywhere, without any reference. After a long time, he could not remember the direction. Driven by the desire to survive, Luo Zheng kept walking against the cold. As he walked, he could even feel that parts of his body muscles had been frostbitten. , but dare not stop, stopping means the destruction of hope.

It was getting dark and the moon was out. Luo Zheng still didn't dare to stay. It was too cold and he absolutely couldn't sleep. He would not be able to wake up if he fell asleep. He might as well continue on his way. Fortunately, Luo Zheng was determined and gritted his teeth and persisted. In such harsh conditions In an environment with no equipment, we must get out as soon as possible. One more minute of delay will put our lives in danger.

Luo Zheng didn't know how far ahead he was, but he always reminded himself to stay awake. When his pajamas swept up, Luo Zheng quickly grabbed a handful of snow and rubbed it hard on his face to eliminate fatigue and dispel randomness without daring to be numb at all. , fighting against the sky is even more terrifying, because no one knows when death will come, and if you want to survive, you must fight hard.

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