The strongest soldier

Chapter 266 Sneak Attack Assistance

The desolate snowfield, the strange battle, and the familiar voice all puzzled Luo Zheng. When he saw the pursuer turning his gun to cover the retreat, he immediately made a decision in his heart. No matter who the pursuer was, they were all enemies, because There was a familiar voice from the party being pursued.

Luo Zheng quickly checked the battlefield situation. The best way was to sneak up behind the opponent and kill one person quietly. After getting the weapons and ammunition, it was the enemy's death. Thinking of this, Luo Zheng observed carefully again and soon discovered The pursuer was lurking behind a sniper on a high platform not far from him.

The high platform is on a hillside. The rocks on the hillside are rugged, which makes it easy to hide and has a good view. It is an ideal sniper position behind enemy lines. Luo Zheng saw that the opponent was suppressing the pursued party with precise snipers. The pursued party could only hide and occasionally fire back. , if the precise shooting hadn't made the pursuer a little afraid, they would have rushed forward.

"We must kill that sniper." Luo Zheng instantly judged that the sniper was the key to the entire battle. The pursuing side relied on the sniper to suppress the pursued side, and the pursued side barely withstood the attacking side's attack with accurate shooting. But he can't hold on for long, unless the person who runs to break up the rear evacuates, but no one on the battlefield will abandon his robe.

Luo Zheng moved to the bottom of the hillside as quickly as possible, carefully observed it, and chose the route to infiltrate up. Then he took a look at the attacking speed and firepower of the pursuing party. The pursued party was very passive due to the suppression of the opponent's snipers. The situation is getting more serious.

The hillside is only a dozen meters high, but there are too many strange rocks. It is not easy to go up. Going up directly will easily expose you. Luo Zheng pulled out his pistol, unloaded the bullet and checked it. After confirming that there was no problem, he pressed it into the chamber and hurried towards the hillside. I climbed up carefully, like a wise monkey.

The opponent was a sniper, his intuition was very keen, and his perception of danger was different from ordinary people. Luo Zheng did not dare to show any murderous intent, and almost held his breath as he moved forward. He was extremely careful with every step, not letting himself make the slightest sound, so as not to alert the enemy. , climbed up about five meters in one breath, and hid behind a boulder. Luo Zheng exhaled gently, then inhaled slowly to control his heartbeat.

After taking a breath, Luo Zheng no longer dared to jump forward. Instead, he crawled like a snake, suppressing the anxiety and murderous aura in his heart. He did not even dare to aim his gun at the target, for fear that the other party would sense it and attack him. After climbing about three meters, Luo Zheng stopped again to take a breath and observed the target with the corner of his eye. This observation method would not expose his anger and murderous intent to the other party.

Human intuition is very mysterious. When someone is looking at you, whether in front of you, behind you, or on the left and right sides, you can feel it if you look straight at it, and quickly tell where the other person is. After a quick glance, I couldn't feel it anymore.

A sniper's intuition is sharper than that of ordinary people. Especially when fighting, he is highly concentrated and can feel it immediately when he is being targeted. Luo Zheng is also a sniper and has battlefield intuition. Snipers naturally understand snipers. Luo Zheng Don't make this mistake.

Climbing up about two meters again, Luo Zheng hid behind the boulder. From this position, he could completely see the target. Luo Zheng heard the dense gunshots in the distance, no longer hesitated, and aimed the gun at the target without hesitation. The moment he pulled the trigger, Luo Zheng found the target turning around in surprise.

"This is a new recruit." Luo Zheng made an instant judgment. On the battlefield, veterans will never look back when they feel they are being targeted. Instead, they will roll to avoid at the fastest and most direct speed. Turning back will waste time. This time Maybe it's only a second, or even shorter, but it's enough to cost one's life on the battlefield.

The distance was only five meters. This distance was no problem for Luo Zheng, not to mention it was a fixed target. The bullet whizzed away, just in time between the eyebrows of the target who turned around to investigate, shattering the central nervous system in an instant, roaring out from the back of the head, setting off Large blood arrows.

The central nervous system of the sniper's brain was destroyed and he was unable to direct his body to react instinctively. He tilted his head and stopped motionless. Luo Zheng threw away the empty pistol, stepped forward quickly, and opened the body to take a look. He is a foreigner, his blue eyes are enough to identify him, and his eyes are full of unwillingness and nostalgia for life.

Luo Zheng took over the opponent's weapons and equipment, an SVD sniper rifle, which Luo Zheng had played with before. He pushed the body directly to the side, lay down on the spot and lurked, and quickly aimed at the pursuer who was rushing at the back. If you attack those in front, they will be easily discovered by those behind you. If you attack those in the back, those in front will not notice you for a short time, so you have more chances.

Soon, Luo Zheng locked a target, and he was hiding behind a rock and fired fiercely. The fire covered his companions as they rushed forward. The angle of concealment was very good, and they couldn't shoot from the front. But it was different when seen from behind. This group of people couldn't shoot at all. He didn't expect that his sniping skills would be attacked, let alone that he would become prey.

"Whoops!" The bullet came out of the chamber, the shell popped out, and fell to the ground with a crisp sound. The gun flame disappeared in a flash, and the bullet roared with Luo Zheng's anxiety and anger. It screamed and sank into the target instantly. On the back of the head, he hit the target's head against a rock, causing a large blood spray to explode, and shot him in the head.

"Happy." Luo Zheng cheered secretly with joy, and immediately aimed at another target. Suddenly he felt something was wrong, and he was startled. His body almost instinctively shrank back, bang bang bang! Three shots, three bullets hit the stone on the high platform, causing sparks to fly. If it weren't for the height, the bullets would have hit him.

Luo Zheng knew that these three shots must have been fired by the pursuing party. Killing the opponent's sniper was the first task in the battle. The pursued party did not know that the sniper had been replaced. Three shots were fired. It should have been three people firing at the same time. Luo Zheng Zheng hugged the fire depressedly, but when he thought that the other party might be one of his own, he had nowhere to vent his anger. He quickly retreated to the back, hid himself again, and set up his gun. However, he found that the pursuer had noticed something was wrong, turned the muzzle of the gun, and was vigilant. Observe your location.

Because of the three shots just now, he missed the opportunity to fire one more shot. Luo Zheng was depressed to death, but he still locked on a target. The target was hiding behind a stone and had no chance to shoot. Luo Zheng waited patiently.

The pursuing side suddenly changed tactics, and the pursuing side immediately realized that something was wrong, and kept silent on the battlefield, patiently waiting for the opportunity. As a result, the battlefield that had been in full swing just now suddenly became quiet, with only the whistling sound of the wind.

The pursuing party was well concealed and had no chance to shoot. The pursued party could not figure out the situation and did not launch an active attack. Luo Zheng was so depressed that he wished he could shout a few times. After thinking about it, he decided to forget it. The enemy is unknown and no one would be stupid. Silly enough to change his decision with a few shouts, he could only wait silently and murmured: "Come out."

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