The strongest soldier

Chapter 2585 Intelligent Defense

Half an hour later, the night was as dark as ink, and the moon hid in the dark clouds. On the hazy mountain ridge, behind a slightly raised mound, a head slowly poked out, with a pair of black and white eyes. In the dark of night, he gave an extra command and firmly locked onto a vineyard about a kilometer ahead. The vineyard was large and dark, and the fragrance of ripe grapes came out with the wind, which was refreshing.

Not long after, another head slowly poked out. It was cold and sharp, like a sword unsheathed, with a bit of murderous intent from the god of death. The two locked eyes in front of them and observed carefully for a while. They didn't see any movement from the other side, except for the villa. The lights were on inside, no one could be seen, and the silence was incomprehensible.

These two people were Luo Zheng and Tie Diao. After observing for a while, Luo Zheng lowered his voice and said, "Report the situation."

"Get in position." Everyone's responses continued to come from the headsets, even from Jackson. Before setting off, Luo Zheng gave the headset of Liu Qingqing who was left behind to Jackson to facilitate communication at any time.

Everyone was already in place, waiting to attack. Luo Zheng looked at the surprisingly quiet vineyard villa under the deep night, and felt a little more confused. Normally, the villa shouldn't be so quiet, as if no one was living there. , Luo Zheng learned from Tie Diao that this situation had been going on for several days, and couldn't help but wonder, could it be that the tentacle monster had told Childe the information, and Childe had laid a huge trap in the manor villa?

Someone has to activate the trap, right? What does this mean if no one is there? Is it a long-range attack? Luo Zheng couldn't help but feel shocked when he thought of this. If this was the case, it would be bad. He thought for a moment and whispered: "The situation is not right. If the target has no one in the manor, we just arranged surveillance. Once we are found, we will directly If there is a rocket attack, then none of us can run away, and we are not allowed to move without orders, just in case."

"Understood." Everyone responded solemnly.

"I'll touch it and have a look. Just avoid surveillance." Tie Diao suggested with confidence.

Luo Zheng knew the iron eagle's speed and stealth ability. Penetration was not a problem at all, but he was not very reassured in his heart. After thinking about it, he whispered: "Let's go up together. If there is a trap, it is nothing more than a landmine, a camera Surveillance, infrared monitoring and other means, be careful, this is Childe’s ancestral home, it is definitely not simple.”

"Understood, I'll go first, and you keep a distance of about a hundred meters from me." Tie Diao responded in a low voice, arched his body and rushed forward quickly, like an agile cheetah, in an instant he was a hundred meters away, constantly He used the surrounding terrain to push forward quickly, sometimes left and now right, sometimes high and sometimes low, his body was pressed very low, like a ghost.

Luo Zheng pushed forward along the route that the iron sculpture took, keeping his body low to reduce the exposed area, and lunged forward using both hands and feet. From a distance, he looked like a cheetah running. Simulating the movement of animals at night is also a penetration tactic. , has a certain camouflage effect. Not long after, Luo Zheng saw the iron sculpture in front of him suddenly stopped. He was startled, rolled over to hide, and asked in a low voice: "What's going on?"

"There's something weird, come and take a look." Tie Diao's weak response sounded in the headset.

Luo Zheng used his hands and feet in surprise, and crawled forward. His deep and cold eyes kept scanning the surroundings, maintaining a high level of vigilance. Not long after, Luo Zheng crawled to the iron sculpture, took a look forward, and found nothing unusual, so he lay down In front of the iron sculpture, he looked at it with doubtful eyes.

At this time, Tie Diao pointed to the grass less than one meter in front of the slope. Luo Zheng looked over in surprise and found something burnt. He couldn't help but become curious and asked in a low voice: "What's going on?"

"This place is only two hundred meters away from the manor. There is a wall in front of it. Have you seen what's going on on the wall?" The iron sculpture did not answer immediately, but pointed to the wall in front and reminded him in a low voice.

Luo Zheng looked at the wall carefully and said in a low voice: "The wall is covered with Tengman, there is also barbed wire, and the iron pillars that stabilize the barbed wire are nothing special. Hey, there seems to be something else, which I can't see clearly."

"That's right, I came here quietly to conduct reconnaissance before you guys came. Those things looked like guns, but they weren't. I didn't dare to come during the day for fear of being exposed. I didn't dare to get too close at night for fear of being exposed, so I'm not sure either. What are those things? But look at the burnt things." Tie Diao said in a low voice.

"I'll crawl over and take a look." Luo Zheng also realized that the problem was a bit complicated and said in a deep voice. He was about to crawl forward when Tie Diao grabbed his shoulder. Luo Zheng looked at Tie Diao in surprise and asked: "Why? Already?"

"If there's something strange, don't move." Tie Diao whispered, but his eyes were fixed on the tall wall in front of him. After Luo Zheng stabilized, he explained in a low voice: "Those burnt things should be hares. What can kill them?" Is the hare burnt? If it is a human, it will be taken away directly. It is impossible for carnivores. Thunder and lightning will burn no residue. Although this hare is burned beyond recognition, the outline can still be seen, as if it was burned after being pierced. It looks like it’s gone.”

"Penetration? Bullets are impossible, what do you mean?" Luo Zheng whispered in surprise.

"If I guess correctly, it should be a smart laser gun. It detects moving targets through high-tech equipment such as infrared heat induction or motion sensors, and automatically sends the information to the smart laser gun. The laser gun will lock the target based on the information and automatically fire. Destroy the target, the smart laser gun does not require human control, it is very advanced, I have seen it before." Tie Diao explained in a low voice.

"Smart laser gun? This is our country's core secret. How can it be found here?" Jackson's voice sounded in the headset, with a bit of doubt and doubt.

Jackson curled his lips disdainfully and said: "It's normal for your stuff to leak. Don't forget that your military-industrial companies are all private. Maybe these companies are controlled by the Dark Church. If you're happy, give your government a little. Don't forget that the Dark Church The church has mastered a lot of high technology and is much ahead of your government. Who is Child? What does it mean to install a smart laser gun for defense in his capacity? If he is killed, no one is responsible, just say that he was struck by lightning and died. , who would object? How much trouble would it save?"

Jackson was choked by these words and couldn't finish the words. Luo Zheng thought about it and felt that Tie Diao's analysis was very reasonable. His face gradually became serious. If there was a laser gun for automatic defense, then things would be troublesome. He couldn't help but He asked in a deep voice: "Who has a solution?"

"Difficult, this is smart defense, maybe more than these, there are other smart weapons. Moreover, the smart laser gun relies entirely on system command and quick response. Unless the infrared scanning and motion sensors here are cracked, the laser gun will become blind or deaf. , otherwise we cannot break through, there is another way, which is to destroy the laser gun, but then we will be exposed." Tie Diao reminded in a deep voice.

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