The strongest soldier

Chapter 2584 Deployment Action

The development of any organization is inseparable from money. The Dark Church has huge energy, a large number of people, and a tight organization, and it needs a lot of funds to support it. Once there is no funds, this huge machine will stop running, and various things will appear inside. Contradictions and conflicts, and even the advanced technology being researched had to be stopped. Thinking of these, Luo Zheng strengthened his thoughts and future battle mode, and smiled.

After thinking about it, Luo Zheng warned Xue Lian: "The Dark Church is facing a huge crisis, that is, it has no money. This is top secret and cannot be leaked. Instead of chasing them, it is better to give them a financial blow. As long as Their finances are in huge crisis, and the Dark Church will destroy itself. We will be able to completely dismantle this terrorist organization in a short time." There was a strong sense of confidence in his words.

"No money?" Xuelian asked in surprise. After receiving Luo Zheng's affirmative reply, he thought for a moment and smiled: "They suffered heavy losses in the stock market during the war with Burma. I made a preliminary estimate, at least hundreds of billions of gold." No, if we continue to hit them hard financially this time, it will undoubtedly make things worse for the Dark Church. Then they will jump over the wall and take the initiative to trouble us, so you have to be careful."

"Exactly what I want. I'm just afraid that they won't come. Every time we go around the world to settle accounts with them. It's too troublesome and the risk is too high. It would be better to let them take the initiative to come. You are responsible for this financial attack. Go up. We made a fortune last time, and we will use it all this time. It’s up to you what to do, I don’t understand, and I don’t want to ask, so Blue Star cooperates with you. Are there any other problems?” Luo Zheng warned in a deep voice.

"You have to say hello to them." Xue Lian smiled.

"No problem." Luo Zheng agreed, dialed Lan Xue's phone number again, explained his plan in detail, and gained Lan Xue's trust and support.

After hanging up the phone, Luo Zheng thought about the whole idea carefully and felt that it was completely feasible. He then focused on the sneak attack at night. The original plan was to completely destroy Childe's ancestral home. Now it is completely unnecessary. All he needs to do is to make some noise. It's enough to make it easy to spread rumors. Of course, it's better to destroy it. The difficulty of the mission is completely different, so the tactical arrangements naturally have to be readjusted.

Not long after, Luo Zheng had a brand new battle plan. He immediately went out to the living room and saw Tie Diao and others talking boringly in detail. No one turned on the lights in the room to avoid being discovered by the neighbors and exposing their whereabouts. Everyone saw Luo Zheng. Zheng came out with a relaxed look on his face, knowing that he was ready to take action, so they gathered around him with eager expressions on their faces.

Jackson was also invited. Luo Zheng waited for everyone to arrive and said: "Everyone, we don't know the enemy situation, and we don't know how many ambushes are in the room. Therefore, our action plan is to infiltrate with a small number of people and adapt to the situation. To put it simply, I He and Tie Diao infiltrated first, and everyone spread out in all directions, waiting in ambush."

"You two can destroy the target?" Jackson asked in surprise.

"No, we don't have to destroy the target. We just need to make some noise and declare the target to be dead. What will happen then?" Luo Zheng looked at Jackson with a smile and asked.

Jackson frowned and pondered, unable to guess Luo Zheng's true intention for a moment. When he saw Luo Zheng looking at him with a half-smile but not a smile, he couldn't help but feel annoyed, his face became a little gloomy, and suddenly he had an idea. After thinking about it carefully, he couldn't help but smile and said: "Gao, this method is too clever. As long as it is announced to the outside world that Childe is dead and the stock market he was responsible for plummeted, we can take advantage of the opportunity to make acquisitions. In less than three days, Childe will see you." The situation is not right. We must make a public appearance to relieve the pressure. Then our assassination opportunity will come. More importantly, the stock market will be pulled up by him, and it may even go higher. If that bastard has this ability, we will sell at a high level. , very profitable."

"Hahaha, you are not only an outstanding soldier, but also an outstanding businessman." Luo Zheng said with appreciation.

"No, no, no, I am far behind compared with you. I believe this plan was also decided by you on the spur of the moment, right? I have to say that you are better than me in coming up with such a brilliant plan in a short time. In this way, not only can you spend more time We can kill the target at a very small price and with a very low risk. We don't have to directly conflict with the local government armed forces. We can kill the target without even showing up in a big way. More importantly, we can severely damage the finances of the Dark Church. In the first battle of Burma, we can kill them. The loss is not small. If the losses continue this time, their finances will be stretched thin. Without money, all their plans will have to be slowed down. Your move hit their fatal spot. Why didn't I think of it? I admire you." Jack Sen analyzed sincerely, with an expression of admiration on his face.

"This is a good method. It kills two birds with one stone. Should we also block them financially?" Tie Diao also reacted and looked at Luo Zheng and asked excitedly.

Luo Zheng nodded without explaining anything. Next to him, Jackson said happily: "Old friend, you are not only my lucky star, but also my financial star. If you decide to do this, I will contact the country immediately and make a lot of money. A sum of money, of course, please rest assured that the overall plan will never be revealed, nor will it affect the implementation of the plan. The presidential campaign requires a large amount of funds. If you can get the funds easily this time, I believe the president will be very grateful to you."

"It's up to you. The plan will be carried out accordingly. We will take action at ten o'clock in the evening. Everyone, be prepared. Remember, our goal is to make a big enough noise, not to kill many people. We will stop when we see the opportunity and protect ourselves." Luo Zheng warned in a deep voice. Seeing that everyone nodded in agreement excitedly, he asked everyone to eat something and rest to refresh themselves.

Everyone had extremely rich combat experience. They nodded knowingly and agreed. They dispersed and went to look for food. Not long after, Tie Diao got some food and brought it to Luo Zheng. He said it was from the next town. Luo Zheng. Zheng didn't bother to ask, as long as it didn't attract the attention of the people in this town, this was the town where the target was located, and any disturbance might arouse suspicion. Once exposed, it would be troublesome.

After everyone ate something, they each found a place to sleep. Luo Zheng was also a little tired, so he lay down and fell asleep. When he woke up, it was exactly ten o'clock. The biological clock was very accurate. When he went out, he saw that his brothers were already doing it. We are prepared. The weapon is an automatic rifle. Each person also has two grenades and three magazines. There is no bulletproof vest, no sniper rifle, no dragon tooth bullets, and no button bombs. But for veteran club members with strong combat effectiveness. That's enough.

Everyone quickly prepared for battle. Everyone looked at Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng looked around everyone, picked up an ashtray and put it on the coffee table. He pointed at the ashtray and said in a deep voice: "The action team is responsible for the east and west sides. Jackson, The people with you will be in charge of the south side, and you guys will be in charge of the north side." As he said this, he looked at Sanji and his other brothers, and finally his eyes fell on Liu Qingqing. This girl is not a combat soldier, and she will definitely not be able to go to the front line.

"I'll stay here and wait for you." Liu Qingqing knew what she was doing and said quickly.

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