The strongest soldier

Chapter 2586 Laser is fierce

The smart laser gun is controlled by the system. After the infrared detector detects the target, it automatically sends an instruction to the laser gun. This instruction includes the target location. After receiving the instruction, the laser gun quickly locks the target and fires. The system automatically identifies and launches without the need for human intervention. Once control, infrared detectors, motion sensors and other monitoring equipment fail, the laser gun is just a decoration and has no meaning.

Luo Zheng also quickly understood the reason, but he did not act immediately. Instead, he thought more deeply, why are there intelligent defense weapons here? You must know that these are high-tech weapons and must be guarded and maintained by someone. Otherwise, they will be damaged by exposure to the sun and rain. Where are the people?

The manor villa was quiet, with only dim lights on, which looked a bit dazzling under the moonlight. After thinking for a moment, Luo Zheng said, "Why are we not exposed? How big is their defense range?"

"This should be the edge of their defense. Over the slope in front of you is their monitoring area. Do you want to try it?" Tie Diao said in a deep voice.

"How to try?" Luo Zheng asked curiously.

"Just come over and find out if you have enough." Tie Diao suggested in a low voice.

"It makes sense." Luo Zheng agreed in a deep voice. Intelligent defense weapons are a strange thing to everyone. Luo Zheng did not dare to take action easily without understanding the situation.

Seeing that Luo Zheng agreed, Tie Diao said hello and quickly retreated, quickly disappearing into the night. Luo Zheng knew that Tie Diao had gone to find the testing animal, so he waited patiently, looking at the silent manor villa in front of him, revealing With a strange aura, Luo Zheng whispered through the headset: "The situation has changed, everyone should stay hidden."

Ten minutes later, the iron eagle hurried over, holding a turkey in its arms. The turkey was still alive and looked very majestic. Its wings were clasped together by the iron eagle and its legs were struggling. It looked full of vitality. , Tie Diao fell to the ground like a tiger, lying in front of Luo Zheng, panting heavily and whispering: "Shall we start?"

It took more than half an hour to go back and forth from the ambush point to the town. The iron eagle went back and forth in ten minutes and even got a turkey. This speed was unmatched. Luo Zheng glanced at the turkey, nodded and said: " Brothers, please pay attention and observe, ready to test, let’s do it.”

The iron eagle nodded knowingly and threw the turkey forward. Luo Zheng locked the laser gun on the wall in front. He vaguely saw the laser gun move and suddenly ejected an orange-red beam. This beam flashed out. No, it looked very strange in the night sky, as if a will-o'-the-wisp was passing by.

Look at that majestic turkey again. After being thrown into the air, it spread its wings and flapped twice. Before it hit the ground, it was hit by a beam of light. It shot through it. In the blink of an eye, it fell to the ground and burned without even a cry. , looked extremely weird, Luo Zheng stared at this scene blankly, with shock on his face. This weapon was too powerful, silent and extremely fast, but it killed people invisible.

There was no sound, no warning. It only took two seconds from detecting the target to firing the laser. This system was too powerful. Luo Zheng quickly woke up and was not frightened. Instead, he looked at the wall in front of him with envious eyes. The laser gun on the weapon whispered: "What a powerful weapon, we must take this thing back."

"Tear it back?" Tie Diao looked at Luo Zheng in surprise, a little confused.

"Yes, dismantle it. How can such a good weapon be placed in such a place? It must be dismantled and studied. We also have to come up with this kind of smart weapon." Luo Zheng said firmly. With this kind of weapon, The country's strength can be greatly improved. As a soldier, Luo Zheng is very aware of the importance of this weapon to the country, and he also knows that he must get it back, otherwise the superiors will not be able to explain it even if they know it.

"This smart laser gun has a longer range and more power than our country's military equipment. You can take away the things, but I need the research results." Jackson's voice sounded in the headset, with a bit of eagerness and desire.

Tie Diao curled his lips and said nothing. Luo Zheng thought for a while and said, "Okay, are we partners? The spoils will be shared naturally. However, we must work together to conquer this manor. What good ideas do you have?"

"It's not easy to do. The detection system is too powerful and responsive. It will launch within two seconds. Who can stop it? A force attack will definitely not work. Unless there is a way to restrain the detection system, can it be hacked in?" Tie Diao said in a deep voice.

"No, the system is independent, not connected to the Internet, and not connected to satellites." Xue Lian's voice rang in the headset. Everyone was wearing the invisible headset of the Secret Bureau. All conversations were recorded through the satellite connection to the headquarters. Xue Lian obtained the authority through Blue Star. , you can hear everyone talking and interact in real time.

"If you can't get in, you have no choice but to destroy it violently." Tie Diao asked angrily in a low voice: "Jackson, right? Can you arrange for an armed helicopter to come over and just throw a rocket? With your With strength, this shouldn’t be difficult, right? Don’t say it’s impossible.”

"Other countries are easy to deal with, but this country is really difficult to deal with. People can airdrop secretly, but the armed helicopters will be bombed before they arrive. It's difficult to deal with." Jackson said a little depressed.

Seeing what Tie Diao wanted to say, Luo Zheng quickly patted Tie Diao on the shoulder to signal him to stop talking. After pondering for a moment, Luo Zheng suddenly said: "There is a way to attack."

"You can do this? Tell me." Tie Diao asked in surprise, his eyes shining, and he gave up on his plan to continue to ridicule Jackson.

"There should be many detection devices around the manor villa. Some are in the room, some are on trees, and some may be plugged into the ground to form a dense monitoring network with no blind spots. I have heard about the power of this intelligent defense system. The reaction is sharp and the attack is fast, but I didn't expect that the laser gun here is more powerful than I have ever seen. It seems that the one here should be an upgraded version, which is difficult to handle. Are you sure your method is feasible?" Jackson reminded quickly.

"There's so much nonsense. If you don't speak, no one will think you're dumb. Just because you don't know it doesn't mean that others won't know it either. Shut up." Tie Diao cursed in a low voice, very rudely.

Luo Zheng knew that Jackson was also a bold and bad-tempered boss, and it would not end well if he got angry, so he quickly said: "Jackson, thank you for reminding me. The defense system here is indeed powerful and complicated. We will use the most direct, The simplest way to crack it, do you think this will work? Civil work, digging trenches to penetrate without being detected by monitoring equipment, is this feasible?"

"A good idea." Seeing Luo Zheng come out to smooth things over, Jackson's proposal was also very good. He did not scold Tie Diao and reminded him in a deep voice: "This is a good idea. You can try it. However, I'm worried that they have position radar. Our presence has been discovered and we are waiting for us to rush forward. If there is civil work, the people in the manor and villa will fight back with force. We must be prepared. I have another suggestion."

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