The strongest soldier

Chapter 2528 Visiting Family

On the way back to the base, the convoy was divided into three. Lan Xue arranged for a female comrade to escort Puyun to the hotel to settle down first. The next day, he went directly to Luo Zheng's little sister. She was not from the Secret Bureau, even if she was a family member. This is an iron rule when entering the Secret Bureau base; the second route is Xu Gang and others, who have arranged a special car to take them to where they want to go; the third route is Ge Puxing, who is not a formal member and must be sent first The training base is undergoing intensive training, and Sanji, Ji Wu and Gongsun Wu are also accompanying them. They are all brothers who have fought together in life and death, so they are not strangers. Pu Xing knows the rules and obeys the arrangements.

Others drove to the base of the Secret Bureau. They first entered the disinfection room for disinfection. The injured were sent directly to the treatment room. After disinfection, they were sent to the observation room for examination to avoid various poisonings, infections, etc. The jungle is different from other places. Viruses, bacteria, etc. There are so many of them, and they have a long incubation period. Every one of them in the Secret Bureau is a treasure. They cannot be careless and must be handled properly.

After a lot of tossing, it was already dawn. Those with problems were left to continue observation and treatment. If there was no problem, they went back to the restaurant to have an internal celebration banquet, and then went back to their rooms to rest. Luo Zheng knew that everyone was tired, so he was allowed to take three days off. You can sleep and rest as much as you want during these three days.

As the top person in charge of the base, Luo Zheng naturally couldn't rest. After waking up the next afternoon and eating something, he came to the office to work. There was a cup of freshly brewed hot tea and fruit on the desk. A note that read: "I know you're coming back, please take a rest and don't get tired."

The font was beautiful and elegant, like flowing clouds and flowing water. Luo Zheng recognized the characters of Lan Xue, and a warm feeling came to his heart. He sat on the sofa and took a few sips of tea, ate some fruit, and thought about this action. , there are two tasks assigned by the country, one is to take revenge and show prestige, and the other is to assist the implementation of the country's overseas strategy.

At present, more than 130 Holy Warriors have been killed, as well as eight Knights of the Round Table, and two more have been captured. This can be regarded as a revenge for the brothers' troops. It shows the country's firm stance and military strength, and it can be regarded as completing the first chapter. One task. As for the second task, the President of Myanmar returned to power and made a public speech, placing all the blame on Sam State and hoping to increase cooperation with China. The second task was also completed.

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Although he sacrificed a lot this time, it was all worth it. As a soldier, it is his duty to shed blood on the battlefield. Unless the soldiers die, the country will not prosper. As long as it is worth it, there is no need to fight. Are there any immortals? However, according to the interrogation, it was learned that the Dark Church has many elite troops, which are not called biological warriors, but called holy warriors. Among the holy warriors, there are even more elite soldiers called Knights of the Round Table.

Luo Zheng had seen the combat prowess of the Knights of the Round Table. Twelve people were ambushed by a mountain eagle and dozens of people, and they were beaten very thrillingly. If these people hadn't blindly evacuated and tried to escape with speed, it's still unknown what the result would have been. If it wasn't for the ambush, With the good location and the assistance of mines, these people would never be able to be retained. It must be said that the Knights of the Round Table were too fast and they only relied on platoon tactics to win.

Holy warriors are purely fighting tools, and what they know is very limited. On the contrary, the Knights of the Round Table know a little bit, but it is also limited. Both prisoners mentioned that there are many similar people, but no one knows the exact number because they are distributed in different bases. , this situation made Luo Zheng very afraid.

While he was deep in thought, Lan Xue knocked on the door and came in. He looked at Luo Zheng caringly and asked, "Have a rest?"

"Okay, it's not like you don't know my resilience. Don't worry. By the way, you can arrange for the two captives of the Knights of the Round Table to be interrogated by Liu Qingqing. Isn't she a behavioral expert who is good at judging psychology based on behavior? Interrogation I heard that my ability exceeds that of the instructor, so let her try it out." Luo Zheng warned.

"No problem. Giving it to her should be able to empty out the contents of the other party's mind. We have just purchased a high-end equipment for interrogation. It can put the other party into trance through hypnosis, and then ask questions. The equipment will monitor the other party's brain waves. Liu Qingqing is already very proficient in changing the situation to determine whether he is lying. Don't worry, it will be absolutely fine if you leave it to her. What is the principle?" Lan Xue agreed.

"As long as we can empty the minds of those two people, we don't care whether the prisoners live or die." Luo Zheng said lightly. They were both Knights of the Round Table. Their hands were stained with all kinds of blood. They died unjustly and did not deserve sympathy or mercy. Luo Zheng has never been merciless to such brainwashed people, and it would be a disaster to keep them.

Being brainwashed was also revealed by the Knights of the Round Table. Xu Gang's interrogation methods are not what he boasted, and he still asked a lot of things. However, the Knights of the Round Table's anti-interrogation methods are even stronger. They directly hypnotize themselves and fall asleep. There is no way to interrogate them and they can only pass Computer equipment and a psychologist too.

"I understand." Lan Xue understood Luo Zheng's mood and did not try to dissuade him. He agreed wholeheartedly. After thinking about it, he asked: "I wrote the battle report for you last night. I guess the higher-ups will ask you in person. Do you want to do it?" Good preparation, this mission was completed beautifully, my grandpa talked to me privately, he was very satisfied, and said that the superiors are also very satisfied, and various awards will definitely come out in the next few days."

"Well, at least first-class collective merit, but you can handle these things. The honors should be given to the brothers. There should be more pensions and bonuses. Didn't we make a lot of money this time? I'll ask later I asked Xuelian how much she was bullish. She invested in Sam Country's stocks and said she wanted to make a fortune. In addition, the golden cave over there would also be a good profit in the future. Our mystery bureau should not We are short of money, these are all earned by brothers, we cannot lose money to brothers." Luo Zheng explained seriously.

"Don't worry, I know what's going on." Lan Xue promised seriously.

Of course Luo Zheng felt relieved about Lan Xue and smiled: "Having you help with these things has saved me a lot of worry. How is everything at home? How is your dad doing lately?"

"Assuming you have some conscience and know how to ask my dad, everything is fine. Why don't you go back these two days to spend time with your family? Just treat it as a holiday for yourself. I'll keep an eye on you, so there won't be any problem. ." Lan Xue smiled.

"Good idea, we'll be there soon." Luo Zheng said with a smile. Thinking of his parents at home, he felt a deep sense of guilt in his heart. His face became ashamed. He lowered his head and asked thoughtfully, "Has anything special happened at the base recently?"

"Don't worry, I can handle anything. If I really can't handle it, I'll call you. Don't worry here. Just go back and spend time with your parents. They don't say anything, but they are thinking about it in their hearts. And your sister, I heard that her career is developing well and she is pursuing a lot more men. However, my little sister is a sensible person and most people won’t look down on her, so we don’t have to worry about it.” Lan Xue smiled and peeled an orange and handed it to Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng took it and ate it, with a tacit understanding like a couple who had lived together for a long time. After eating the oranges, Luo Zheng suddenly thought of something and asked: "The ones I am most worried about are Tianshi and Shengzi. What's going on with them?" ?”

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