The strongest soldier

Chapter 2529 Snake Attraction Plan

Both the Sky Stone and the Holy Son were snatched from the Dark Church. Not only is the Dark Church eager to take it back, but even the polar bear, a superpower, is also eyeing it. If they are not exposed, there will be more people waiting for opportunities in the dark. Luo Zheng believes that the Sky Stone and the Holy Son are both snatched from the Dark Church. What happened to Shi Heshengzi in the base has been exposed. There are no absolute secrets in international spies. As long as your level is high enough, there are always ways to obtain secrets, especially intelligence dealers, who make a living by selling intelligence. Such people are pervasive. All countries need it, but even if they know it, it’s hard to eliminate it completely.

Lan Xue thought for a while and said seriously: "Everything in the Holy Son's mind has been emptied. The sky stone is still being studied. Dongfang Ling has made a lot of progress. It is said that a way to defend against radiation has been found. If you are doing some technical research, do you want to ask her?"

"No, Dongfang Ling is a pure genius scientist. She is more eager to find a defense method than us. Let her do it. Let's not put any more pressure. The Dragon Tooth Bullet is a good thing. This time, thanks to the Dragon Tooth Bullet, it hit the opponent. We were caught off guard, otherwise we will definitely fail. The enemy did not know that we had a way to crack the bullet-proof armor before, so we were unprepared. Dongfang Ling deserves the most credit. This credit must be reported to her. If we can develop something to defend against the Sky Stone , we will be more proactive in the future." Luo Zheng warned seriously.

"I understand, don't worry." Lan Xue agreed.

"Well, there is also the graphite bomb. You can consider making it bigger." Luo Zheng reminded.

"I know, our army also has graphite bombs. They are considered secret weapons. I learned about it. The graphite bombs developed by the military are not as powerful as Xuelian's sister-in-law. After this matter was reported, the higher authorities attached great importance to it, especially the military. They strongly Ask us to provide physical products as samples." Lan Xue said with a smile.

"Well, let's leave it to the higher-ups. If the higher-ups agree, it doesn't matter if we give samples to the military. They are all for national defense. It is also a good thing that the military's combat effectiveness has improved. I believe Sister-in-law Xuelian will agree." Luo Zheng nodded.

"You are really worried about your life. Is there anything else you want to explain?" Lan Xue asked with a smile.

"It's true. If I don't explain it clearly, I won't feel at ease when I go home." Luo Zheng smiled and lowered his head to think deeply. Lan Xue knew that Luo Zheng was thinking about important things, so he didn't interrupt and waited patiently. After a while, Luo Zheng suddenly raised his head. Looking at Lan Xue, her eyes became firm and she said seriously: "I plan to let the Holy Son out."

"Ah? Why?" Lan Xue looked at Luo Zheng in surprise and asked. You must know that the Holy Son is an important chess piece of the Dark Church. The brothers only narrowly escaped death to catch it. If he put it back, the Dark Church would definitely be happy, but for the conspiracy The situation was very unfavorable. Thinking of this, Lan Xue suddenly realized something. She looked at Luo Zheng in surprise and asked, "You mean to lure the snake out of its hole?"

"That's right. Since the Holy Son has been hollowed out by us and doesn't know anything else, it's better to let him out. Wash all the memories in his mind before letting him out. We won't be afraid if the enemy gets it. There are many people outside watching us. There was always negligence in guarding against thieves the day before yesterday. This is not a good sign. Let's just let him go and see how many monsters and monsters are staring at the Holy Son and give him a big hit." Luo Zheng explained seriously.

"This is a good idea, but it must be approved by the higher-ups." Lan Xue reminded.

"Well, I'll communicate with the boss later." Luo Zheng replied casually.

"Okay, I personally have no objection. I will support you no matter what you say." Lan Xue replied seriously.

The two chatted for a while. Lan Xue went out to work. Luo Zheng handled some official duties and tidied up. He drove away from the base and went straight to his home. Unexpectedly, he received a call from Lan Xue halfway, saying that the chief was in the office. Wait and ask him to come over immediately. Luo Zheng agreed. He looked around and saw that he was not far from home. He sighed helplessly, turned the steering wheel and continued to drive forward.

Ten minutes later, Luo Zheng arrived at the gate of the military base. The sentry, armed with live ammunition, led a wolf dog up to check the documents and vehicles. Even the trunk of the car was not spared. The wolf dog was placed under the car to check carefully. These were all The routine inspection was not aimed at anyone, so Luo Zheng cooperated with understanding.

After the inspection, Luo Zheng drove into the parking lot inside. After parking the car, he quickly got out and ran quickly to the entrance of the courtyard. A guard came to stop him. He recognized Luo Zheng and immediately felt relieved. Luo Zheng walked straight into the courtyard and came to the living room. , seeing Mr. Li closing his eyes and recuperating alone, he went in quietly.

Mr. Li heard the footsteps, opened his eyes and saw Luo Zheng, and smiled. Luo Zheng quickly took two steps forward, gave a respectful military salute and said, "Hello, Chief."

"Sit down, don't be restrained. I heard you are planning to go home?" Mr. Li said with a smile. He sat upright, pointed at the tea cup, and motioned to Luo Zheng to pour the tea for himself.

Luo Zheng was not polite. He poured himself a cup of tea and said, "You're welcome, Chief. If you have anything to say, you can tell me."

"Well, the main reason I called you here is to understand your thoughts. This operation was completed very well. There is no need to mention the battle report. I already understand everything that happened. Just tell me your personal thoughts." Mr. Li smiled. said.

"Yes." Luo Zheng promised earnestly: "Thanks to the Dragon Tooth Bullet for this mission, otherwise we would be very passive and the result would be unpredictable. The technology of the Dark Church is already far ahead of us. If we want to defeat the Dark Church, we Scientific research must be stepped up to at least find weapons to restrain them."

"Well, it's good that you can see this. Regarding scientific research, the superiors have initially agreed to expand an underground research laboratory and increase research strength. The personnel and funds will be arranged. Don't worry. What kind of domestic talents do you want? No problem, just give me the list. Do you have any other ideas?" Mr. Li asked.

"Great." Luo Zheng was overjoyed. The expansion of the research laboratory is an important matter, and it is somewhat sensitive. It cannot be done without the consent of the country. Luo Zheng said in surprise: "Thank you for your support and trust, chief. I have another idea that I should report to the chief. It is I who intend to release the Son.”

"Oh? Do you want to lure the snake out of the hole?" Mr. Li asked in surprise. As expected of an old revolutionist, he had very strong vision and experience. He immediately guessed what was going on and said with a smile: "This is a very bold plan. Once successful, you can Tell us what you think about the secret agents from all over the world who are lurking in the dark. Once you fail, all your achievements will fall short."

"The price of failure is to lose the Holy Son. If the Holy Son completely loses his amnesia, it doesn't matter if the opponent gets it. And with the current level of technology, it is not difficult to make a person lose his memory. It is not a good thing after we release the amnesiac person and agents from all over the world are watching. Danger may break out at any time, and releasing it can resolve this crisis. If possible, it is best to let the polar bear country take it away and let the agents of various countries embarrass the polar bear." Luo Zheng explained.

"Hahaha, this snake-inducing plan is good. The lost Holy Son is a time bomb. Instead of keeping it for yourself and feeling uncomfortable, it is better to give it to your opponent. If it is taken away by a polar bear, the country of Sam will suffer the most. However, the polar bear seems to be related to the darkness. The church is involved, is it appropriate to do this?" Mr. Li suddenly looked solemn and asked.

I recommend a good book "Eternal God Emperor", which is worth reading. Friends who like fantasy can read it.

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