The strongest soldier

Chapter 2527 Return to base

"Pa--" The searchlight shattered, and the surroundings were pitch black. Without the searchlight, the visibility of the training ground was even lower, so that no one could see the shocked expressions of the brothers next to them. Their eyes were wide and their mouths were open, as if they couldn't even breathe. They all stopped and were stunned.

One thousand meters away, at night, the wind was level four, and the target was a dazzling object like a searchlight. Not only did Luo Zheng not aim, he was not even prepared. He raised his hand and fired, a very casual shot, but it hit everyone The mission that I thought was impossible was accomplished, and the shot shattered without any suspense.

No one dared to question that this shot was an accident. It happened that they were all well-trained veterans and knew that such an accident could not happen. This was a real ability. Is there anyone with this kind of ability in the world? At this moment, the special forces knew their shortcomings and the gap, and their previous pride and self-confidence collapsed. At this moment, everyone found that comparing their abilities with Luo Zheng was as childish as a child fighting with an adult.

Everyone was stunned. They forgot to applaud, cheer, or even breathe. They were all shocked by Luo Zheng's amazing shot. There was only one voice in their hearts. Is there such a shooting technique in the world? Is there such a powerful person? It turns out that marksmanship can be practiced to such a selfless level?

The colonel looked at Luo Zheng intently. He turned off the safety of the sniper rifle and turned it behind his back. When he regained consciousness, he suddenly understood why Luo Zheng took action. With this shot, I believe the brothers will be able to train in the future. The new standard was a great spur to the troops. He nodded gratefully and wanted to say something, but found that any words were feeble and could not express his feelings at this moment.

The members of the special forces also reacted. They lowered their heads in shame one by one, turned around and left silently, and walked towards the training room. No one ordered or suggested, they all walked spontaneously and in tacit understanding. God, only then will you know your own shortcomings, and then you will have stronger motivation to improve yourself.

Seeing this scene, the colonel said gratefully: "Thank you, chief."

"I hope they can understand." Luo Zheng said seriously: "Let me tell everyone, there are many enemies with marksmanship like me, many. If you want to avoid being killed on the battlefield, you can only be stronger than the enemy. This is a living thing. If you don’t have the capital to go down, don’t come to my army.”

"Understood, I must tell them your good intentions." The colonel replied solemnly.

"Thank you for your hospitality. Our transport plane will be arriving soon." Luo Zheng looked at his watch and said in a deep voice.

"There's still half an hour. Do you want to find a place to take a rest?" the colonel asked.

"Thank you, no need." Luo Zheng turned to look at his brothers and said in a deep voice: "Brothers, I know some of you are starting to be proud, thinking that we are invincible and can defeat all enemies. This confidence is not Yes, we need this kind of vigor, but we must also recognize the facts. This shot is not only for the brothers and troops to see, but also for everyone to see. I can tell you clearly that there are many enemies in the world who are better than me in marksmanship. , and more than me, so we don’t have anything to be proud of.”

"Yes." Everyone said in a deep voice. Luo Zheng is an invincible existence in everyone's mind, a god-like strong man. Since Luo Zheng said so, it must be true. Everyone secretly made up their mind to continue the forced training after returning. Improve your strength to avoid becoming a drag on the troops.

"Okay, rest where you are." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"Everyone listen to my command and sit down where you are." Ghost Hand shouted in a deep voice.

There are three brigades of the Operations Division of the Crime Bureau. Gui Shou, Snow Leopard and Mountain Eagle each lead a team. However, Gui Shou is also the deputy director of the Operations Division. Luo Zheng also serves as the director. However, Luo Zheng is still the director, so the troops are basically all Guishou was assisting in management, and everyone naturally obeyed Guishou's orders and sat down one after another.

Luo Zheng glanced at the direction in which the special forces left. He could feel that everyone was not discouraged, but was holding a breath in his heart. Luo Zheng knew the training syllabus of the special forces very well. If he wanted to break through, he must change the training syllabus. He thought At this moment, Luo Zheng shouted in a deep voice: "Falcon, come out."

"Arrived." Ying Falcon agreed, hurried over, and solemnly saluted Luo Zheng.

"This is your old army. It will be easier for you to communicate with them. Do you still remember the basic training outline when you just joined us?" Luo Zheng asked in a deep voice.

"Report, never forget it." Ying Falcon shouted solemnly. Thinking of the terrifying extreme training, Ying Falcon's scalp went numb. How could he forget such a thing.

"Very good, go ahead and tell them the basic syllabus. Remember, it can only be the basic syllabus. If you dare to reveal a word of the intermediate training syllabus, you will not be spared." Luo Zheng warned seriously.

"Yes, thank you, sir." Yingying was not stupid. He knew that Luo Zheng was taking special care of his old army. He quickly saluted and added: "Tou, please allow me to thank you on behalf of my brothers in the old army." After that, he turned and left. .

When the colonel heard this, he also reacted and said excitedly: "You guys, I'll arrange for someone to get some beer to quench your thirst later." After that, he ran away quickly.

Not long after, a group of logistics soldiers came over carrying several large boxes of beer and placed them aside. The colonel did not come. Everyone knew that they had gone to listen to the training outline. They all smiled in unison, and no one cared about it. No one touches beer. The Bureau of Crime has an iron rule. Drinking is absolutely not allowed on the battlefield. Except for the base of the Bureau of Crime, everywhere else is a battlefield. As a commander, Luo Zheng naturally has to set an example and take the lead.

Half an hour later, Yingying hurried over, saluted Luo Zheng solemnly and returned to the team. The colonel also came out. Seeing that no one was drinking, he smiled awkwardly and looked at Luo Zheng, not knowing what to say. Luo Zheng didn't care. Waving his hand, at this moment, a huge bright light appeared on the mountains ahead. It was a car light, and the roar of the motor was clearly audible.

Soon, a motorcade came over, lined up lined up, and there were all military cards. Luo Zheng knew that he was here to pick everyone up, so he stood up and said goodbye to the colonel. Everyone also got on the bus, and the motorcade led everyone around and left the military camp. An hour later, we arrived at a military air base and boarded a transport plane to continue our journey.

Two hours later, everyone parachuted into the Capital Military Airport. Lan Xue was already waiting outside the airport with a convoy from the Conspiracy Bureau. Everyone got on the convoy that came to pick them up. Luo Zheng also walked forward quickly, ignoring the many people around him. Feeling embarrassed, she hugged Lan Xue tightly in her arms, as if she was afraid of losing her.

Lan Xue didn't care about being shy, and hugged Luo Zheng tightly, venting all the worries, fears, longings, etc. during this period. She wished that Luo Zheng could be integrated into her body. Her eyes were flushed. Who said soldiers ruthless? Soldiers are also human beings. For the sake of the country, they have to keep their children's feelings deep in their hearts. Who knows the pain?

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