The strongest soldier

Chapter 2512 Inspecting the battlefield

Three days later, the president announced his comeback and held a press conference to declare that the interim president was an illegitimate president and put the interim president on death row for collaborating with the enemy and treason and murdering the president and other important national officials. At the meeting, the president announced that he would cooperate with the Chinese nation Establishing a deep strategic cooperative relationship and requesting China to include Myanmar within the scope of nuclear security means that when Myanmar is attacked by other countries, China will have reasons to legally send troops to station and use nuclear weapons to maintain Myanmar's security when necessary.

As soon as this statement was made, the world was in an uproar. Everyone knew that the Sam country lost this war, and also lost the Burmese country. The island chain that has been worked hard for decades has become loose, and may be broken at any time. Once it is trapped, Once the island chain around China's neck is broken, China is expected to become a maritime power. Countless goods will be exported from Myanmar, saving time, effort and cost, and greatly increasing the competitiveness of goods. This will change the entire world economic pattern, and all countries will become more active. I hope to gain some benefits from this change.

Political and economic issues were of no interest to Luo Zheng. After understanding some basic information, he hid in his room and thought about a plan to deal with the biological warriors. At noon that day, Puyun and the women's team brought food. Everyone sat on the floor and took whatever they wanted. Yong and Luo Zheng also came out to eat with everyone. Everyone was used to this way of eating in the open air. The conditions of the Qin people were simple, and during the mission, everyone who stuttered was satisfied.

Everyone chatted while eating, and the atmosphere was harmonious. They were all brothers who lived together through life and death, and there was no taboo in joking. Luo Zheng and the officers sat around and chatted about the war in the past few days. This was the first time for everyone to have such a big scene. , there are many places worth summarizing. While chatting, Puyun came over.

Everyone smiled knowingly and looked at the mountain eagle. The mountain eagle smiled awkwardly and stood up to greet him. He didn't care about everyone's teasing. The relationship between the two was no longer a secret here. Puyun glanced at everyone lightly and his eyes fell on The mountain eagle whispered: "We don't have much food. Do you want to get some game later?"

"I have to ask." Mountain Eagle said in a low voice. According to regulations, all missions and military operations must ask for instructions.

Puyun also understood this rule and nodded. The mountain eagle turned around and walked to Luo Zheng, whispering: "Brothers, she came over and said there was not much food. Did she want to get some game in the afternoon?"

"Okay, please ask her to come over. If you have anything to ask her," Luo Zheng suddenly had an idea and asked in a low voice.

Puyun quickly came over, sat down opposite Luo Zheng and asked, "Are you looking for me?"

"Well, I want to ask something. Are you familiar with this area?" Luo Zheng asked.

"It's okay, it depends on what you asked." Puyun replied.

"Are there any larger caves with canyons around and places with relatively dangerous terrain?" Luo Zheng asked.

"Yes, but it's a bit far away. I heard that there is a canyon about fifty kilometers away from here. There is a cave in the canyon. It is called Black Dragon Cave locally. No one knows how deep it is. Some people go in in the morning and come out from the other end in the afternoon. , I’ve heard about it too, but I’ve never been there.” Puyun replied in a low voice.

"Well, this must be kept secret. In this way, I will go with you after dinner. Remember, don't tell anyone." Luo Zheng warned seriously.

"Okay, I'll go get ready and come back to you later." Puyun promised. When Luo Zheng nodded, he stood up, glanced at the mountain eagle, and turned around to go back.

"Mountain Eagle will bring a small team with me. Guishou and Snow Leopard, please stay and restrain the troops. Don't mess around. Brother Xu Gang, do you want to come with me?" Luo Zheng said and looked at Xu Gang. Xu Gang completed the task. I came back and rested for a few days. I was full of energy. I had been exhausted for a long time. How could I miss such a good opportunity and fully agree to it?

"I'll go take a look too." Tie Diao couldn't help but suggested.

"That's fine. Let's lead a group and leave the rest. Arrange everyone well and don't mess around." Luo Zheng said.

"Okay." Xu Gang agreed.

Everyone quickly ate and drank, and put on combat equipment. Just as Puyun came over, he put on combat uniforms. It is said that the mountain eagle ripped it off from a biological warrior, and gave it to him along with the bulletproof armor. Puyun made the gift, Puyun was also a bold person, he didn't care if it was something pulled from a dead person, as long as it was a gift from a mountain eagle, he would regard it as a treasure.

This combat uniform is a high-tech product. It is not only cold-resistant, windproof, and fireproof, but also has a certain radiation protection effect. More importantly, it can prevent infrared thermal imaging detection. It can also be regarded as top-level individual soldier equipment. Luo Zheng saw Puyun also Wearing an M9 military dagger, one of the standard equipment of Sam's country's special forces, it was also captured by Shan Diao.

The movement of troops will definitely arouse suspicion. Fortunately, I have often gone hunting before. I still used this excuse this time. No one suspected anything. The team quickly entered the mountain and walked forward. Puyun led the way. Everyone was talking and laughing along the way. , walked for about half an hour, for safety reasons, Luo Zheng asked the mountain eagle to arrange for the brothers to take turns to open the way in front. They had already left the valley defense area, and they had to be careful going forward.

Everyone walked around and attacked the prey when they saw it. With everyone's skills, no wild beast could be spared. Time passed unknowingly. At dusk, everyone came to a mountain ridge. There were rocks everywhere around the mountain. There are overgrown weeds, no tall trees, and the view is wide.

In front of the mountain is a huge canyon, as if two mountain ranges were torn apart. It is more accurate to call it the Great Rift Valley. Luo Zheng did not expect that such a place would have such terrain as the Great Rift Valley. It is very rare. I guess it is here There were earthquakes or shifting tectonic plates long ago that created this rift.

The bottom of the rift valley is so deep that it is difficult for the sun to shine through. You can vaguely see the dense woods growing below. Some rivers wash down, forming spectacular waterfalls. The thick mist looks like a colorful gauze under the sunset. The clothes are dancing in the wind, especially beautiful.

The breeze blew over the hills and blew on people, making people feel relaxed and refreshed. Luo Zheng quietly admired this scene and saw a few monkeys appearing on the cliffs of the rift valley below, chirping, maybe When they discovered that a stranger had broken in, they screamed strangely and dived into the rift valley one after another.

"I heard that there was no such canyon here in ancient times, but a huge cave, where a black dragon lived. Later, the black dragon ran away, and the cave collapsed for unknown reasons, forming this canyon. There are some entrances to the caves below the canyon. The caves I don’t know what’s going on inside.” Puyun whispered.

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