The strongest soldier

Chapter 2511 New Plan

The early morning sun is warm and gentle, the breeze is gentle, and the sky is blue. The valley of the Kochin tribe, which has experienced the war, is extremely lively. Many people are repairing the houses that were bombed. Although a large number of wooden houses were destroyed and burned, everyone is not sad. On the contrary , all faces were filled with the joy of victory.

Everyone was not optimistic about this battle and were prepared to sacrifice. Unexpectedly, we won, and it was a great victory. No common people were harmed. Even Horza surrendered. This was a great good thing. No one was sad. Actively participate in rebuilding your home.

The rooms are all made of wooden houses, and there are trees everywhere. Materials are not a problem, and manpower is not a problem either. In several intact wooden houses, the ghost hands, snow leopards, mountain eagles and others took the troops to rest in the wooden houses. The kind-hearted Ke The Chin people believed that everyone had worked hard and should have a good rest, so they did not let everyone help. The troops were indeed very tired, so everyone was not polite and rested in the room.

The biggest reason for the reversal of this battle was that Xu Gang prevented the black shadow from taking off, completely changing the situation of the battle. Of course, Luo Zheng issued a hush-hush order on this matter and was not allowed to be spread. Naturally, no one said a word, but It was just an internal chat, and Luo Zheng didn't expect that Xu Gang would accidentally discover Black Eagle.

Pufu, the president, Sha Biao, Homuzha and other tribal representatives brought the main force and surrendered troops to the capital to seize power, leaving only some wounded and ordinary soldiers to participate in the construction work in the tribe. This kind of internal affairs was a waste of time. Zheng didn't want to get involved and took all his brothers to stay in the valley to rest.

When he woke up, he felt much better. Luo Zheng called several officers together to summarize the war. As for the matter of seizing power, there were not many soldiers around the interim president, and he was no match for them. Luo Zheng was too lazy to worry about it and discussed it. After a while, Luo Zheng suddenly looked at Xuelian and said, "Where are Xu Gang and the others?"

"Let me ask." Xue Lian agreed, quickly turned on the computer and started typing. Soon, Xue Lian said: "We are halfway there, and we expect to arrive before dark."

"Well, that's good. Xu Gang and the others are the first to succeed in this battle. It's a pity that they are not in the country. Otherwise, we can have a good celebration." Luo Zheng said with a smile. After winning the battle, all the mysteries and obstacles were swept away, and he was in a good mood. .

"Just go back and make it up." Xue Lian smiled.

"Mastermind, can I say that our mission is half completed? What should we do next?" Tie Diao suddenly asked, and his words pulled everyone's thoughts back.

This time I came to Myanmar with only one mission: to avenge the brother troops who were massacred by the biological warriors and find the tentacle monster. During the execution, I had an additional mission, which was the political situation in Myanmar. Stabilizing the political situation in Myanmar is conducive to the country's overseas strategy. It is beneficial to the country. There is nothing to say. Everyone is very resolute in implementing it. From the looks of things, the political situation in Myanmar is basically stable. Next, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other troops will intervene. Soldiers do not interfere in politics. This is an iron law.

The political situation in Myanmar is stable, and this task has been completed. Next, we naturally return to the original task, which is also the most relevant task for the Veterans Club, which is the biological warrior and the tentacle monster. These days, everyone can already determine that the tentacle monster is related to the Dark Church. This It makes everyone even more uneasy, and everyone will feel uneasy if they don't get rid of the tentacle monster.

Luo Zheng understood everyone's mood, glanced at Tie Diao, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, this matter must be resolved, but there are people who are more anxious than us. What we have to do is to rest for two days, adjust the state, and then talk to When the opponent competes, the soldiers will have to sacrifice their lives."

"As long as we can get rid of the bastard tentacle monster, the rest is not a problem. It's just, how do we find them? What if they don't come?" Tie Diao said in a deep voice.

Luo Zheng looked around. They were all his brothers. He didn't have to worry about leaking the secret. Then he lowered his voice and asked, "No, have you forgotten Chi You Ji?"

"That's right, it almost happened, hehe, then I'm relieved." Tie Diao suddenly realized and said with a smile.

"What's going on?" Guishou asked curiously.

Luo Zheng gave a brief explanation of the Chi You Ji, and finally added: "The Chi You Ji is something that the Dark Church must obtain, and they even want to mess up the situation in Myanmar. Therefore, I judge that they have returned, and our top priority is to rest and recuperate. Okay, let’s settle the accounts with them when the time comes.”

"What if they don't come to us?" Snow Leopard asked.

"No, because we know where Chi You Ji is. When the time comes, we just need to find a suitable place to show off, and then let the news out. It would be strange if they don't come to snatch it." Luo Zheng said with a smile.

"Yes, it makes sense. If they don't come, it means that Chi You's Halberd will be robbed by us. This is something they don't want to see. They will come even if they know there is danger. This is a good method." Tie Diao said excitedly.

Everyone laughed. With the dragon tooth bullets and the arrival of the action team members at night, everyone had great confidence in defeating the people of the Dark Church. In the last battle, nearly a hundred biological warriors were killed. I have a lot of confidence both mentally and in terms of weapons.

"Head, secret communication, conference call." A voice suddenly sounded in the headset, it was Lan Xing.

Luo Zheng was startled, then realized what he was doing, and said to everyone: "Okay, you guys chat for a while, and I'll go take care of something." As he said that, he walked outside, passing through the crowds of people building houses and the messy trees, and quickly He walked to the lakeside and found a deserted open space to sit down. Looking at the calm lake, his mood gradually calmed down. Then he said through the headset: "I'm fine. What's going on?"

"It's me, kid. I did a good job. I understand the situation. I have to say that you fought a thrilling battle and almost failed. Anyway, you won. I'll treat you to a drink when you come back." A majestic man The voice sounded in the headset, with a bit of joy and appreciation.

"Thank you for the compliment, chief." Luo Zheng quickly agreed upon hearing that it was Mr. Li.

"Don't thank me. I should thank you on behalf of the organization. What do you have in mind next?" Mr. Li asked.

"It is not convenient for us to participate in internal affairs, so as not to leave criticism in the country. You have agreed to this, so the troops are resting in the valley. It is recommended that the country arrange contacts with the President of Myanmar as soon as possible to reach a cooperation agreement and announce in-depth cooperation matters to the outside world. Completely block the possibility of Sam State provoking an escalation of war."

"We don't need to worry about this. What do you think about the mission?" Mr. Li asked in a deep voice.

"After the brothers have rested for two days and fully recovered, I will choose a battlefield, let out the wind, and say that I have found the Chi You Halberd, attracting the Dark Church to take the bait, waiting for work, and kill them in one fell swoop." Luo Zheng said murderously, holding his hand He clenched his fists and looked sharply at the calm lake in front of him.

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