The strongest soldier

Chapter 2510 The ruthless elder

On the outskirts of the capital of Sam Kingdom, there is a luxurious manor villa.

Outside the villa, there are flowers, rockeries and flowing water. Many tough men in black suits are wandering around, wearing white headsets and bulging waists. They are obviously armed. They are all staring sharply at the surroundings, not missing any detail. , obviously the bodyguard here.

Several limited-edition luxury sports cars were parked at the door, and people stood guarding the cars. They were impressive. The villa had three floors, and bodyguards stood on the balconies of each floor to protect the villa. The living room inside the villa was decorated to the extreme. , there are several crocodile leather sofas placed in the center of the living room. Some people are sitting quietly on the sofas, their ears pricked up with calm expressions, and no one dares to talk nonsense.

Sitting at the top was an elegant elder, about sixty years old, with some gray hair and a thin face. He was holding a civilized staff. His eyes were introverted and deep. He was looking at everyone coldly, without being angry or intimidating. The elder Behind them stood a man and a woman. The man was strong and the woman was beautiful. However, they exuded a faint murderous aura. They were staring at the people in front of them sharply. They looked like bodyguards of the elders.

Suddenly, the elder coughed slightly to attract everyone's attention, and said calmly: "Everyone, I leave the affairs of Myanmar to you, but the results are disappointing. How should I punish you?"

"Elder, I am willing to be punished. The holy warriors are commanded by my subordinates. Thanks to the trust of the elder, I handed over one hundred and fifty holy warriors to my subordinates. However, in the battle with Burma, only thirty were left, and all the others died in the battle. The subordinate is guilty and is willing to accept any punishment without any complaints. However, please allow the elders to allow the subordinate to explain clearly the reasons for the failure so as to avoid repeating the same mistakes." A middle-aged man in his forties suddenly came out, knelt on the ground and said in a deep voice said.

"Give you a chance, tell me." The man known as the elder said calmly, but there was an undoubted murderous aura in his words, which was chilling.

"Yes, thank you elder." The middle-aged man kowtowed quickly and said: "Elder, our opponent has an extra weapon, to be precise, a bullet that can penetrate our armor. As long as our holy warrior is beaten If you are hit, even if you are shot, you will definitely die, and it will not take more than three minutes."

"Oh? This is an interesting thing. Why didn't anyone tell me before?" the elder said lightly.

"Elder, we didn't know about this at all before, so we fell into passivity when we entered the battlefield. If we hadn't left thirty holy warriors to protect our headquarters, I'm afraid none of them would be able to come back." The middle-aged man said quickly.

"Tell me about bullets, how much do you know?" the elder said lightly, while stroking his civilized crutch. The crutch was guarded by a woman, with wings, like a legendary angel. The carving was a bit abstract and very old. He couldn't tell who looked like the one in the legend. The elder stroked her very slowly, his face was calm, but his deep eyes were fixed on the middle-aged man kneeling on the ground.

"Yes, Elder." The middle-aged man didn't dare to raise his head and said quickly: "Your Excellency, Elder, we got a bullet. It looks like a sniper bullet. The bullet has two cutting edges and looks like a drill. It has been sent to the research department for study. Judging from the fact that the bullet can penetrate the armor, it should be related to these two blades. In addition, the bullet can be fatal if it hits non-lethal parts. It is speculated that the bullet contains venom, which is specially designed to restrain the venom of holy warriors. "

"Oh, that's interesting. I didn't expect that China actually developed this kind of weapon. It seems that we need to think about it carefully. You continue." The elder said lightly.

"Yes, elder, my subordinates saw that the war was not going well and the remaining holy warriors were no match for them, so they chose to endure it. After receiving the elder's order to defeat the interim president, my subordinates secretly evacuated Myanmar with a group of people to avoid being attacked by them. Found it." The middle-aged man said quickly.

"Discovered? Did you just say discovered?" The elder's calm expression suddenly became a little more solemn, and his gaze towards the middle-aged man became a little colder.

"Yes, I found it." The middle-aged man trembled, as if he was very afraid of the old man, and quickly explained in horror: "It is true that the tentacle monster has a very strong information ability, but our opponent also has a very strong information engineer. , I later learned that her name was Xue Lian, who was rescued from Alcatraz Island. I felt that the tentacle monster was no match for her. It was obvious that the tentacle monster was also a little wary of her."

"So the tentacle monster deceived us?" the elder asked coldly.

"Perhaps even the tentacle monster himself doesn't know that Snow Lotus has hidden a secret and hasn't taught all the skills to the tentacle monster." The middle-aged man explained truthfully.

"Well, your evaluation is very objective. I understand this matter." The elder said calmly.

The middle-aged man was startled. He couldn't figure out whether the elder knew about this, or whether he had already known that the tentacle monster was inferior to the snow lotus. He was full of curiosity, but did not dare to ask. He continued to kneel on the ground and wait, not daring to move. After a while, the middle-aged man's forehead was covered with cold sweat. This feeling of waiting for the verdict of life and death was very uncomfortable.

"The biggest problem why this matter failed is that we didn't know beforehand that the other party had restrained bullets. It's a matter of the intelligence department. Get up." The elder said calmly.

"Thank you, elder." The middle-aged man was overjoyed when he found out that he had been pardoned. He quickly kowtowed, got up, stood aside, wiped his sweat quietly, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Elder, this subordinate is guilty." A middle-aged man knelt on the ground with a gloomy expression.

"As the head of the intelligence department, you failed to grasp the situation in time, which resulted in the sacrifice of a large number of our heroic holy warriors and heavy losses. Where is your injustice?" the elder said calmly, and suddenly stopped stroking the crutch.

"Puff -" a gunshot rang out, and the middle-aged man kneeling on the ground was hit in the head by a bullet, killing him on the spot. He didn't even have time to grunt, but the beautiful woman behind the elder blew on the exquisite little pistol that was emitting green smoke. He snorted disdainfully and put the pistol away.

This scene seemed to everyone to be familiar with it. They were all silent and no one moved. The elder said calmly: "Take him out to feed the wolves."

Another male bodyguard behind the elder stepped forward with a cold face, grabbed him and walked outside, as easily as an eagle catching a chicken. Without even looking at the crowd, the elder said calmly: "Everyone, I am Chai. The Childe family is what it is today, thanks to everyone's support. This incident in Myanmar has exceeded expectations. It is not only a shame for you, but also a shame for my Childe family. This matter must be remedied, otherwise no one can save you and me. , everyone knows the rules, you know what to do, I only look at the results, I will give you one month, after one month I will see Chi You Ji placed in front of me, go ahead."

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