The strongest soldier

Chapter 2513 Finding the Golden Cave

The breeze slowly passed by, blowing on the mountains, and the afterglow of the setting sun fell down, illuminating the surrounding quiet forest. A few birds were flying in the sky, chasing each other, and then disappeared into the woods and disappeared. On the open mountains, Luo Zheng and others looked at the surrounding terrain curiously and silently took notes.

Naturally, everyone is here not for sightseeing or traveling, but to inspect the battlefield. If you want to defeat the Dark Church, you must eliminate their minions, especially the biological warriors. The biological warriors are so powerful that they are rarely found at ordinary times. Everyone needs an excuse to attract them. When they come, they need a battlefield, a battlefield that is beneficial to everyone.

Luo Zheng looked at this place carefully. He felt that this battlefield was good. The surroundings had a wide field of vision. The troops could not be hidden at all. There was no need to worry about them sending large troops to lurk. As long as the biological warriors descended into the Great Rift Valley, he could mobilize troops to seal off the surrounding areas. , however, the terrain below must be carefully investigated.

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng immediately said: "Brothers, go down and take a look."

Everyone agreed, took out the ropes and connected them together, tied them to a huge stone, and threw the other end down. Everyone grabbed the ropes and climbed down. Luo Zheng looked at Puyun, who said knowingly: " I'm fine, I've been used to climbing cliffs since I was a child, so this thing won't trouble me."

"Okay, be careful, Mountain Eagle. You get off next, and then it's your turn." Luo Zheng said and looked at Puyun. Puyun nodded. Luo Zheng gave Tie Diao a look, and Tie Diao understood. He nodded, and after the mountain eagle and Puyun grabbed the rope and went down, the iron eagle also followed.

Luo Zheng knew the strength of iron and mountain eagles. If something unexpected happened to Puyun, it would not be a problem if there were mountain eagles below and iron eagles above. After everyone went down, Luo Zheng was the last one to follow. There were hard rocks along the way. , you will get scratched if you are not careful. Fortunately, everyone wears special combat uniforms, which are wear-resistant, so we can avoid injuries.

The Great Rift Valley is more than 30 meters deep. Everyone finally went down and saw some huge stones around them. They probably fell from above. The surface of the stones was smooth and clean, and very humid. There were trees several meters high growing around them. The air was hot and humid. , the surroundings were quiet, and not far away, some monkeys clung to the cliff and looked at everyone curiously.

"Everyone, go forward and search." Luo Zheng whispered, putting on the headset, connecting to the satellite and continued: "Headquarters, can you listen to me?"

"Yes, but the signal is not very good." Blue Star's voice sounded in the headset.

"Make positioning immediately. This is a large rift valley. I don't know how long it is. It is about thirty meters deep and ten to twenty meters wide. We will next inspect this large rift valley. If the terrain is suitable, we are going to There are traps here, so make a good deal with the biological warriors." Luo Zheng warned in a deep voice.

"Understood, wait a moment." Lan Xing agreed in a deep voice. After a while, Lan Xing continued: "Okay, be careful. If you have anything to say, feel free to tell me. I will continue to follow you."

"Okay, if there is no signal and there is no news before dawn tomorrow, we will arrange for people to come to the rescue. If enemies appear on the Great Rift Valley, remember to notify us in time. If the notification fails, immediately contact the ghost hands and mountain eagles to let them Bring someone to support you." Luo Zheng warned in a deep voice, taking all possible contingencies into consideration.

"Understood." Blue Star agreed quickly.

After explaining what happened behind his back, Luo Zheng looked at everyone and said, "Okay, let's go."

Everyone agreed and walked forward. There were many trees along the way. Fortunately, they did not affect the march. From time to time, we could see huge falling stones. Standing on them, we had a clear view. After walking more than 20 meters, we suddenly saw something in front of us. The entrance to a cave is about three meters in diameter. It is so dark inside that nothing can be seen.

"Let's go and have a look." Everyone rushed forward excitedly, turned on the flashlights and shined inside. They found that the inside was obviously much larger, the air was humid and cold, water was dripping from the top of the cave, and below was a small river, winding into the cave. There are some small pools at the bend of the river with stalagmites inside, which emit colorful light under the light.

"It's interesting. Let's go in and have a look." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"I'll take the lead." Xu Gang said and entered first. Others followed. After entering, everyone suddenly felt that the whole world seemed to have become quiet. There was only the sound of water drops. It was so quiet that there was wind in the cave. The wind was chilling on the body, and everyone vigilantly used flashlights to shoot around, loaded their bullets, and walked forward slowly.

This operation not only included the action team led by Xu Gang, but also the small team led by Shandiao. There were about 20 people in total, all of them were masters. Everyone kept a certain distance, supported each other, and took turns to cover and move forward. After a few minutes, the front suddenly opened up and a huge cave appeared.

The cave is about 20 meters high and 30 meters wide. It is bottomless. The top of the cave is covered with stalactites and strange-shaped stalagmites can be seen everywhere on the ground. There is a pool, which is as calm as a mirror and crystal clear to the bottom. There are some microorganisms swimming below, I don’t know what they are.

Everyone used flashlights to shine around, and after seeing nothing unusual, they continued to move forward. After walking for another ten minutes, the front actually became dry, the breeze was gentle, there were no water droplets in sight, and the air was not that humid anymore. After walking for a while, everyone used flashlights to shine on the cave wall and found something shiny.

"There is something on the cave wall." Someone shouted. Everyone curiously walked to a cave wall and continued to shine it with flashlights. They found that there was something embedded in the cave wall. It was shiny and seemed to be gold. They were shocked. If it were all gold, wouldn't it shock the world if it were spread?

"It looks like it to me." Xu Gang said in a deep voice.

"It does look like it, Junzi, aren't you a mineralogist? Come and have a look." Tie Diao shouted.

A member of the action team agreed and came forward to identify it carefully. He even used a military dagger to pry off a piece, remove the soil outside, and put it under a flashlight to identify it carefully. After a while, the man named Junzi looked at Xu Gang solemnly. He nodded and said: "I promise, these are all gold. I didn't expect there to be so much, and it only takes a little sifting and washing. It's good stuff. We will make a fortune."

"Fuck you." Xu Gang cursed the other person angrily, looked at Luo Zheng and said, "What do you think?"

"Gold is a good excuse to let the Kochin tribe come here to develop it, and then release the news to the outside world that they have found what they want. Everything is so reasonable and reasonable. I believe that the biological warriors will definitely come to snatch it." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice. , a flash of fighting spirit flashed in the tiger's eyes.

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