The strongest soldier

Chapter 2471 Robbery Tactics

The God-level Soldier King and the Dark Church are also considered old enemies. Now the traitor tentacle monster is very likely to defect to the Dark Church. This makes Xu Gang hold back his anger and prepares to take this opportunity to teach the Dark Church a lesson and capture the tentacle monster. To avenge the shame, the battle started very smoothly, surrounding the President of Myanmar, and a special operations brigade from Sam State also blocked the sneak attacks of reinforcements and biological warriors. Everything was as planned, but now the situation has changed subtly. The enemy could pick up the people on the bridge within an hour at most, but there was no way for him to fight back, which made Xu Gang anxious.

Luo Zheng understood Xu Gang's mood. He glanced at Xu Gang and suddenly had an idea. He said in a deep voice: "I know how you feel. There is a way, but it is very dangerous. Do you want to try it?"

"Tell me about it." Xu Ganghun said nonchalantly. He has experienced all kinds of storms and waves, but he still cares about danger?

"Lead your team to charge up and take the lead. Zhou Gang will lead the people to cover behind, rush to the bridge, kill the enemy, and capture the President of Myanmar. As long as the President is in hand, it will be easy to handle later, but this method is too dangerous. I will sacrifice myself at any time." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, frowning, not very willing to use this desperate method.

Xu Gang naturally knew the danger of doing this. After all, we are all human beings, not real gods. We will be injured just like bullets, but if we don't fight, there will be no chance. Xu Gang pondered for a moment and said: "Okay, let's do it. But, I took the action team away, what if the biological warriors sneak attack from here?"

"I'll take Sanji and the others to watch here. It's not a big problem. Are you sure you want to do this?" Luo Zheng asked worriedly. Pulling teeth out of a tiger's mouth is no joke. It's too dangerous. If possible, Luo Zheng would never do it. This next time.

"It's important to give it a try before you know it. This opportunity is rare and I don't want to miss it." Xu Gang said in a deep voice.

It is not easy to snatch people from the Sam State Special Forces Brigade, but Luo Zheng knows the combat power of Xu Gang and others. Once they get close, they are absolutely invincible. It is not a problem to rush up and snatch people. The only difficulty is to retreat. They need people to cover them. After thinking about it, , Luo Zheng said in a deep voice: "Zhou Gang, lead the people to push forward as much as possible, continue to create chaos, and cover Xu Gang and others to rush forward."

"Yes." Zhou Gang agreed in a deep voice.

"Brother, since you have decided, let's give it a try. We seized some bullet-proof armors and asked all the brothers to put them on to improve the safety factor. Once you get it, you don't need to retreat back the same way. You can quickly jump off the bridge. Ten meters is for you. Isn't it difficult? The enemy will never imagine that you will jump off the bridge and retreat, and there will be no time to stop you. After you come down, hide under the bridge and retreat along the bridge. The enemies on the bridge can't do anything to you." Luo Zheng warned in a deep voice.

When Xu Gang heard this, his eyes began to shine, he smiled, and said excitedly: "Okay, this method is good. With bullet-proof armor, we don't have to worry too much. At least we can rush up smoothly. As long as we get close, the enemy can't do anything to us. Stealing people is not a problem, but retreating after grabbing them is the most dangerous thing. Your method is great. No one would have thought of jumping off the bridge. You will be below in a flash, and everyone will be safe. Just wait for my good news."

"Okay, be careful, don't tie the wrong target." Luo Zheng warned in a deep voice.

"I have photos here, come and take a look." Xue Lian suddenly reminded.

Xu Gang agreed and motioned for the brothers to gather around him. He looked at the photo of the President of Myanmar carefully and took a deep note of his appearance. Luo Zheng asked the members of the Mountain Eagle Team to take off the captured bulletproof armor. Xu Gang and others People were not polite and took them over to put on.

A few minutes later, everyone was dressed neatly. Luo Zheng anxiously called all the members of Xu Gang's action team over, asked Snow Leopard to bring a lot of button bombs, and told everyone how to use the button bombs. Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard it. There were so many button bombs, each of which was equivalent to a high-explosive grenade. When the time came to throw them together, the scene was absolutely spectacular. Everyone laughed excitedly. As for the danger, no one took it seriously at all.

Xu Gang also said excitedly: "Brothers, with so many button bombs, we are much more certain of success. Let Zhou Gang cover us with firepower to rush forward. Once we get close, we will directly throw the button bombs over and blow up a large area. These Although the thing is small, with our wrist strength, it is no problem to throw it fifty meters, and directly blast a bloody path to snatch the person back."

"Yes, let's do it." Everyone said in unison excitedly. Without the worries before, they used button bombs to clear the way. They were wearing bulletproof armor and sniper cover. They rushed up and blasted them, grabbing people. Jump off the bridge and run, catching the enemy off guard and greatly increasing your chance of success.

"Go, be careful." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice. A dead president of Myanmar would make the situation in Myanmar chaotic. It seems to be beneficial to either party, but a living president is more beneficial, whether it is for the Dark Church or the Dark Church. If the country of Sam captures the president of Burma, everything will be fine.

Xu Gang and others put down their backpacks and hurried away with button bombs and other weapons. Luo Zheng knew the combat effectiveness of Xu Gang and others, so he was not very worried and turned his attention to the front of the position. If the enemy knew that the president was captured, they would definitely Crazy to kill and rob, you must be ready for battle.

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng immediately said to Snow Leopard: "Quickly, arrange for a brother to go up and place all the button bombs a hundred meters ahead. Arrange a dedicated person to detonate them. As soon as they reach the area, they will detonate. Don't waste time asking for instructions. These bastards are so fast. It's too fast, I rushed over as soon as I asked for instructions, and it would be a waste to blow it up again."

"Understood, I will personally take charge of this matter." Snow Leopard promised in a deep voice and quickly made arrangements.

Five minutes later, Luo Zheng heard intensive explosions, gunshots, and shouts of kill coming from his headset. Knowing that it was Xu Gang and others who had taken action, he couldn't help but worry. Although the action team led by Xu Gang was powerful, there was no guarantee that they would be killed. In case, this operation is crucial, and if it fails, it will be a failure. Luo Zheng does not want Xu Gang and others to make any mistakes. They are all masters and cannot afford to lose.

The battlefield is changing rapidly, and many things are unpredictable and cannot be left to anyone. Luo Zheng took a deep breath, suppressed the anxiety and worry in his heart, and stared straight ahead. The people arranged by Snow Leopard were still planting button bombs, and the woods ahead were It was quiet, there was no movement, and it was weird. The more Luo Zheng thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong. He raised his binoculars and searched carefully, not missing any details.

Suddenly a little bird flew into the sky in the dense forest ahead. It seemed normal. Such details often happened in the woods, but Luo Zheng felt vaguely that his uneasy emotions were about to explode. He felt very uncomfortable holding them in his heart. Knowing that danger was approaching, he hurriedly shouted through the headset: "Quick, Snow Leopard, let Bray's brothers withdraw immediately."

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