The strongest soldier

Chapter 2472 The iron eagle saves people

"Wha--" As soon as Luo Zheng finished his words, a slight sniper gunshot rang out in the dense forest. The brother in charge of laying the mines had his legs broken. His body flew out and fell heavily to the ground. Blood surged all over the place. One of the legs was broken, which meant that the arteries and blood vessels were damaged and it was impossible to survive.

"Bastard——" Everyone was furious when they saw this scene. They howled and quickly entered the fighting state. They raised their guns and aimed at the past. Their murderous intent soared into the sky. They all had cold faces, as if they were wild beasts that chose the opportunity to move. , the red flames of war danced in his eyes, as if volcanic karst were rolling.

Luo Zheng was also angry. His cold face was full of murderous intent. He stared at his brother who had his legs broken. He was still breathing. He rolled on the ground in pain. The ground was covered with blood. Blood and painful moans came through the headset. Luo Zheng was heartbroken and shouted: "Brother, hold on, I will save you right away."

"Don't come here." The tactician shouted with difficulty, his voice full of nostalgia and longing for life. He got up and sat up with difficulty, but couldn't control the pain. He lay helplessly on the ground again and shouted happily: "Brothers, Don’t come here, please, this is the enemy’s trick, a tactic of surrounding the corpses and calling for reinforcements.”

Everyone has rich fighting experience and knows that this is a tactic of surrounding corpses and rescuing. Simply put, it means to injure one person, attract more people to rescue, and then all hit the gun. However, no one can watch calmly, not even Luo Zheng. No, he shouted in a deep voice: "Cover me with firepower -" He stood up and rushed forward.

"Don't move, I'll go." Tie Diao shouted in a deep voice. He held down Luo Zheng who was about to rush forward. He kicked hard with his feet and his body rushed forward, as if he was diving down from a high cliff. The eagle is extremely fast and difficult to locate with the naked eye.

"Aim at the suspicious place ahead and hit me." Seeing that Tie Diao had rushed over, Luo Zheng roared, picked up the sniper rifle in his hand and pulled the trigger. Endless murderous intent burst out. At this moment, Luo Zheng's mind There was only anger, overwhelming anger.

"Puff-puff-puff!" Everyone roared angrily, pulled the trigger one after another, and started shooting at the suspicious places in front of them. They didn't care about wasting bullets, and fire was about to burst out of their eyes. They looked like meteors when they saw iron sculptures. Rushing forward, a few bullets were fired near the iron sculpture. Everyone became even more furious and fired rapidly in the direction of the enemy's exposed firepower point.

The iron eagle's speed was so fast that it left only an afterimage in the void. At the critical moment of life and death, the iron eagle no longer kept secrets and burst out at its maximum speed. Holding its breath, it rushed directly to the place where it was interrupted. In front of the brother, he reached out with his big hand, like an eagle's sharp claws, and directly grabbed the soldier on the ground. His body turned 40 or 50 degrees, and strangely dodged to one side.

As soon as the front foot left, three rapid shots came from behind. The bullets hit the ground in a zigzag shape. If the iron eagle hadn't been fast enough, these three shots would have been hit. The successful iron eagle didn't look at the bullets and quickly grabbed the soldier. He retreated, constantly changing his running direction, and ran a weird route that no one could predict, narrowly avoiding the bullets fired every time.

Luo Zheng saw the bullets coming from the Zigzag attack, and also found the hiding place of a target. He didn't have time to think too much, and quickly aimed at it, and then fired a rapid burst, swish, swish, swish - three gunshots, three sniper bullets whizzing. He rose up, carrying Luo Zheng's endless anger, and disappeared into the woods in an instant without making any sound.

Unable to see the target position, Luo Zheng did not want to waste the dragon tooth bullets. Although the sniper bullets could not tear apart the bullet-proof armor on the biological warriors, the powerful impact was enough to make the opponent uncomfortable. If it hit the head, even if he could not be killed, he would still be hit. It's enough to knock the opponent unconscious and enough to interfere with the opponent's continued shooting.

The brothers' firing was not enough to interfere with the bullets fired in the dense forest in front. The enemy was very smart and naturally knew the rules of combat of changing positions with one shot. The bullets flew towards the iron eagle one after another. Fortunately, the iron eagle was fast enough to fight. With rich experience, they quickly withdrew. There was no danger, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Luo Zheng immediately ordered his brothers to stop shooting. Since the brothers' shooting cannot interfere with the opponent, don't waste it fearlessly. Fortunately, Tie Diao successfully brought the man back. This rescue virtually boosted everyone's morale and fighting spirit. Everyone stared ahead with cold expressions, while pricking up their ears and waiting for Luo Zheng's order, holding a breath in their hearts.

Tie Diao led his men and rushed to Luo Zheng. He tilted his feet and lay down. He carefully placed the snatched brother on the ground. Luo Zheng looked over anxiously and found that the brother had no life left. His arteries and blood vessels were ruptured. The blood loss was too fast and there was no time to rescue him. Luo Zheng knew that he could not be saved. His heart was as sharp as a knife. He looked at the other party in pain and said: "Brother, if you have anything to explain, just say it."

"Tell my dad that I didn't embarrass him." The soldier said with difficulty, his voice weak.

Luo Zheng leaned forward and heard clearly. His nose felt sour, and a line of tiger tears rolled down. What a good warrior. He didn't make any demands before he died. His heart was filled with panic, as if he was pressed by a huge stone. It was so heavy that it was difficult to breathe. This was a newly added warrior. Luo Zheng didn't even have time to remember the other person's name.

The battlefield is cruel, merciless, and the most affectionate. Luo Zheng engraved the soldier's appearance deeply in his mind. Seeing that the other person slowly closed his eyes and lost his life, Luo Zheng slowly stood up with a cold face. Like ice, the tiger's eyes stared straight ahead, almost ready to spit fire.

Everyone looked at Luo Zheng and held their breath. Suddenly, Luo Zheng shouted with murderous intent: "All brothers, obey my order, don't take prisoners, aim and hit me, and avenge your brothers."

"Yes." Everyone roared in a deep voice, as if a lion was roaring, challenging the enemy. Endless fighting spirit rose into the sky, shrouding the front like a substance. At this moment, the heaven and earth seemed to have solidified, murderous intent Vertically and horizontally, stirring the sky.

Soon, everyone saw the shadows rushing up from the woods. They were so fast that they were difficult to distinguish with the naked eye and difficult to locate. Luo Zheng knew that once these people approached, everyone would fall into a passive state and roared: "Kill me——"

"Kill--" Everyone pulled the trigger angrily, and the dragon tooth bullet whizzed out of the chamber, crashing fiercely forward, drawing terrifying air currents in the void, carrying an endless breath of death.

However, these biological warriors came with ferocious force and extremely fast speed, making it difficult to aim effectively. Luo Zheng's face suddenly darkened when he saw this scene. He put down the sniper rifle in his hand, pulled out the Dragon Tooth Saber without hesitation, and shouted in a deep voice: "Sangji , Ji Wu, Gongsun Wu, follow me and rush up to block them, Tie Diao, protect your sister-in-law, others can shoot freely, kill-" He jumped up and rushed towards the biological warriors in front.

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