The strongest soldier

Chapter 2470 The enemy takes action

On a quiet hill, with the scorching sun in the sky and the gentle breeze, Luo Zheng lurked behind the slope and calmly stared at the woods ahead. The trees blocking his view were blown to the ground. No biological warriors rushed to stop him. All this was weird. Luo Zheng vaguely felt that something was wrong. Without the cover of trees, no matter how strong the biological warriors were, they could not stop the collective fire of more than a hundred people. What was the conspiracy behind this?

Just as he was thinking about it, Zhou Gang's voice suddenly came from the headset: "Report, a large number of enemy troops have appeared on the other side of the bridge. Their intentions are unknown. Please give instructions whether to continue the attack."

"Headquarters, find out the enemy's situation." Luo Zheng immediately said in a deep voice through the headset.

"Understood." Lan Xing's words rang in the headset.

"Zhou Gang, don't worry about what they are here for. Even if they invite you to dinner, I will beat them hard. Remember, the harder you beat them, the greater the pressure on the enemies on the bridge will be, and the greater our chance of victory will be." Luo He warned in a deep voice.

"Yes." Zhou Gang responded in a deep voice, feeling Luo Zheng's dissatisfaction and hatred for the enemy.

"These bastards worry too much, how about I go?" the mountain eagle said in a low voice.

"No, don't defend them. It's time to be independent. Let them fight." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

The voice was transmitted through the headset. Zhou Gang, who was directing the troops to attack, was shocked all over, and a warmth came into his heart. The old captain still cared about him. He gritted his teeth and took the risk. He looked at the bridge and said in a deep voice: "Brothers , the targets are no more than a kilometer apart, focus your fire on the fuel tank of the green military truck in front, use incendiary bombs, I don’t believe in evil, let’s detonate it.”

"Yes." Everyone agreed in a deep voice, and moved their guns to find the green military truck in the middle.

"Kill -" Zhou Gang estimated that everyone had taken aim, and quickly issued an attack order. Dozens of sniper incendiary bombs roared out, roaring, drawing a terrifying airflow in the void, and hitting the ground like lightning. On the car, the incendiary agent quickly exploded and burned.

The car's fuel tank was well protected, and the shooting angle was small, making it difficult to hit. But the incendiary bombs were different. Dozens of sniper incendiary bombs attacked a car at the same time. Sparks flew everywhere, and some landed on the fuel tank, burning through the outside. The fuel tank entered and ignited the gasoline inside.

Once the gasoline burns, it will generate high temperatures. It will generate high temperatures in a closed state, and finally explode. The explosion will overturn the entire car. The people hiding behind have no time to dodge and are directly hit by the car, making painful noises. The screams came, and a hole was torn open in the fortification made of cars.

Seeing that the effect was good, Zhou Gang immediately ordered his brothers to concentrate fire on the truck next to him. Soon, the truck was also blown over, and the gas was ablaze. The enemies behind could not hide at all, and they all dodged away without having time to dodge. was hit by a car, and the screams echoed through the sky. It was so terrifying that the people around him changed their minds.

The enemies on the bridge were also angry and aimed to counterattack. However, Zhou Gang and others were in a condescending position, and there were bunkers such as foxholes. The enemy's counterattack was not a big threat. Instead, it aroused the anger of Zhou Gang and others. The attack effect was Yes, Zhou Gang immediately commanded his troops to attack another military truck. Soon, the bridge was ablaze with gas and black smoke billowing into the sky.

Luo Zheng couldn't help but smile when he heard Zhou Gang's tactical command. He felt relieved, and the mountain eagle also laughed. Unexpectedly, Zhou Gang also learned it badly and actually hit the fire attack. Isn't this a machine gunner's tactic? The sniper actually hit with a little firepower and used incendiary bombs. Who could stop it? He couldn't help but look at Luo Zheng and whispered: "If we continue to fight like this, the enemy will definitely not be able to hide, but it won't be enough to make the biological warriors panic."

"There's no rush, I want to see if they can survive." Luo Zheng said coldly, his eyes looking forward full of surprise. The war has reached this point, why haven't the biological warriors launched an attack yet? What are they waiting for? Or are you planning some bigger conspiracy?

"It's not like they ran away because they knew what they couldn't do, right?" Xu Gang reminded in a low voice from the side.

"No way? They won't save the president?" Shandiao asked in surprise: "If we don't save the president, how will we control Myanmar in the future? This is against common sense."

"What do you say, but it is not easy to cultivate a bio-warrior, and the Dark Church cannot afford it. There must be something weird in this. If a president is gone, you can choose a new one. If a bio-warrior is gone, it is gone. If you want to cultivate it, It’s not easy.” Xu Gang reminded.

"Is it more difficult to re-elect a president or to cultivate a biological warrior?" Shan Diao asked rhetorically.

"Almost, but don't forget, if something happens, not one biological warrior will die, but many. This means that it is too difficult to train many song presidents, and the Dark Church cannot afford it." Xu Gang analyzed in a deep voice. .

"Head, the enemy on the other side of the bridge seems to be building a bridge to rescue them." Lanxing said in a deep voice.

"Build a bridge?" Luo Zheng was shocked. With the current level of science and technology and the ability of engineers and soldiers, it is not difficult to build a connecting bridge for people to pass. It can take up to an hour with all the materials. Even in a country with underdeveloped high-tech levels like Myanmar, it is not difficult to build a bridge with engineers. It can also be completed within one hour. In other words, the time left for everyone is only one hour.

After hearing this, Luo Zheng understood a little. The biological warriors must have seen that the chance was slim and were unwilling to take risks. As for the president of Myanmar, it would be best if he could be saved. It would be okay if he couldn't be saved. A dead president could make Myanmar completely Chaos, a chaotic Myanmar is very beneficial to everyone.

"What should I do?" Mountain Eagle asked worriedly.

The enemy is attacking on the other side of the bridge. There are no troops on the opposite side anymore. At this point in the battle, Gui Shou, who was originally responsible for guarding, can no longer hold it, and neither can Pu Xing. In order to preserve his strength and reduce casualties, Luo Zheng has no choice but to If the two men are not allowed to retreat first, there will be no one guarding the other side of the bridge. In this way, a flaw will be exposed, and the enemy will take advantage of the flaw and immediately send troops to build a bridge to rescue them.

After finally surrounding the enemy, Luo Zheng would never allow the enemy to run away. His face was cold and deep in thought, his eyes flashing, and Lan Xue's reminder suddenly sounded in the headset: "Perhaps this is also the enemy's conspiracy. If it is too big, If the troops all run to attack the enemy at the bridgehead, the biological warriors will infiltrate and attack. If they don't go and stick to the rear, the biological warriors will not move, waiting for reinforcements to build a bridge to rescue them. Zhou Gang and the others are about two kilometers away from the other side of the bridge, which is beyond the effective range. There’s nothing you can do against them due to the range, what a clever plan.”

"Yes, they will save the target regardless of it. If they rush up to kill them, the biological warriors will attack from behind. No wonder they are reluctant to take action. It turns out that this is the abacus. What a cunning tactic. What should we do?" Xu Gang looked at Luo Zheng asked, his eyes becoming anxious.

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