The strongest soldier

Chapter 2469 Adjusting Tactics

It was already afternoon, and the sun continued to scorch the vast forest. A gentle breeze blew through, causing the leaves to fly, bringing a bit of coolness. On a hillside, Luo Zheng was hiding behind the soil slope and staring closely ahead. The tiger's eyes were frowning, his face was extremely solemn, and he was constantly thinking of ways to defeat the enemy.

When the brothers who were lying in ambush around saw Luo Zheng return, they also brought nearly a hundred snipers from the Mountain Eagle Brigade. With the participation of this new force, everyone's military morale was stable and their morale increased greatly. They all tightened their grip on the steel guns in their hands. Waiting for revenge, the mountain eagle saw that Luo Zheng did not issue an attack mission, so he immediately asked his brothers to crawl on the spot and hide themselves.

At this time, Snow Leopard came over with a face of shame. The battle was like this. Snow Leopard felt very embarrassed and his face was burning. He didn’t dare to see Luo Zheng, let alone face his sacrificed brother, but he still came. This is Commander Responsibility is taking responsibility, and it is also the courage to face oneself, and get up wherever you fall.

"Brother, don't say anything anymore. You can punish me however you want when you go back, but this revenge must be avenged. You tell me how to fight. Brother, I will listen to you unconditionally. I have never suffered such a big loss in so many years. I am completely passive and beaten. If I don't take this breath and take this revenge, I will never be able to forgive myself in my life." Snow Leopard said in a deep voice with shame and anger.

"Yes, boss, give the order." The other brothers around him also whispered.

The voice reached Luo Zheng through the headset. Luo Zheng understood everyone's mood, and he didn't want to take revenge. After thinking about it, he said in a deep voice: "Mountain Eagle, Zhou Gang!"

"Arrived." Shan Diao and Zhou Gang hurriedly agreed in low voices, with a solemn murderous aura.

"You lead two teams to stay, and the others are led by Zhou Gang. Change defensive positions. You have only one mission. Shoot the members of the Sam State Special Forces Brigade on the bridge as quickly as possible. I don't care what method you use, you must Finish it as soon as possible and capture the President of Myanmar alive. As long as you hit them hard enough and fast enough, the bio-soldiers will panic and rush up to fight us head-on. Do you understand?" Luo Zheng ordered in a cold voice. road.

"Understood." Shan Diao and Zhou Gang responded in excited tones. Capturing the President of Myanmar was a big deal, something they could be proud of for a lifetime. Zhou Gang didn't expect Luo Zheng to hand over such an important task to him, and he became so proud. He vowed: "Boss, the problem will be solved within half an hour."

"Go." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

Shan Diao briefly discussed with Zhou Gang and left the second and third teams behind. Zhou Gang took all the others away. Snow Leopard looked at Luo Zheng in surprise, wondering why Luo Zheng took what should have been his own. The task was given to Shandiao, but he didn't do well. Although he was unwilling to do so, he didn't say anything.

Luo Zheng could guess Snow Leopard's mood. He patted Snow Leopard on the shoulder and said in a deep voice: "Brothers, if you want to take revenge, you must concentrate your forces. Three squads alone are not enough. To underestimate the enemy's strength is to risk death. I will not allow revenge." A brother died. In addition, the Sam National Special Operations Brigade is on the bridge, using vehicles as a bunker. It is difficult to fight. It is more suitable to let the Mountain Eagle Brigade go because they are all snipers and are more suitable for fighting in that situation than you."

"I understand, as long as I can get revenge, I can do anything." Snow Leopard said gratefully, and quickly contacted his brothers through the headset, handed over the position and retreated.

The people of the Snow Leopard Brigade were originally confused as to why they should hand over their position to friendly forces and give up the honor of capturing the President of Myanmar? But after listening to Luo Zheng's explanation, everyone figured it out. When the people from the Mountain Eagle Brigade arrived, they all gave up their positions. Before leaving, they did not forget to ask the brothers who were on guard to avenge themselves by killing the enemy.

Although they belong to different brigades, they are both operations departments and mystery bureaus. They are all brothers with the same designation. They share food from the same pot. They have lived and died together more than once. They all trust each other very much. We have figured out something. It's all easy to handle, not to mention Luo Zheng, the pillar of the Secret Bureau, has spoken, and there are a mountain of military orders, and there is nothing left unsaid.

"Brother, how do we fight?" After Snow Leopard explained how his troops had changed defenses, he immediately looked at Luo Zheng and asked.

"We don't know how many enemies there are. They are hiding in the surrounding dense forests. They are fast and have strong combat effectiveness. The attack will play into the enemy's hands, which is not good for us. They are in a hurry right now. They want to save people. We can't be in a hurry. We can give him a stronghold and wait for work. As long as Zhou Gang's side beat them hard enough, so they had no choice but to risk their lives and rush to rescue them." Luo Zheng analyzed in a deep voice, his eyes scanning the surrounding terrain.

"That's right, attacking is not good for us. Let's just stay here and wait for them to hit the muzzle of the gun." Snow Leopard reacted and said murderously: "Brothers, be prepared for me. Don't forget to shoot when the enemy comes up. , the bodies of our brothers are still cold, and they are watching us in the sky to avenge them, and are ready to fight."

"Yes." Everyone who came back from the defense responded solemnly.

Luo Zheng glanced behind him. There were brothers who had switched defenses everywhere. His eyes flashed, and he said in a deep voice: "Ten squads are deployed in a circle, with the squads as combat units. Each other can see each other, and no blind spots can be left. , blow up all the surrounding blocking trees, move quickly."

"Understood, I'll set up the defense." Mountain Eagle agreed and ran to deploy it himself.

The mountain eagle led two teams to lie in wait. As soon as the snow leopard left, the mountain eagle immediately came over, lay down next to Luo Zheng, looked ahead and asked in a low voice: "It's been a while, and the enemy still hasn't moved. Maybe he's here." A bigger conspiracy is brewing, what should we do?"

"You are the reserve team and will provide support at any time." Luo Zheng warned in a deep voice.

"Understood." The mountain eagle agreed, slowly shrinking down and deploying.

Both mountain eagles and snow leopards are veterans with rich combat experience and good tactical command skills. They know how to set up defenses. Luo Zheng did not worry about these details at all and continued to stare at the dense forest ahead and meditate. Xu Gang climbed over and lurked in Luo Zheng. Beside Zheng, a vigilant person glanced ahead and said in a deep voice, "How about I take someone down to investigate and see what's going on."

"No, waiting for work is the right way. There is no need to take risks." Luo Zheng warned in a deep voice. He suddenly thought of something and immediately looked at Xu Gang and added: "Help Sister-in-law Xuelian set up the signal receiver, monitor the enemy's situation, and find the enemy's command Department, I suspect that the enemy’s headquarters is nearby, and that is your target.”

"I understand." Upon hearing this, Xu Gang agreed excitedly and immediately retracted to deploy.

The brothers quickly prepared according to Luo Zheng's order. The surrounding dense forest was still quiet, without any suspicious movement. Luo Zheng became suspicious and couldn't understand what the enemy was thinking. The best time to attack was when changing defenses. Why didn't the enemy Take action? What conspiracy is hidden behind this?

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