The strongest soldier

Chapter 2386 Counterattacks at every level

The horrific incendiary bomb attack created endless panic among the enemy group. The bloody smell of death filled the air over the woods and spread with the wind. The rustling of the leaves was like the whisper of the devil, peeping and communicating how to harvest more next. Life, but all this did not make the drug dealers retreat. Some weird whistling sounds sounded, like some kind of musical instrument or trumpet, but sharper. After hearing the sound, the drug dealers launched an even more crazy attack.

Luo Zheng, who had just finished shooting a magazine, his face darkened when he saw this scene, and he quickly observed the enemy's situation. This time the enemy was smarter and did not concentrate on charging. Instead, he spread out and formed a straight attack formation. The so-called They are not lined up in a straight line, but there is a row in front, separated by a certain distance from each other, and there is another row in the back. There is a certain misalignment between the ones in the back and the ones in front to prevent the ones in front from blocking the firepower, and the front and rear alternately cover the front. rush.

Luo Zheng saw that the drug dealers were fighting so methodically. They were no longer ordinary drug dealers, but more like a well-trained regular army. This kind of coordination tactics was only used by the army. He couldn't help but be suspicious, but he knew that now was not the time to explore the root cause. When I was walking, I looked back and found that the hillside behind me was higher and steeper, which was more suitable for blocking. I couldn't help but be overjoyed and shouted in a deep voice: "Brothers, cover me with fire."

Everyone didn't know why Luo Zheng wanted fire cover, but they didn't think much about it. They put down their sniper rifles one after another, picked up their 95 rifles, and started shooting violently in front. The intensive firepower blocked the oncoming drug dealers, and Luo Zheng took the opportunity to quickly attack from behind. He took out a handful of button bombs from his bag, set them to remote-controlled detonation, and threw them towards the place where the enemy must pass in the woods ahead. Then he picked up another handful, adjusted them, and threw them to the other side.

After doing all this, everyone's magazines were empty. Luo Zheng shouted in a deep voice: "Brothers in the group, stay behind, and the others will quickly retreat."

"Yes." Everyone responded in a deep voice. Sanji, Tie Diao and others retreated as fast as a cheetah. Xu Gang and others picked up their sniper rifles and continued shooting forward. The 95 Tu was out of bullets and it would take time to reload. When everyone saw Luo Zheng asking to retreat, they threw a lot of things out. They knew there were other arrangements and there was no need to waste time by changing ammunition.

Tacit cooperation on the battlefield is very important. Xu Gang and others continued to attack with sniper rifles in a tacit understanding, which invisibly prevented the enemy's pursuit and allowed everyone to retreat very smoothly. Luo Zheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this scene and also opened fire with all his strength. After shooting out all the incendiary bombs in the sniper rifle, he looked back and saw that the retreaters were already in place. There was no need to hold on, so he shouted in a deep voice: "Brothers, retreat."

Everyone was mentally prepared, and after hearing the order, they turned around and ran without hesitation. They took a few big steps, climbing uphill as if they were walking on flat ground. They were very fast. Luo Zheng also retreated quickly, with firm and powerful steps, not caring about the fire coming from behind. Bullets, Tie Diao and others who had climbed up the hillside opened fire to suppress the enemy and cover everyone's retreat.

Soon, the action team rushed up the hillside and quickly dispersed, each finding a place to hide. Luo Zheng threw himself on the ground, his body and the ground hit each other hard, making a dull sound, and rolled to a tree. Behind the big tree, they quickly huddled into a ball, reducing the area under attack.

After taking cover, Luo Zheng quickly took out the remote control and went out to observe. His sharp eyes were fixed on the dense forest ahead. Seeing that the enemy did not launch a charge immediately, but stopped to fight back, Luo Zheng's face darkened and he spoke through the headset. Said: "Brothers, stop shooting, hide and prepare ammunition."

"Understood." Everyone didn't understand why Luo Zheng stopped shooting, but out of trust, they hid it one after another, took out the empty magazines and put them in place, took out the bullet bags, took out the bullets and quickly pressed the bullets into the empty magazines, fiercely The battle has exhausted everyone's magazines, and if they continue to fight, there will be no more magazines available. Luo Zheng's order is undoubtedly the most timely. Everyone knows that time is tight, and the speed of pressing bullets is very fast, and the cold eyes glance up and down from time to time.

The enemies in the dense forest at the foot of the mountain were stunned when they saw that there was suddenly no attack, but they did not give up. They quickly organized firepower reconnaissance, and shot wherever they saw anything suspicious. The bullets hit the ground and trees, making a thud sound. The terrifying sound is devastating.

Luo Zheng huddled behind a big tree and observed the scene calmly. He kept loading bullets into his pistol, his eyes full of cold murderous intent. After waiting for a few minutes, Luo Zheng filled two magazines and saw that the enemy began to test them. Xing charged forward and whispered an order through the headset: "Everyone, keep pressing the bullets and prepare to fight back. Leave it to me." He raised his sniper rifle and aimed at it.

There was already an incendiary bomb in the sniper rifle. Luo Zheng quickly locked onto a charging target, snorted coldly, and pulled the trigger without hesitation. Phew - the incendiary bomb whizzed away, hitting the target hard like a god of death. There was a loud bang in the heart, and a large ball of fire exploded.

"Ah -" the target screamed, rolling on the ground and throwing the weapon aside.

The terrifying burning heat instantly devoured the target's life. The thick smell of corpses dispersed and drifted in the woods. When the breeze blew, the smell of corpses drifted away. At this time, more than a dozen people rushed up with weapons in hand. Luo Zheng saw it clearly, quickly aimed at it, and continued to fire.

"Boom, boom, boom—" A series of silent gunshots rang out, and five incendiary bombs roared out of the chamber, drawing five terrifying streams of death air in the void. He rushed over like a god of war, knocking the five targets to the ground. The incendiary bombs instantly After exploding, ghost maggots generally attach themselves to the surrounding targets, burning through the target's clothes and burrowing into their bodies.

"Ah——" The heartbreaking screams echoed one after another, echoing in the woods, spreading far away, and the invisible terror also spread out, making people feel heart-stopping.

However, the drug dealer did not stop there. Instead, he rushed forward with a roar and launched a general attack. Seeing this scene, Luo Zheng snorted coldly and did not panic. Xu Gang's inquiry rang in his ears: "Do you want it?" Fire?" Everyone has basically prepared all their bullets and is ready to fight at any time.

"No need." Luo Zheng said coldly, without further explanation.

Xu Gang and others glanced at the direction of Luo Zheng in surprise, and quickly looked at the enemy who was rushing towards them. They were suspicious, but out of trust in Luo Zheng, they did not open fire and waited patiently. Seeing that the enemy was getting closer and closer, they saw They were about to arrive at the place where everyone was ambushing before. Luo Zheng hadn't given the order to attack yet, so he became even more confused and looked at Luo Zheng again.

"Boom, boom, boom--" Countless explosions sounded one after another, and balls of fire shot out from the woods in front. These fireballs instantly knocked the surrounding drug dealers to the ground, fiercely devouring their lives, and the screams became even louder. As one, everyone was startled, and something that Luo Zheng had thrown out suddenly rang out. Before they had time to think about it, they heard a domineering and confident voice roaring: "Brothers, charge forward and kill -"

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