The strongest soldier

Chapter 2387 Weird Situation

"Kill--" Everyone was startled when they heard Luo Zheng's roar. They quickly reacted and rushed down the mountain with a roar, letting out a roar that shook the sky. The god-level soldier king and master of the Veterans Club, It was unbearable to be bullied by a group of drug dealers. They were all angry. They held the 95 Tu flat on their shoulders and the sniper rifle on their backs. They rushed forward wildly. The weapons in their hands kept ringing and shooting. Visible enemies ahead.

The enemy was completely stunned by a series of big explosions. They had no time to react and were killed by precise shots. The survivors behind them panicked when they saw this posture. They turned around and ran away. They quickly disappeared into the dense forest like a frightened bird. Naturally, no one would miss the opportunity to beat up the drowned dog, and they would chase after him while screaming.

The completely panicked drug dealer also burst out at an alarming speed when faced with the threat of death. In addition, he was familiar with the jungle and his speed was not slow. Luo Zheng originally took the lead, but soon found that more people were surpassing him, and he was hit like a strong wind. It rolled over, and wherever it passed, there was a bloody wind, and it quickly disappeared into the woods.

Luo Zheng was worried that the war situation had changed, so he tried his best to catch up. He soon discovered that everyone was looking for something in the woods ahead. He couldn't help but be suspicious, and quickly rushed up and asked: "What's going on?"

"These bastards are familiar with tunnels and have gotten into them. Look, this small place actually has three entrances. It seems that the tunnels here are very huge and are relied upon by these bastards. No wonder this place can be used as a drug transit place. "Point, there are these tunnels. Unless thousands of people come here, they will never be eliminated. Even if a large army comes to encircle and suppress them, it is useless if they are not familiar with the tunnels. These bastards can run away calmly." Xu Gang said in a deep voice.

"That's right, maybe they thought there were few of us, so they took the initiative to attack. Otherwise, they would never have exposed themselves so quickly and treated us as easy bullies. Brother Xu, can I go down and have a look?" A brother said bitterly. Look at Xu Gang.

"Don't mess around." Brother Xu whispered, looked at Luo Zheng, then looked at the dark tunnels and said in a deep voice: "There are many tunnels here. There are more than a dozen exits that have been exposed. How many are left that have not been exposed?" No one knows that although the enemy has temporarily retreated, they will counterattack at any time. If these tunnels are not destroyed, even if we attack the mountain, these bastards can go around behind us through the tunnels and launch a sneak attack. It is very troublesome, don't you think?"

Luo Zheng naturally understands these truths, but no one knows how many tunnels there are here. Even if the exposed ones are destroyed, what will happen if there are no halfway ones? The threat still exists, the tunnel is small, and chasing through the tunnel is dangerous and not advisable, so I can't help but think about it.

"Mastermind, I'll go down, no problem." A member of the action team said in a deep voice.

"Everyone, don't worry." Seeing Luo Zheng thinking about the problem, Xu Gang quickly dissuaded him: "Everyone spread out and check to see if there are any exposed tunnel exits. Be careful."

"Understood." Everyone agreed in a low voice and dispersed.

The woods have returned to tranquility, and there is no trace of the enemy. If it weren't for the smell of blood in the air and the sight of shot corpses everywhere, no one would have thought that a bloody battle had taken place in this quiet woods. Luo Zheng calmly stared at the surrounding woods, while Thinking about countermeasures, I'm afraid there are many tunnels around, and maybe there are also other places. If we advance rashly, we may be attacked by surprise. The mountain may be hollowed out. Otherwise, where would more than 200 people live? Where are their drugs? Thinking of this, Luo Zheng's face became more solemn and he looked toward the mountain peak, his brows furrowed and his eyes flashing.

Seeing Luo Zheng thinking about countermeasures, everyone did not disturb him. They were on guard, waiting for Luo Zheng to make a decision. After a while, Luo Zheng suddenly said in a deep voice: "Xu Gang, Tie Diao, follow me to investigate. The others stay behind. Clean the battlefield, collect weapons and ammunition, and blow up all exposed tunnel entrances."

"Yes." Everyone didn't understand why Luo Zheng did this, but they all agreed without hesitation.

When Tie Diao heard that Luo Zheng wanted to follow him to investigate, he ran up excitedly. Xu Gang also looked at Luo Zheng curiously. Seeing that Luo Zheng had a contemplative look on his face and walked forward with his brows furrowed, he hurriedly followed him, and Tie Diao exchanged glances, and Tie Diao went to the front to investigate knowingly. Xu Gang held the line at the back, keeping a distance of about ten meters from Luo Zheng, and was vigilantly guarding the surroundings to prevent enemies from emerging from the ground.

Perhaps because of the defeat, less than half of the hundreds of people attacked and returned, and more than half died on the battlefield. Such a huge loss was enough for the drug dealer to feel distressed and panicked. He did not encounter any resistance along the way. Luo Zheng didn't know Unexpectedly, I came to the small river. The river bank was not wide and the water was not very deep. On the opposite side was a buffer zone with dense woods. There were towering mountains a hundred meters away, and no enemy could be seen.

The forest buffer zone was quiet, and there were no enemies in sight. It was as if there was no one here. This situation made Luo Zheng alert and searched the woods carefully. For a while, Luo Zheng didn't see any clues, so he couldn't help but look at the towering trees on the opposite side. The mountains were eerily quiet, with only the chirping of birds coming.

"It's a little weird, how come there's no one there?" Tie Diao whispered in surprise.

"There is a tunnel here on the river. I suspect that there is a tunnel under the buffer zone on the other side of the river. Maybe there are many pairs of eyes hiding underneath and observing us right now. We cannot attack rashly. We must destroy the tunnel." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"That's right, it's just that the tunnels are complicated. We don't know the distribution of the tunnels, so how can we destroy them? There's another question. It's quite hidden along the way. How did the enemy discover us?" Tie Diao asked in a deep voice.

"That's right, we were very careful along the way. We couldn't be exposed. The enemies were just ordinary drug dealers. Although they fought fiercely and perfectly, it was just force, not intelligence. Their equipment was limited. How could they discover ours? Appear?" Xu Gang also said in a deep voice.

An impression suddenly flashed through Luo Zheng's mind. When he was observing on the hillside before, he had seen a larger mountain eagle getting into the dense forest on the opposite mountain. Could it be that the mountain eagle was raised by drug dealers? If it is, it can serve as a warning. It’s not surprising that we are here. Mountain eagles are very capable of observing danger. Thinking of this, Luo Zheng said in a deep voice: “Perhaps the drug dealers have raised some animals, such as mountain eagles. , able to observe our arrival.”

"It makes sense. I saw a mountain eagle flying into the direction of the wooden house in the woods before. Could it be that the mountain eagle was raised by drug dealers?" Xu Gang whispered in surprise.

When Luo Zheng saw that Xu Gang had also observed the mountain eagle, he couldn't help but nodded and said: "This is very likely, otherwise the exposure problem cannot be explained. Once they know that the danger is coming, they will definitely take countermeasures. Knowing that there are few of us, they thought They caught us off guard by passing through the tunnel, but fortunately our brothers are very capable in fighting."

"Fortunately, you discovered the enemy in advance and adjusted the defensive position in time. Otherwise, we would have been divided and surrounded by these bastards, which would have been a big trouble. What should we do next?" Tie Diao asked in a deep voice.

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