The strongest soldier

Chapter 2385 Breaking out of the siege

In just a few minutes, Luo Zheng discovered that everyone had been surrounded. The enemy's offensive was very fierce, and there were faint signs of increasing troops. It would be detrimental to everyone if they continued to fight, so they could only evacuate as soon as possible, but the surrounding woods were dense and blocked the view. Unable to clearly see the enemy's situation, it was a question of where to evacuate. The only way was through the satellite. When Blue Star heard the voice, he quickly agreed and told him to wait a moment.

Luo Zheng knew very well that satellites also need time. He kept firing with a cold face, shooting the enemies who came up to them and knocking them to the ground. The enemies rushed fiercely and fast, but everyone's shooting speed was not slow. If it weren't for their scruples, they would shoot wildly. The enemy's bullets were released, and they were all beaten to the ground by everyone.

Veterans are most afraid of newbies on the battlefield. Newbies shoot randomly, and no one knows where the next shot will be. The drug dealers in front of them are attacking crazily like new recruits. The bullets are flying around aimlessly, but the charge is very fierce and unlike them at all. New recruits, this style of play is even more fearful, and they have to find opportunities to fire.

As a result, everyone fell into passive defense. If the marksmanship hadn't been accurate enough, the enemy would have rushed up. Luo Zheng saw this situation, his face sank, and suddenly he heard Lan Xing's voice ringing in the headset: "Southeast. There are the least number of enemies in the corner, so you can rush past them. After about a thousand meters, there is a hillside, and you can counterattack from a high position."

"Understood, Xu Gang, you lead the action team to the rear and take turns covering the retreat. The others will rush towards the southeast corner with me and fight a bloody path." Luo Zheng shouted in a deep voice, roared and ran towards the southeast corner. , Luo Zheng quickly changed the pistol bullets.

Soon, Luo Zheng encountered the enemies rushing up from the southeast corner. His face turned cold. He raised his hand and shot a few times, knocking down five enemies in one breath. Suddenly he saw a black shadow sweeping past, like a tornado. He couldn't help being shocked and focused his gaze. At first glance, the black figure rushed forward, firing continuously. Wherever it passed, the enemies hiding in any corner were shot and fell to the ground, and no one survived.

"Iron Eagle?" Luo Zheng saw that the black figure that was as fast as a tornado seemed familiar. He couldn't help but look back in surprise, and found that Xue Lian was chasing after her alone. The shadow of the Iron Eagle was missing. He immediately confirmed his judgment. He shouted in a deep voice: "Ji Wu, Gongsun Wu, protect sister-in-law Xuelian, Sanji, come with me, kill -"

Tie Diao's fierce fighting style stirred up Luo Zheng's fighting spirit. He roared angrily, kicked his feet hard, and rushed forward like a cannonball. An afterimage stretched out in the void, and he fired continuously. Sounds, and kills the enemy who tries to attack the iron sculpture in front from the side.

Since he became familiar with the use of inner strength and mental skills, Luo Zheng's strength and speed have improved qualitatively. Even if he faced Shadow, who was famous for his speed, Luo Zheng was confident that he could compete. While running, Luo Zheng kept dodging the people in front of him. trees, changing the running route to avoid bullets, the cold face is full of horrifying murderous intent, and sweat is pouring all over the body. When encountering the cold air outside, it condenses into water mist, lingering on the surface of the body, as if burning fighting spirit, The whole person looked like he was possessed by the God of War and rushed away with water mist rolling in his head.

Sanji did not hesitate to give in. He roared and chased him. He was faster than Luo Zheng. The 95 shot in his hand may not be as accurate as Luo Zheng's, but its lethality was also terrifying. He could always shoot two or three times before the enemy could fire back. A quick burst of fire, knocking the enemy to the ground.

Tie Diao was in front, and Luo Zheng and Sanji were behind, forming a terrifying attack triangle. Wherever they passed, there was a bloody storm, and the militants who rushed towards them screaming and screaming were accurately shot to the ground. The man forcibly tore a hole open and rushed out. The armed men who came up on both sides were frightened. Before they could fight back, they were shot dead by Xuelian, Ji Wu and Gongsun Wu who followed behind.

The militants' strength in the southeast corner was originally small and could not withstand the two rounds of attacks. They suffered all casualties. Xu Gang and others who followed them fought and retreated, calmly accepting the battle. Although there were hundreds of enemies, outflanking them from three directions. , but everyone did not panic at all, blocked the enemy's attack, and retreated under cover alternately.

Without the danger of enemies behind them, the pressure on the action team led by Xu Gang was much reduced. If they were attacked from behind, the situation would be very serious. Luo Zheng and others who were opening the way rushed to the hillside in one breath and quickly found a place to hide. Luo Zheng Zheng set up his sniper rifle and calmly pushed the incendiary bombs forward to deal with these life-hungry drug dealers. Only by creating panic could he suppress their crazy attack momentum.

Soon Luo Zheng was ready to shoot. Seeing Xu Gang and others slowly retreating, calm and calm, supporting each other with firepower, and fighting in a very orderly manner, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He understood everyone's combat effectiveness better and quickly passed The headset shouted in a deep voice: "Brother Tie Diao, brothers, find a place to hide, help the brothers retreat, kill!"

"Whoops -" A sniper bullet roared up, hitting a strong man who was charging forward crazily. The strong man took two steps back before stabilizing his body, but the incendiary bomb exploded, killing the strong man's entire body. Wrapping it up, a huge fire ignited.

"Ah——" The strong man let out a heart-piercing scream. Faced with the terrifying high temperature, no one could resist it. The strong man rushed and bumped into each other, screaming again and again, making the surroundings crazy. The charging drug dealer was frightened.

People who charge in madness may not be afraid of death, because the blood rushes to the head and the eyes are red, and there is only one thought in the mind, that is, to rush forward and fight. Once something more terrifying than death happens, the crazy brain will be shocked. , you will wake up and panic.

"Boom, boom, boom -" Luo Zheng did not give up. He continued to shoot calmly, launching incendiary bombs one after another. This time Luo Zheng came out with more incendiary bombs than in any previous mission. Each incendiary bomb was like the god of death. They usually smile ferociously, find their respective targets, and then explode a ball of death flames, devouring the target's life, coldly and ruthlessly.

A drug dealer let out a shrill scream after being hit by an incendiary bomb. This sound made the drug dealers who were charging madly calm down and find a place to hide. In this way, Xu Gang and others were less stressed and quickly retreated. They withdrew and rushed up the sandy slope. They each found a place to hide. They also abandoned the 95 Tu and set up a sniper rifle, imitating Luo Zheng and pushing incendiary bombs up.

"Boom, boom, boom -" Almost at the same time, five or six incendiary bombs roared out of the chamber, drawing a terrifying flame gas in the void. The gun accurately found the drug dealer rushing in front, threw him to the ground, and freed himself. A terrifying ball of flames envelopes the target, burning it and devouring life.

"Ah——" Heart-rending screams came one after another, spreading throughout the mountains and forests, and the color of the world changed.

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