The strongest soldier

Chapter 2254 Meeting an acquaintance again

The deathly silent iceberg is full of huge bulging ice cubes. They are all gray and white, with no green in sight. The cold wind is howling and the ice is biting. Behind an ice pile in this ice and snow world, Luo Zheng's sharp eyes are fixed. Locking on the white figure that was moving rapidly in front of him, Luo Zheng realized that the person coming was somewhat familiar because he was getting closer. It was the person he had rescued once before, and his mind was filled with shock.

"Why did this guy run away again? Isn't he a god-level soldier? How could a god-level soldier be so weak?" Luo Zheng looked at the person with a face full of disbelief. For a moment, he couldn't believe what he saw. When the other person got closer again, Now that Luo Zheng was sure that the other person was the person he met before, he couldn't help but move his telescope to the rear, and found some white figures appearing behind him, pursuing him at a high speed, with guns in their hands.

Luo Zheng moved the telescope again in surprise and looked at the people rushing up in front. He had no weapons in his hands. He wondered if it was because he had no weapons that he couldn't defeat the enemy? If this is the reason, Luo Zheng can accept it. After all, the enemy is also very strong in close combat, and the possibility of ambush is very low. There is no other way except running. It would be good to be able to keep the distance and prevent the opponent's bullets from catching up.

No matter what the reason was, Luo Zheng decided to rescue again. He quickly put down his binoculars, set up a sniper rifle, aimed at the past, and loaded the armor-piercing bullets. The three people he met last time all had armors. Armors are probably the standard equipment for the enemies here. , have to guard against it.

The cold wind was howling and it was very difficult to aim. Luo Zheng quickly adjusted his breathing using the traditional breathing method and entered the ethereal state of shooting. In the past, entering this state required opportunities. Since he practiced the second half of the traditional breathing method, Luo Zheng Zheng can easily get himself into this state, stay calm and aim at the past.

Soon, Luo Zheng locked onto the target that was at the front. It was about a thousand meters away, the wind was level 4, the visibility was not high, the humidity was high, and it was not suitable for sniping. Luo Zheng was unsure, so he waited patiently and moved the sniper scope. Observing the person rushing in front, I saw that the opponent seemed to be running casually, but in fact he was very fast. He could always use the surrounding ice to cover his body and not give the enemy behind him any chance to shoot.

More importantly, Luo Zheng discovered that the opponent did not look back at all. It was as if he had eyes on the back of his head. He could accurately judge the enemy's position and running route, and make the most advantageous evasive action according to the surrounding terrain, even with a few seemingly unorganized steps. , but just avoided the enemy trying to aim behind him, he was obviously a master.

Seeing this scene, Luo Zheng realized that he had underestimated the opponent's strength. There must be other reasons why he was being chased. Seeing his pursuers getting closer and closer, Luo Zheng took aim seriously and put a hood on the head of a target. In the cross of the sniper scope, he judged the sniper conditions and quickly made corrections to the sniper point. Luo Zheng's eyes kept moving with the target, and the muzzle also moved with it. After grasping the opponent's rhythm, the next moment, Luo Zheng fired.

"Whoosh——" The sniper armor-piercing bullet whizzed out of the chamber. The sound was greatly eliminated by the silencer. Only a weak sound was heard, which quickly disappeared into the sound of the cold wind. However, the kinetic energy of the bullet did not weaken at all, drawing a strange air flow in the void. , visible to the naked eye, buzzing in the void.

Luo Zheng was full of confidence in his shot. He was not in a hurry to fire the second shot, but waited patiently. In the sniper scope, there was no imaginary Baotou, and no imaginary target was shot away. He only saw the target suddenly swerving. Accelerating, the body rushed forward one meter as if teleporting. A tiger pounced on the ground and disappeared.

"Hiss?" Luo Zheng's face changed drastically. He didn't expect that the shot he concentrated all his energy would actually be released. The guy just now was so fast that he could teleport. What kind of skill is this? Where do these guys come from? Luo Zheng was shocked in his heart. He quickly put the gun away and hid it, not daring to move. The enemy was stronger than he imagined. Shooting rashly would only expose himself. Luo Zheng chose to choose the opportunity to act.

The cold wind blew and the sky and the earth were completely white. Luo Zheng looked at this scene in a daze. It was difficult to accept the scene he just saw. It was so powerful that he was able to avoid his own bullets by relying on his speed, and he did so without knowing it. Well, these people's fighting instincts are too strong, and their ability to predict danger is too terrifying. How do you fight against such an opponent? Luo Zheng became worried.

"Boy, is that you?" a suppressed voice asked.

When Luo Zheng heard the familiar Chinese Mandarin, he immediately reacted and knew that the person he rescued had touched him. He was not shocked. It was so fast. He was still five hundred meters away just now. He didn't expect that it was only a dozen or so meters away. He arrived in front of him in seconds. This guy was indeed not a fuel-efficient lamp.

Without waiting for Luo Zheng to answer, the voice continued: "Boy, don't shoot, I'm coming."

"Huh?" Luo Zheng was startled and looked around cautiously, but found no one. After waiting for a while, a slight rustling sound came. Luo Zheng looked around and saw a white figure rushing towards him. Big Bird Normally, without being alarmed, one would just shoot instinctively.

"Boy, it's me." The familiar voice sounded.

Luo Zheng suppressed the urge to shoot. He took a closer look and saw that the white figure that rushed towards him quickly stood up after landing, rolled deftly under the ice, and huddled up, like a pile of white snow. Soon, the opponent He turned around and looked at Luo Zheng, wearing sunglasses and a white scarf, with no expression on his face.

"You're not dead yet, and you got here so quickly?" the other party asked in a low voice in surprise.

"You are the one who died, who?" Luo Zheng asked dissatisfiedly, how could there be any reason to curse others to death on the battlefield?

"Eh? What do you think?" The other party smiled awkwardly.

Luo Zheng pointed at the bag he had dragged over. He was too lazy to talk nonsense and turned around to look for other targets. Seeing that Luo Zheng had a bad temper, the other party was not angry. He smiled, took the bag and opened it, and found that there were weapons inside. Ammunition, he was immediately overjoyed and said excitedly: "Good thing, you really have a skill. You actually know how to reserve ammunition. It's not easy to drag it all the way. You have good physical strength."

"What nonsense are you talking about? Who is chasing him? He's so fast that he missed his sniper shot." Luo Zheng asked angrily.

"With your strength, your sniper will naturally miss. However, you can increase the lead time and move the sniper position twice as far forward, and you may be able to hit. What I said is maybe, it actually depends on your understanding." The other party. smiled.

"You mean the sniper point should calculate their movement speed? What if they move backward?" Luo Zheng asked angrily. The enemy is not a fool. He can't always teleport forward quickly to avoid bullets, right?

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