The strongest soldier

Chapter 2253 The loneliness of ice and snow

According to the information obtained in the past, the Dark Church has set up bases in every continent. This is the top of the North Pole and belongs to the Arctic continent. Luo Zheng became excited. If they really came to destroy the base of the Dark Church, then it would be worthwhile for him to stop. Look. His gaze towards the front became sharper. Suddenly, Luo Zheng thought of another question. The enemy here was also very powerful, and his own strength was not enough to fight against them. Why did he ask him to come?

Luo Zheng walked and thought. The terrain and environment in front of him were similar. It was difficult to find a reference object and he didn't know where he was. However, the traces on the ground were very obvious. The footprints were deep. It was obvious that someone had left them intentionally. Some hard ice surfaces could not leave footprints. , he drew a triangular symbol. Luo Zheng squatted down and looked at it. He estimated that it was drawn with a saber to show him the way. This showed that the other party really wanted to catch up by himself.

Seeing these traces, Luo Zheng couldn't help but speed up. He looked at the vast expanse of white ahead and the sky became gray. He didn't know what time it was. In this boundless world of ice and snow, Luo Zheng couldn't see any life. It was green, as if he was the only one left in the whole world. If the traces in front of him were not obvious, Luo Zheng would not dare to go any further.

There are no coordinates, no life, no sound, no direction. There is nothing in the entire ice and snow world, only the crushing ice and snow. Being in it, it is easy to despair. Luo Zheng did not dare to think too much and forced himself to look for traces everywhere. With my own hope and motivation to keep walking, I tried to contact the outside world while walking, but unfortunately the headset was silent and there was nothing.

He didn't know how far he had walked, but the place ahead seemed to be exactly the same as the place he passed. There was no end, and it was completely white. Luo Zheng couldn't help but stop and looked around with some suspicion. There was nothing but ice and snow, and he couldn't help it. Discern the direction, the way back is the same, there is no end in sight, no hope.

This is a despairing world of ice and snow. Even though Luo Zheng was strong-minded, he couldn't help but become irritated. Fortunately, there were still symbols carved on the ground. A few simple strokes gave people endless hope. Luo Zheng thought about it. , I plan to follow these symbols, even if there is no end, it is better than waiting to die here, unable to contact the outside world, unable to go back, and I can only rely on myself for everything.

After walking for a while, the sky was gray and the visibility was a little lower. Luo Zheng continued to walk in this lifeless world of ice and snow. He felt so small and fragile. He was so fragile that he would fall down at any time and be frozen by the ice and snow. Luo Zheng He silently endured all this suffering and sped up his walking speed.

Suddenly, Luo Zheng saw a mountain range appearing in front of him. To be precise, it was a huge iceberg lying in front of him. The iceberg was undulating. The highest point was more than thirty meters and the lowest point was more than ten meters. The view was blocked by the iceberg, and he didn't know what was ahead. If there was something, Luo Zheng squatted down warily, raised the telescope to check, and adjusted it to the thermal imaging mode. There was nothing but ice and snow in the telescope.

Luo Zheng observed in surprise for a while, then looked at the traces on the ground and headed towards the iceberg. Luo Zheng gritted his teeth and walked forward along the traces. Unknowingly, he came to the foot of the iceberg and found something on the iceberg that he thought had been dug out. At the foothold, there were fist-sized pits with nothing to climb on, so Luo Zheng pulled out his tiger-tooth saber.

The iceberg is not very steep. If you have skates, you can climb up directly. However, Luo Zheng is wearing explosion-proof military boots. Although the anti-slip performance is good, they are of little use on this iceberg. Luo Zheng plunges the tiger-tooth saber into the top of the ice and steps on it. He climbed up at the foothold, and after climbing a certain distance, he pulled up the backpack he was dragging and threw it into the open area in front. The backpack did not slide down, so Luo Zheng continued to climb up.

Climbing is difficult, and he will fall down if he is not careful. Luo Zheng had to pull out the Dragon Fang Saber and use it as a crutch. The sharp Dragon Fang Combat Plunge into the ice is a good fixed support. Without that Luo Zheng could climb much faster with the backpack containing weapons and ammunition. It was not easy to bring it all the way, so it would be a pity to throw it away. Luo Zheng gritted his teeth and persisted, slowly climbing up.

Fortunately, it became easier to climb up. I don’t know how long it took, but Luo Zheng climbed up an iceberg. When he looked up, his face turned bitter. In front of him was a vast expanse of icebergs, one after another, undulating. At the end, as far as the eye could see, Luo Zheng could faintly see an even taller iceberg. He couldn't help but be shocked, what was going on? Is the base deep in the iceberg? In such an extremely harsh environment, how can the Dark Church's logistics supplies be guaranteed?

Everything has pros and cons. Although the depths of the iceberg are safe and not everyone can infiltrate, it also cuts off contact with the outside world. If there is a base, how will the people inside survive? Luo Zheng was doubtful. After thinking about it, he decided to continue moving forward by following the traces. He would make peace with what he had come and die. If he gave up halfway now, where could he go? Without a signal and unable to communicate with the outside world, what can you do except wait for death? Might as well give it a try.

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng gritted his teeth and continued to walk forward, his steps becoming firmer. As he walked, Luo Zheng continued to use the breathing method passed down from his family to adjust his breath, exhale the cold air in his body, and reduce the damage to the body. He walked About half an hour later, a huge and towering iceberg appeared in front of him. Luo Zheng stopped and found a sheltered place to rest. He planned to eat something to replenish his strength and take a look at the situation.

The backpack he was dragging became a stool, and Luo Zheng sat down on it. With the backpack insulated, the cold air from the ice layer would not invade his body directly. Luo Zheng took out a piece of beef jerky and chewed it. The beef jerky was a trophy captured from the enemy. It tasted great. Not bad, it can also replenish heat energy, but it’s a bit dry.

While eating, Luo Zheng looked at the towering icebergs in front of him and thought deeply. After resting for ten minutes, he ate half full and drank some water. Luo Zheng packed up and prepared to continue on his way. Just a few steps out, suddenly there was an explosion. Luo Zheng was shocked. He quickly stopped and took cover. He looked in the direction of the explosion. The sky was gray and he couldn't see anything. Luo Zheng immediately raised the telescope.

The telescope has a thermal imaging night vision function. Luo Zheng watched the front vigilantly. Apart from icebergs, there were no signs of life. He couldn't help but be suspicious, but the explosion was unmistakable. Luo Zheng did not dare to be careless and continued to observe and waited for a while. , Luo Zheng suddenly found a white figure shaking, but quickly disappeared into the iceberg.

"Eh?" Luo Zheng was shocked. He quickly moved the telescope to observe, and the other party had disappeared. Luo Zheng continued to wait, his attention was highly concentrated, and his whole body was even more tense. Not long after, Luo Zheng saw a white figure again. , was running in his own direction, but was quickly blocked by undulating icebergs.

"What's going on?" Luo Zheng was shocked and quickly moved the telescope to look.

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