The strongest soldier

Chapter 2255 Fighting Side by Side

The impact point is the position where the sniper aims and shoots. This position can also be called the sniper point. It is affected by wind, humidity, visibility, distance, height difference, reflection and other factors. It requires careful calculation and rich experience to judge. Luo Zheng fully demonstrated his ability to snipe accurately. Not only that, he also developed the feeling of "mental sniping", which is to snipe with your heart without aiming. Feeling to a certain extent is often more accurate than eyes and calculations.

However, the shot that he had concentrated all his energy on just now failed, which made Luo Zheng very difficult to accept. After hearing Luo Zheng's dissatisfied questioning, the visitor said coldly: "Don't worry, the speed of moving backward is faster than moving forward. One-third slower, any slower means death, they will not give up one-third of their survival rate foolishly." There was a cold murderous intent in his words, and he pulled the gun bolt with a click and got ready to shoot. Prepare.

"The backward movement is one-third slower than the forward movement? How can you be so sure?" Luo Zheng asked unconvinced.

"Because they are running forward, and people suddenly retreat while moving forward, they need to go through three steps, namely making a decision to retreat, stopping the body, and finally retreating, while moving forward only requires two steps, namely making a decision It depends on the acceleration and the force on your feet. If you take one step more to retreat than to move forward, it will take one third more time. This time is enough to kill you." The other party explained coldly while looking around vigilantly.

Luo Zheng listened and said in a deep voice without looking back: "What do you call it?"

"Iron Eagle!" the other party said in a deep voice, while cautiously looking ahead.

"Ghost, how do we fight next?" Luo Zheng saw that the other party reported his name and his code name. With their ability, they could find out even if they didn't say it, so they might as well be more generous.

"Don't ask me, I called you here just to use your tactical ability." The man named Tie Diao said in a deep voice.

"My tactical ability?" Luo Zheng looked at the other party in surprise and said angrily: "Brother, my mind is as white as the ice and snow here. I don't know anything. How do you want me to formulate tactics? "

"It's very simple. The five hungry wolves chasing after them are not reptiles. They are no match for me when fighting alone. Two of them together are different. I remind you, don't try to fight with each other in close combat. For you, it is undoubtedly seeking death. These The bastard knows me very well, so my method won't work here. You take charge. Brother, I'll listen to you once and see if you are as powerful as the legend." The man named Tie Diao said in a deep voice.

"You have the nerve to say, why did you leave me alone before? What happened to you here?" Luo Zheng lowered his voice and asked, his eyes like a torch, constantly searching for movement ahead, not daring to relax at all. The enemy is too powerful, any negligence will be A fatal price.

"How did you escape?" Tie Diao also remembered what happened before. At that time, three people were chasing him, and Luo Zheng stayed behind to break up the rear. Now Luo Zheng is intact in front of him, and he also brought a backpack, which was full of things. Weapons and ammunition, this means that Luo Zheng killed the enemy, what does this mean? Thinking of the iron eagle, he suddenly turned to look at Luo Zheng, his eyes full of curiosity and surprise.

"Let's talk about your business first." Luo Zheng responded unceremoniously. Cooperation is cooperation. The relationship between the two parties is not superior and subordinate. Naturally, Luo Zheng will not be led by the other party.

"It's interesting." Tie Diao saw Luo Zheng's thoughts and didn't mind. He said in a deep voice: "The highest peak in front is a base of the Dark Church. The inside of the mountain is hollowed out. There are countless traps and secret sentries around it. It's difficult to Infiltrate, our people were captured and imprisoned inside, and they ran to the rescue just now, so I left you behind. I apologize to you, and I owe you a favor, okay?"

Strong men attach great importance to favors. It is not easy to get a favor from the other party. Luo Zheng knows how to accept a favor when it is good. He lowered his voice and said: "Okay, I will talk to you later. I will rush out to attract firepower. Do you have any?" How to shoot the enemy?"

"This gun doesn't work. It doesn't have enough penetrating power. I can give you yours. However, if you rush out, you will die. This tactic is too risky. That's not all you have, right?" Tie Diao looked at Luo Zheng in surprise and said.

Luo Zheng ignored the other party, but put down his weapon, took out a handful of armor-piercing bullets from the ammunition bag and placed it next to him. He looked around cautiously and quickly rushed to one side. A tiger threw himself on the ground, rolled his body, and hid on the other side. Behind the ice pile, Tie Diao couldn't help being shocked when he saw Luo Zheng being serious. He rushed forward, picked up the Type 10 anti-materiel sniper rifle left by Luo Zheng, skillfully pushed the bullet and loaded it, and aimed at it.

At the critical moment of life and death, hesitation will only harm others and yourself. Tie Diao instantly entered the sniping mode. Luo Zheng saw Tie Diao aiming skillfully and seemed to know this weapon very well. He waited for a moment, gritted his teeth and stepped hard with his feet. He kicked and rushed forward. If Tie Diao was not familiar with this sniper rifle, Luo Zheng would not dare to take the risk.

"Bang -" a gunshot sounded. Luo Zheng felt that he had been hit by a bullet. His body did not feel much discomfort. It was obvious that the bullet had been blocked. He was overjoyed, but he still pretended to be shot and fell to the ground. Looking in the direction of the iron eagle, I saw the opponent quickly moving his gun and aiming in one direction.

"Wha—" A sniper bullet whizzed away. Luo Zheng pretended to roll all over the ground, adjusted his angle and moved forward. He saw the bullet penetrated an ice pile, and a person rolled out from behind. The person got up. Running wildly, the speed was so fast that it was difficult to see with the naked eye, pulling out an afterimage in the void. Luo Zheng looked at this scene with a face full of disbelief. This speed definitely exceeded the shadow of the National Blade Special Warfare Brigade and was unheard of.

Almost at the same time, "咻咻咻-" three gunshots rang out, each shot as fast as the other. Luo Zheng was surprised to find that the target that was impossible to aim at was hit in the back by the first shot. He lost control of his body's center of gravity and ran forward involuntarily. Go, and then the second shot arrived and hit the opponent's thigh. The target stumbled and fell to the ground. Although there was no rush of blood as imagined, the target actually fell to the ground. At this time, the third bullet pounced on him and hit him hard. The target hit the opponent's head hard. The target's head was hit by the bullet flying at high speed, and the target's body rolled forward and fainted.

"Good marksmanship." Luo Zheng secretly cheered when he saw this scene. The first shot hit the target's larger back, which can interfere with the opponent's forward movement. The second shot hit the leg, can make the opponent stop or even fall to the ground. As long as the opponent's speed stops, the accuracy will be higher, so the iron eagle chose the head for the second shot and knocked down the target with one shot.

It's hard to say whether the target was hit hard by bullets to death, but Luo Zheng knew very well that Tie Diao's sniping sequence was very particular. If he hit the feet or head directly, he might not be able to hit it. The back was different. If he hit the target, he would be hit easily. , and then the legs and head. He is indeed a master.

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng became less excited, and the area hit by the bullet became less painful.

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