The strongest soldier

Chapter 2210 Negotiation Countermeasures

It was already early in the morning when we returned to the embassy. Luo Zheng asked everyone to go back to their rooms to rest. He also returned to the room and washed up, but he was not sleepy. The conversation between Cooley and Jin Yuan lingered in his mind, especially the instigation between the country and Korea. If the war between the two countries succeeds, the country will fall into the quagmire of war, which will bring huge disasters to the country. The achievements of reform and opening up may be destroyed in one day, and there will be a great economic recession.

As a soldier, Luo Zheng would never tolerate this kind of thing happening. He secretly thought of countermeasures. Unknowingly, the sky became brighter. Luo Zheng opened his red eyes, washed up, and knocked on Jackson's room. Jackson, who was about to go out to have breakfast with everyone, saw Luo Zheng with bloodshot eyes and couldn't help but asked in surprise: "What's wrong with you? You haven't slept all night."

"Yes, I went to Jin Yuan's lair." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, looking at Jackson with a solemn expression.

"Ah? Why didn't you call me when you went there? Come on, let's talk in the room." Jackson knew something was wrong when he saw Luo Zheng's face. He quickly invited Luo Zheng to the room, closed the door, and asked in surprise: "What happened?" what?"

"Did someone named Cooley from your country come to North Korea to negotiate?" Luo Zheng did not tell the truth immediately, but asked Cooley.

"Well, there is indeed this person, the assistant to the Secretary of State, secretly negotiating to solve the problem of nuclear weapons. How did you know?" Jackson did not expect Luo Zheng to suddenly mention Cooley, thinking that the matter might be bigger than imagined, and he did not hide it, truthfully He said, while looking at Luo Zheng closely, his eyes were a little more dignified.

"Nuclear weapons issue?" Luo Zheng looked at Jackson in surprise. Seeing that Jackson didn't seem to be joking, he couldn't help but smile bitterly: "I didn't expect that your country would actually send him to talk? This is funny."

"What happened?" Jackson asked.

Luo Zheng thought for a while, organized his words to tell the story truthfully, and finally added: "I didn't expect such a big gain. This information is very beneficial to us, provoking the war between China and Korea." You also know the purpose, which is to take the opportunity to impeach your president, what should I do? I want to hear your opinion."

"This bastard, so that's it. Could it be that the Secretary of State wants to run for office? I need to report this matter to the President immediately and ask the President to make a decision. We have cooperated so far and finally made a breakthrough. With Cooley's line, use According to your country, we can just follow the example, and I also want to hear your opinion." Jackson asked solemnly.

"It's a very important matter. I can't give you an accurate answer yet. However, I will definitely prevent this from happening. You can report it to the country. Come over for breakfast later. I'll take the first step." Luo Zheng said as he got up and walked outside. go.

Arriving at the cafeteria, Luo Zheng saw Shi Qian. The two nodded tacitly, ate some food and left quickly. When they came to Luo Zheng's room, Shi Qian stood guard at the door knowingly to prevent anyone from eavesdropping. Although it was an internal guest house , but the waiter could not guarantee that there was no spy, so Luo Zheng immediately contacted the headquarters and told Lan Xue the situation in detail after connecting.

Lan Xue didn't expect that things would become so complicated. It was originally just about capturing Jin Yuan, but now it involves Cooley and the war conspiracy behind it. This is no longer a simple military operation. Lan Xue thought for a while and said in a deep voice. : "This matter must be reported as soon as possible, and it will be decided by the higher ups."

"Okay, I'll wait for your reply." Luo Zheng agreed and waited patiently in the room while thinking about countermeasures. It would definitely not be possible to deal with Jin Yuan's special forces with a small number of people. The key is not to know the defense situation of the base and the specific location of the enemy. Quantity, it seems, we must find out the details of the enemy base as soon as possible.

More than ten minutes later, a call came in. Luo Zheng picked up the phone and saw that it was Lan Xue. He immediately answered the call. Without asking, Lan Xue said eagerly: "The superiors will report it to the chairman as soon as possible. Such a big matter must be The chairman has made the decision, and the superiors asked us to find the location of the base. No matter what the chairman decides, it is imperative to remove the base."

"Okay, let me know the results as soon as possible." Luo Zheng promised in a deep voice. When he heard Jackson's voice outside, he immediately cut off the call, stood up and came out. When he saw that it was indeed Jackson coming, he immediately greeted him with a smile and asked: "Have you eaten? Come in and sit down." He gave Shi Qian a look.

Shi Qian understood and continued to stay outside. After Jackson entered, he closed the door. Luo Zheng motioned for Jackson to sit down and asked in a deep voice, "How is it?"

Jackson understood and said quickly: "My president, don't get involved in Cooley's negotiations. We can't reach an agreement anyway. How do you want to deal with Cooley after the negotiations? The president said I'll decide based on your wishes."

"What do I mean?" Luo Zheng pondered. The president of Sam State was quite cautious. He listened to his own opinion just because he wanted to find out what China's opinion was. However, Huaxia's opinion had not come down yet. After thinking for a moment, Luo Zheng said: "Secret To arrest Cooley and find out the truth behind it, you must know who his contact is? The Dark Church seems to have a single vertical connection. If you don’t arrest him, you won’t know who the mastermind behind it is. This task is left to you."

"No problem, I will personally deploy the arrest." Jackson said solemnly.

"In addition, your country must have a huge intelligence system in North Korea, right? Your satellites are also good. They should monitor North Korea around the clock, right?" Luo Zheng said in a deep voice. Seeing Jackson's wry smile, he did not strike up a conversation. He realized that this Even if it was true, the other party would not admit it. He asked inappropriately, so he immediately explained: "What I mean is, can you find the base location that Jin Yuan mentioned?"

"No problem, aren't they leaving at three o'clock? I will notify the country to closely monitor Jin Yuan's whereabouts. As long as you follow Jin Yuan, it will not be difficult to find their base." Jackson agreed with confidence.

In terms of information combat capability, Sam State has extraordinary advantages and self-confidence. Luo Zheng also knew the information capabilities of Sam State. After handing the matter over to Jackson, he asked: "Once their base is found, will you come to join the war?"

"Of course, we agreed to cooperate. After destroying the base, all the spoils must be shared. How about that?" Jackson said quickly, staring at Luo Zheng, for fear that Luo Zheng would not agree. The materials in the base were useless to Jackson. However, the gold yuan captured after the victory is definitely a treasure trove of information. Jackson is interested in this. If he does not come to participate in the war, Jackson is sure that Luo Zheng will have reservations about him.

Luo Zheng smiled knowingly and said: "Okay, let's do it, but I'm afraid that one team is not strong enough, so we need more people. Let's do it this way, thirty people for you and thirty people for me. In addition, we will capture Cooley first and then destroy him." Base, I need to participate in the arrest of Cooley and interrogate him together, is there any problem?"

Although the two have a cooperative relationship, they are still enemies in essence. In order to complete the task, the two have to choose to trust each other, but they have to be wary of each other. This kind of psychology is too contradictory. Jackson also understands Luo Zheng's worries, and nodded knowingly and said: "No problem, you are the commander-in-chief, I will listen to you."

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