The strongest soldier

Chapter 2209 Shocking Information

In the dark ventilation duct, the air was mixed with a musty smell, but it could not distract Luo Zheng's suspicion. Through the ventilation grille, Luo Zheng saw Jin Yuan, the target of this operation. If he wanted to assassinate, now is definitely the best time. Chance, but Luo Zheng wanted to capture him alive, but a strange phenomenon appeared in the room below.

Just as Jin Yuan sat down at the main seat, several impressive people came in from the outside. They looked like Western Caucasians. The North Korean country and the white countries were almost enemies. At this time, several Caucasians appeared. The situation inside was puzzling. Luo Zheng did not dare to move, so as not to disturb the people below. He observed patiently, his sharp eyes curiously falling on the white man.

At this time, the Caucasian man walked up and Jin Yuan stood up to greet him. What shocked Luo Zheng even more happened was that Jin Yuan actually went up to greet him and hugged the leader of the man. They looked as close as brothers. As an important official of a country, Jin Yuan had already violated the taboo of meeting a white man in his residence, and they hugged each other like brothers. Luo Zheng immediately thought of a possibility, and the only possibility, that these white people were members of the Dark Church. people.

With Jin Yuan's identity, only people who met the Dark Church could show such intimacy. Luo Zheng became interested and pricked up his ears to listen. He saw Jin Yuan hugging each other with a smile on his face, and gently He patted the other person on the shoulder to show friendship, and said in surprise in international lingua franca: "I didn't expect you to come, I'm sorry."

"It's easy to say that we are all brothers. The organization recognizes your work very much and thinks that you can go further. The organization sent me here this time to express condolences, to see if you have any difficulties, and to assist you in the next step. mission." The leader of the white men solemnly whispered.

"Sir Cooley, welcome to your visit, and thank you for your trust and support from the organization. As for our difficulties, of course we have them, that is, we don't have enough modern light weapons. What tasks does the organization give us this time? We are all trustworthy confidants here, so why not Speak bluntly." Jin Yuan said in a deep voice, while motioning for the white team leader named Cooley to sit down.

"As for weapons, a batch will be coming within a week. This time, I brought an order from the top person in charge of Asia, asking you to equip the troops with new weapons in a week and carry out armed attacks on our neighbors Huaxia and Koryo, provoking If the war between the two countries starts, as long as China and Koryo start, the Sam country will inevitably be dragged down. This war will definitely last for several years. The war is not in line with the people of the Sam country who are already exhausted by the war. At that time, there will be a way to impeach the president and step down early. "The man named Cooley said in a deep voice.

"A good idea. I will select the most elite special forces team to implement it, and we will definitely complete the tasks assigned by the organization. Mr. Cooley is tired. Go to your room to rest first. Tomorrow morning you will still need to negotiate with North Korea on behalf of the Sam Kingdom. I will take you to our base at three o'clock in the afternoon to see the troops." Jin Yuan suggested with a smile.

"Okay." Cooley agreed. He got up and walked outside without any hesitation. The people who followed Cooley also got up and walked quickly outside.

Luo Zheng sat down when he saw Cooley said to leave. He couldn't help but look at Jin Yuan and found that Jin Yuan was staring at Cooley's back and thinking about something. He looked a little weird. After Cooley left, Jin Yuan sat down again. , talking to everyone about something with a cold face, but unfortunately he couldn't understand a word, and soon, Jin Yuan also left in a hurry.

The unexpected discovery made Luo Zheng hesitate. Should he continue to arrest Jin Yuan or make a long-term plan? What is the origin of that man named Cooley, who actually came to negotiate with North Korea on behalf of Sam Country? Also, these people actually want to start a war between China and Korea, and their goal is to target the president of Sam State? What is going on here?

Assassinating Jin Yuan is easy, and even kidnapping Jin Yuan is not difficult for Luo Zheng who has infiltrated. However, once Jin Yuan is assassinated or kidnapped, the Dark Church will definitely be alert. Why not use a trick? Thinking of this, Luo Zheng suddenly felt that the front of him suddenly became clearer, and his thoughts became clearer.

Soon, the people in the room below disappeared one after another. After Luo Zheng made sure that there was no one below, he gave the retreat order to Shi Qian. Shi Qian was confused, but still chose to obey. He returned and the two of them retreated to the kitchen smoothly. After coming down, we continued to choose the underground passage.

After coming out of the passage, Shi Qian saw no one around him and couldn't help the curiosity in his heart anymore and asked: "Tou, what's wrong? We finally penetrated in, why did we give up? What happened?"

"It's indeed a big deal." Luo Zheng understood Shi Qian's anxiety and explained in a deep voice. He carefully explained what he saw and finally added: "The place Jin Yuan was talking about must be the special forces base where he secretly trained. The base of the Dark Church in Asia must be located clearly and disconnected. Secondly, there is a problem with Cooley. His public identity is the representative of the Sam State government, and behind the scenes, he has an identity of being the general manager of the Dark Church in Asia. Representative, if you catch him, you will know who the person in charge is. This is an opportunity to learn more about the Dark Church. You cannot miss it. In addition, these bastards actually want to provoke a war between our country and Korea. It is too abominable."

"It makes sense. I didn't expect to gain such a big harvest this time. At least it has been confirmed that there is a problem with Jin Yuan and we have figured out their conspiracy. We just need to use the plan. Maybe we can destroy their base and investigate Who is the person in charge of the Asian area? Your decision was correct. If you had taken action just now, the enemy would have been alert and we would have had no chance. It is easy to kill a gold dollar, but from now on the clues have been cut off. We will withdraw as soon as possible. , inform Jackson of the situation and tell him that Cooley has a problem." Shi Qian said thoughtfully.

"Yes, by the way, let's find out what Cooley is doing on behalf of Sam Country. Let's go." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice. He quickly glanced around and made sure there was no danger. After making sure there was no danger, he took the lead and walked forward. They walked along the original path. The two of them moved quickly. It was much faster, and before I knew it, I came to the location of the mine where I was almost killed.

No measures were taken during this infiltration, so we must not leave any clues to the enemy in order to avoid alerting the enemy. The tiger fang saber holding down the mine was the clue. Luo Zheng squatted down carefully, pulled out his tiger fang saber and pushed away the surrounding soil. Carefully open the mine and destroy the detonating device.

After that, Luo Zheng quickly pushed away the stone, handed the tiger-tooth saber pressed on it to Shi Qian, and then covered the surrounding soil with the mine. After making sure that no other traces were left, he quickly evacuated, climbed out of the surveillance area, and arrived. Behind the woods outside, the two of them didn't stop and continued to rush forward.

About half an hour later, the two people arrived near the car and took off their invisibility suits to avoid scaring the ambassador. After packing up, the two people quickly went down the mountain. The ambassador was shocked when he saw the two people who suddenly came out. Wait and see After realizing it was Luo Zheng and Shi Qian, he breathed a sigh of relief and quickly started the car.

Luo Zheng and Shi Qian quickly got into the car. Seeing that the two looked very bad, the ambassador guessed that the task was not completed, so he quickly drove towards the embassy without asking any questions.

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