The strongest soldier

Chapter 2208 Infiltration

On the battlefield, no one can choose to die or not. If you can choose how to die, it is already a great honor. Luo Zheng is not afraid of death and has already prepared it. Lifting his feet means that the mine may explode, but before the explosion There is still time for him to think about his lover, which is a happy thing. Luo Zheng is very satisfied. He closes his eyes, his face is serene and peaceful, without the fear or unwillingness before his death.

After his feet were completely raised, Luo Zheng saw that the land mine did not explode. He immediately realized that he did not have to die. He took a big step over in surprise and quickly turned back to look at the land mine. He was being pinned down by Shi Qian with a tiger-tooth saber. Luo Zheng shouted in surprise: "Don't panic, don't move, don't move, I'll think of a solution." As he said that, he searched around with sharp eyes.

Soon, Luo Zheng saw a stone as thick as a person could hold in his arms. He immediately rushed up and shook loose most of the stone in the soil. He quickly walked up with it, squatted on the ground to take a look, and quickly locked the position of the protrusion. , look at the stone again, put the flattest side down, and press it on the tiger tooth saber.

Luo Zheng carefully held the stone still, looked at Shi Qian and said, "Okay, put down the knife and retreat, find a place to hide, the rest is up to me."

"Be careful." Shi Qian was not sure if it was safe anymore. Seeing that he couldn't help if he stayed, he warned him and quickly retreated. He found a place to lie down on the ground, held his head in his hands, and looked over carefully, only to see Luo Luo. After Zheng waited for himself to be hidden, his whole body relaxed, and he slowly reduced his strength. Don't panic when he saw the stone. Luo Zheng gritted his teeth, closed his eyes, and slowly released his palms that were holding the stone.

Under the moonlight, Luo Zheng was like a warrior waiting for death. His whole body was tense, squatting on the ground like a rock, his hands slowly released the stone, his eyes were slightly closed, and his face was determined. At this moment, the whole world seemed to have stopped. , motionless, the wind is silent, the insects are silent.

Shi Qian, who was not far away, saw that the mine did not explode after Luo Zheng completely let go of his hand. He let out a long sigh and saw that Luo Zheng was squatting on the ground without moving. He guessed that his nerves had not relaxed for a while after being highly stressed, so he quickly reminded: "Head, okay, go back quickly."

People's thinking may stagnate after being highly stressed, and the whole body is as tense as a stone in a forbidden state, but the hearing is still there. Luo Zheng reacts immediately when he hears the reminder and gets up slowly. Too fast is easy for the brain to become congested, which will cause the body to be affected. If you fall to the ground in a controlled manner, if you happen to be pressing down on a rock, you'll be in trouble.

Luo Zheng stood up slowly, feeling that his body had returned to normal, and then left quickly, hiding in a safe place and stopping. Looking at the motionless landmine, he felt a sense of surviving a disaster. At this moment, Luo Zheng realized that his back Full of cold sweat, he couldn't help but said with a wry smile: "Okay, we have escaped from the gate of hell, and finally we are not left as a guest by the King of Hell. Come here quickly."

"Okay." Shi Qian quickly agreed and came forward quickly.

The two passed through the infrared surveillance zone, and there were only some surveillance heads ahead. The two wore invisibility suits, so they didn't have to worry about being discovered. They successfully broke through and arrived near the villa area. Shi Qian asked Luo Zheng to stop first and look around. Topography determines the location of drainage channels.

Soon, Shi Qian came to a lush bush and saw the drainage channel inside the bush. The pictures of the drainage channel were all sewage, but this sewage was fertilizer for the bush, and the surrounding grass grew densely. , completely blocking the location of the drainage channel.

The drainage channel is about one meter wide and about 1.5 meters high. People can't walk directly into it. Shi Qian observed it for a while, walked to the mouth of the drainage channel, took out a strong flashlight from his bag and shone it inside. There was not much water, and there were still some mice looking for food. They quickly ran inside when they saw the light.

"The drainage channel at this location should lead to the kitchen. It is about twenty meters long. It can be passed quickly. There should be a manhole cover in the kitchen to get out. There should be no one in the kitchen at this time. It is an ideal infiltration route. Do you think?" Shi Qian looked at Luo Zheng and suggested.

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Luo Zheng looked at the heavily guarded villa in front of him. There were constantly flashing figures and various surveillance equipment. There was a high possibility of exposure if he went directly up there. Taking the underground drainage channel was undoubtedly the best option. , fully agreed and urged Shi Qian to take action.

Shi Qian quickly got in and opened a path in front. He used a strong flashlight to illuminate the inside of the drainage channel. Many rats were frightened and rushed forward crazily, chirping. Shi Qian ignored them and moved forward carefully. Luo Zheng followed closely. Afterwards, the two walked for a while, and then they reached the end. There was a manhole cover above their heads, blocking the passage.

It was pitch dark above the manhole cover. Shi Qian quickly turned off the flashlight to prevent light from shining through the hollow part of the manhole cover. After putting away the flashlight, Shi Qian grabbed the manhole cover with both hands and lifted it hard. The manhole cover came loose and was lifted up by Shi Qian, revealing an exit. Shi Qian Carefully push the manhole cover away and climb up.

Luo Zheng, who was behind, saw that Shi Qian had climbed out smoothly, so he followed closely and climbed out along the exit. After they both climbed out, they took a look and found that it was indeed unless the entrance and exit were a pool. There was a manhole cover underneath to block the water. The hollow part leaks downward and debris is blocked.

Shi Qian restored the manhole cover and looked at Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng put on the tactical goggles and observed for a while. He saw that the kitchen was not small, and there was an exhaust hole above his head, which was enough for people to crawl through. He was overjoyed and quickly jumped on the console and opened the exhaust. The baffle of the air hole, stepped on the window and climbed up quickly.

After entering, Luo Zheng looked ahead and didn't know where it was leading. He was overjoyed and immediately gave a signal to Shi Qian below. Shi Qian understood and immediately got in. The two of them crawled forward along the exhaust hole. Very slowly, very carefully, not daring to make any sound.

The vent seemed to be hidden, and once exposed, Luo Zheng crawled in front for a while, and suddenly stopped. There was an vent in front, and there was light coming from below. Luo Zheng carefully probed over and went down through the vent. Look, it's a bedroom. There are people watching TV and playing mahjong in it. It's full of smoke and smoke. You can tell at a glance that it's a resting place for ordinary people.

Luo Zheng continued to climb forward for a while, and then came to an exhaust hole and looked down. He found that it was a living room. Several people were chatting inside. It looked very impressive. Luo Zheng was startled and observed carefully. What was happening behind him was Seeing this scene, Qian knew that he had discovered something, so he stopped and waited curiously.

After listening for a while, Luo Zheng was startled when he noticed someone coming in. He opened his eyes wide and continued to observe. He found that it was a soldier in a marshal's uniform. He was about sixty years old. When other people saw this soldier coming in, they stood up to greet him. It was unusual. Respectfully, the soldier walked towards the top of the table without any courtesy, his expression ugly.

"Hiss?" Luo Zheng looked at this soldier in surprise. It completely matched the information, it was Jin Yuan, and he couldn't help but be overjoyed.

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