The strongest soldier

Chapter 2211 Visiting again

At three o'clock in the afternoon, satellite surveillance detected a civilian helicopter taking off from Jin Yuan's manor villa. There was no other convoy accompanying it. Shi Qian, who had gone to follow up, did not send any news. Luo Zheng immediately realized that Jin Yuan and Kuli should He left by helicopter. Civilian helicopters are highly concealable. If they didn't know the inside story in advance, they wouldn't be suspected even if they were monitored by satellites.

Luo Zheng gave an order, and the satellites of Sam State and Huaxia State were all staring at the civilian helicopter. News kept coming that the civilian helicopter refueled midway, flew towards the sea, and finally landed on an island. The information was immediately traced out. It was a military island. No fishing boats were allowed to approach it within a radius of several hundred nautical miles. The island was covered with bushes and towering mountains. The highest point was about 500 meters above sea level.

What Luo Zheng didn't expect was that neither the Sam satellite nor the Huaxia satellite found any buildings on the island. There was only an open flat land for the helicopter to land. After landing, the helicopter drove directly to a cave and disappeared. Luo Zheng immediately realized This island has underground fortifications.

The underground fortifications were very concealed and difficult to detect. Luo Zheng was sure that there was something wrong with the island. He found the location of the enemy base and destroyed it. However, Cooley had to be caught before destroying it. Cooley had a high position. Once It would be difficult to arrest someone when they return home. If you want to pry open the other party's mouth without leaving any clues, the best way is to do it in North Korea.

Cooley went to the island and would not be back in a short time. Luo Zheng handed over the surveillance task to the satellite and chatted with Jackson in the embassy guest house room. The topic turned to Cooley. Jackson suddenly darkened his face and said : "This guy has a lot of connections. If he takes action again after returning to China, he will definitely be alerted. Moreover, without enough evidence, it is difficult to subdue him based on one-sided words. It's not that I don't believe you, but this bastard has a special identity. Without evidence, he can't be defeated." Detention, what do you think?”

"Then arrest him secretly in the DPRK without leaving any whereabouts. Will it be beneficial to your president if he suddenly disappears in the DPRK?" Luo Zheng asked in a deep voice.

"We can put the blame on North Korea and say that North Korea ignores the war and deliberately provokes trouble, so that we can more legitimately put pressure on North Korea. This will be of great help to the nuclear talks. There will be no disadvantages. However, Will it alert the enemy?" Jackson said solemnly.

"No matter what we do, there is a possibility of alerting the snake. Therefore, we must capture Cooley as soon as possible, interrogate the information we need, and then attack quickly to catch bigger fish. Speed ​​determines everything. As long as it is fast enough, we will not wait for the Dark Church. After reacting, we can catch several big fish in one fell swoop, and it is possible to target their inner circle." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"It makes sense. It will be exposed sooner or later anyway, so it's better to give it a try." Jackson agreed.

"The specific arrest plan will be discussed after Cooley returns from the island. We can't take action if he is on the island. How are your people doing now?" Luo Zheng looked at Jackson and asked in a deep voice.

"They have lurked down and are ready to fight at any time. They are not very far away from us. Don't worry." Jackson explained seriously: "I asked, Cooley's flight will return tomorrow. I'm worried that this bastard will come back from the island tomorrow. Then go straight to the airport and we won’t have a chance.”

"This situation is completely possible." Luo Zheng pondered, frowned, and suddenly thought of a way, and said: "I have a way to make them come back overnight."

"What can I do?" Jackson asked curiously.

"It's very simple. If you light a fire in Jin Yuan's manor villa, the guards will definitely report it to Jin Yuan. If Jin Yuan can't find out the reason, he will definitely return alert. Leave this to me." Luo Zheng explained sternly.

"This is a risky mission, very difficult. Are you sure you don't want my people to support you?" Jackson asked in surprise. Seeing Luo Zheng nodding with determination, he couldn't help but curiously asked: "What if the guards find out that it was a man-made action?" , Jin Yuan will not return for safety reasons after knowing the situation, and must not be exposed."

"Yes, you are right. The more you don't know the reason, the more worried Jin Yuan will be, and the more he will come back to take charge of the overall situation. Once he knows it is man-made, he will not come back. But don't worry, I have a way." Luo Zheng Agreed.

Seeing Luo Zheng's confident face, Jackson couldn't say anything else. After seeing Jackson off, Luo Zheng looked at the sky. It was already dusk and it was not far from dark. He immediately found Shi Qian and asked, "We Cooley must be captured and cannot be allowed to return to the country, but this bastard is hiding on the island, so I need to set a fire in Jin Yuan’s villa to attract the two of them back.”

"I understand, this is not difficult, I can just go alone." Shi Qian said confidently.

"Well, I still need two backup plans. One is to capture the target secretly without letting anyone discover it. The other is to kidnap the target publicly. Can you find anyone familiar in this country? I need them to go to the airport somewhere. They created trouble in the local area and took the opportunity to arrest Cooley." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"It's difficult to arrest secretly. If Jin Yuan returns to the villa with Cooley overnight and doesn't leave, we might still have a chance to take advantage of the chaos. It depends on whether Cooley comes. It's even harder to kidnap openly, as we don't want to alert anyone. It's difficult to start halfway unless you know the specific route." Shi Qian said seriously.

"You're right. It seems that everything depends on luck. Take five minutes to prepare and bring your equipment to Jin Yuan's villa." Luo Zheng warned in a deep voice.

Shi Qian agreed wholeheartedly and went back to his room to prepare. Luo Zheng packed up and went to Shi Qian's room. After spraying some anti-wolf dog spray, the two quickly walked out of the room and found the ambassador. The ambassador learned that the two wanted to After going to the place last night, he promised to continue leading the way, and was deeply moved by the two people's spirit of perseverance.

The three people quickly left the embassy in a car. After an experience, the ambassador drove forward with ease. Along the way, the ambassador saw that Luo Zheng and Shi Qian were worried. He thought they were worried that the mission would fail again, just like last night. Returning empty-handed, he couldn't help but comfort him: "Don't worry, you two. It depends on the human factors. It's more important to stay calm."

"Huh?" Luo Zheng glanced at the ambassador in surprise and said with a smile, "We're fine, drive carefully."

"I understand, don't worry. When I was young, I almost chose racing as a career. Unfortunately, it was too expensive and my family was poor, so I had to give it up. But my driving skills are still there, so don't worry." The ambassador smiled, with a confident look on his face, but his eyes Focus on the front, very focused.

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