The strongest soldier

Chapter 2197 Shocking speculation

Working together again, the two old enemies actually had a tacit understanding of their cooperation. After confirming the action plan, the two discussed some details. Jackson knew how powerful Luo Zheng was and sincerely invited Luo Zheng to stay and help. If he had any questions, he could communicate at any time. Secondly, Luo Zheng was able to monitor Luo Zheng to avoid causing other troubles. Luo Zheng guessed Jackson's intention and did not refuse. He gave Lan Xue a safe call and stayed with peace of mind.

Jackson arranged for Luo Zheng to wait in the reception room, and went to have a short meeting to plan the operation, and then secretly reported the situation to the president. After getting the president's support, he felt much more relaxed. If he could do it this time It is definitely a great achievement to follow the clues and catch the backbone of the Dark Church.

Thinking of the credit, Jackson hurried to the living room and saw Luo Zheng watching TV to kill time. He apologetically went forward and found a seat to sit down. He looked at his watch and saw that it was almost lunch time. He smiled and said, "Old man My friend, we are fighting to the death, and our hatred is overwhelming, but we will settle the matter in the future, and I will treat you to dinner today."

"No problem, personal grudges are nothing before official business." Luo Zheng said nonchalantly.

"The arrangements have been made, let's go." Jackson said. Although he wanted to break Luo Zheng into pieces immediately, in the face of the common enemy, in the face of annihilating the Dark Church, and in the face of repaying the president's support, Jackson chose Forbearance and temporary compromise.

The two walked out of the White House, sat down at a nearby Western restaurant, and ordered two steaks to eat. Luo Zheng was not used to this kind of Western food, but he didn't mind trying it. Apart from official business, the two of them couldn't find a topic to talk about. He said a few words and concentrated on handling the steak. Just after finishing his meal, Jackson received a call. After listening for a while, he looked at Luo Zheng with a solemn face and whispered: "There is news, come with me."

"Huh?" Luo Zheng didn't expect that Jackson's subordinates were not bad at work and got the news so quickly. He stood up and followed Jackson in a hurry to leave the western restaurant and came to the previous living room. Jackson said I made an intercom call and soon a staff member came over with a document.

Jackson looked at the document for a while, signed it and told the other party to leave first, then looked at Luo Zheng and said in a deep voice: "My people have investigated and found out that the person who was shot by Scott was a member of the Mafia here." One of the important leaders in the city, this kind of person deserves to die, but how can he be a terrorist?"

"Oh?" Luo Zheng was surprised. The Sam Kingdom is different from the Huaxia Kingdom. There are underground societies. Some of these societies do evil and harm one party or even the country. The members in it are not good people, but they are definitely not terrorists. Jackson's suspicion was reasonable. Luo Zheng pondered for a moment and then asked: "Important leader?"

"Yes, it is said that he will take over the local branch. He has high prestige and loud voice, but he has become a terrorist for some unknown reason." Jackson said thoughtfully.

"It's very simple. You will know who is the biggest beneficiary of this matter." Luo Zheng sneered.

"Huh?" Jackson followed Luo Zheng's prompts and thought about it. After a while, he said with a cold face: "You mean the new boss instructed Scott to kill the other party?"

"No, the new boss doesn't have this ability. Could it be that the Dark Church wants to annex these societies, and if the other party doesn't agree, it will use some method to force the other party to agree, and then notify Scott to kill the other party to prevent the truth from leaking, and the new boss will They defected to the Dark Church, or that society originally belonged to the Dark Church, but the other party was dissatisfied with the requirements of the Dark Church and tried to become independent, only to be killed." Luo Zheng analyzed in a deep voice.

"Yes, your analysis is correct. I will arrange for people to investigate immediately." Jackson said and hurried out.

Luo Zheng didn't expect that he would become Jackson's think tank. This was good. He could deal with the Dark Church without the help of his own people. He waited in the living room with peace of mind. After a while, Jackson came back, nodded to Luo Zheng and said: "My people have already gone to investigate, and the results will be available soon."

"Okay, the other party was killed and was charged with being a terrorist. I believe no one will investigate the reason. If I guess correctly, someone must have kidnapped his family and coerced him to act as a suicide bomber. He is an important underground figure. There must be a crime on him. As long as the crime is revealed, no one will doubt the possibility of him being a terrorist. By the way, it is definitely not easy for this person to be an important person. What is he best at?"

"It is said that he was a master hacker when he was young. He was dissatisfied after being used by others and cleared all the funds in the other party's account. He was discovered by the police and imprisoned. After he was released from prison, he joined the club and became a key player with his hacking skills. Get up there slowly," Jackson explained.

"A master hacker?" Luo Zheng's face became solemn, he looked at Jackson and said seriously: "It seems that the Dark Church is intensively expanding its strength and developing its power. We must also speed up, otherwise it will be very troublesome."

"Hiss? What you said makes sense." Jackson said in a deep voice, frowning, deep in thought.

Luo Zheng also pondered. The Dark Church tried to annex Tang Sheng's industry and annexed the underground society. These are enough to prove that the other party is vigorously developing its strength. Suddenly, Jackson said thoughtfully: "You mean the Dark Church is preparing for something big. , and this matter requires a lot of funds and manpower, so by annexing Tang Sheng's industry and associations, there may be more consortiums and underground forces being annexed, what do they want to do?"

"Yes, your analysis is the same as what I am worried about, but what will it be? The Dark Church is not an ordinary organization. It has big plans. What do you think it will be that can seduce the Dark Church?" Luo Zheng said worriedly .

"It's hard to say, let me think about it." Jackson replied thoughtfully, his brows furrowed a little deeper.

Suddenly, Luo Zheng's eyes lit up and he thought of a possibility. When he looked at Jackson, his face became serious and he said seriously: "Those people from the Dark Church want to unify the world. If they want to unify the world, the fastest way is to unify the world." To become the President of Sam Country, how many years are left until your country’s presidential election?”

"Two years." Jackson was thinking about other things and said casually. Suddenly he reacted and his face changed drastically. He looked at Luo Zheng with an expression of disbelief in his eyes and asked eagerly: "You mean they are going to run for the position of Sam?" President of the country? This┅┅?”

"Is this impossible for the powerful Dark Church?" Luo Zhengfa asked.

"How is it possible that voters will agree? Don't forget that we are a democratic country." Jackson asked rhetorically.

Note: I recently participated in training and the time was too tight to be able to code normally. It will return to normal 5 updates after the 15th. Please understand and don’t forget to support the monthly ticket. Thank you.

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