The strongest soldier

Chapter 2198 Start counterattack

Democratic countries use democratic elections, and the people vote to choose their president. Luo Zheng dare not comment on whether this national system is good or not, but it is very clear that the president of Sam country is just a figure on the stage. The core decision-making is made by the two conferences and the secret behind the scenes. Decisions made by political forces are only executed by the president. The president is more like a professional manager in a company and can be replaced at any time, but the board of directors behind him will not change easily. In other words, the president's real power is limited.

Luo Zheng looked at Jackson with a sneer and said in a deep voice: "The underground forces have been annexed. The working class only needs to win over the trade unions. The business class only needs to annex a few large consortiums and then let the people in charge of the annexed people come forward to coordinate. Who would object? As for the peasant class, it only needs to promise some preferential policies, and the rest will not be a problem. If we capture the workers, farmers, and businessmen, the rest will still be a problem?"

The words were like a sharp knife, tearing Jackson's heart apart. The current president can still be re-elected for one term. On the surface, there is no risk in re-election. If the Dark Church causes trouble, the variables will be big. Once the current president is defeated, he will step down. , Jackson knew that his death was coming. In order to repay the president's kindness and for himself, he had no choice but to fight.

Thinking of this, Jackson's face turned cold and he said in a deep voice: "How likely is your analysis?"

"I can't think of the second possibility. Don't forget the goal of the Dark Church, which is to unify the world. Is there any way to achieve it faster than getting the president of your country? As long as you are elected as the president of your country, plus some other countries I believe things will go much smoother, but then it will be a disaster for the whole world. Therefore, if the matter is true, it is not your fault alone and I will support you." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"Thank you." Jackson said with sincere gratitude. After thinking about it, Jackson left Luo Zheng and left.

Luo Zheng knew that Jackson must have called his president. The matter was important and no one dared to be careless. Luo Zheng also immediately took out the phone and sent a message to Lan Xue with his guess. According to the facts, he reported to his superiors that this was Jackson's living room. Who knew if there were surveillance cameras installed in the room? He couldn't make phone calls, which would expose him.

After a while, Jackson came in again, holding a document in his hand. He stood across from Luo Zheng and said with a stern face: "My people have checked. The new boss of the underground society is called Bister. He is a black man. He comes from the underground streets." He's a gangster, he's a good fighter, and he's ruthless."

"Can we arrest him secretly?" Luo Zheng suggested in a deep voice.

"Yes, it has been arranged." Jackson said seriously: "In addition, my president asked me to send a message to thank you for the reminder and wish the two countries to cooperate smoothly again. In order to show sincerity, our country will take some diplomatic actions in the near future. Promote the friendly development of the two countries."

"Huh? Thank you very much." Luo Zheng didn't expect such benefits, but after thinking about it, he realized that if President Sam wants to keep his position, he must increase cooperation with China in various economic fields. Improve its own prestige and popular voice, and secondly, develop more in-depth strategic cooperation, promote secret cooperation between the two countries, and jointly deal with the dark church.

Politicians only have interests in their eyes. When they are threatened, they will take protective measures. Cooperating with China is a good measure. Luo Zheng's mind changed quickly and he smiled after understanding what was behind it. Anyway, this They are all good things that benefit the country and the people, so they cannot be turned away. Anyway, I am also pursuing the Dark Church. Cooperation will benefit both parties, so why not agree? Then he added: "What are the principles of cooperation between us?"

"Old rules, you are responsible for commanding, and I am responsible for executing. In addition, this is my country, and I don't like to make too much noise to end. Therefore, I hope your people will not mess around. If it is necessary for your people to take action, we will What do you think about the two of us negotiating a solution?" Jackson said solemnly. Jackson was well aware of Luo Zheng's tactical commanding ability, but he was not able to match it, so he simply gave up the command.

When Luo Zheng heard this, he knew that Jackson and the President of Sam Country had made great determination, otherwise they would not lower their status and give up the command. This is not the style of Sam Country's "World Police", so he couldn't help but laugh and said: "Since So, that’s it, I hope our cooperation will be more pleasant.”

"I will definitely do it. Since you have no problem, I will take office immediately. I will obey your command. What should I do next? Please give me the order." Jackson also smiled gratefully.

"It's easy to say, I'll arrest the new boss immediately and pry open his mouth. I want to know as many secrets as possible." Luo Zheng said seriously, immediately getting into character.

Just as he was talking, Jackson's phone rang. He picked it up and saw that it was a text message. He smiled after reading it and said: "It's a good start. We caught each other and are on the way to escort him. He will be there soon. Let's go to the interrogation." room."

"Okay." Seeing that Jackson's subordinates were very efficient, Luo Zheng couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief and agreed.

The two came to the interrogation room, but the suspect was not brought. Luo Zheng glanced at the next room through the glass window, and found a place to sit down. Seeing Tang Tiantian Shiran come in, Luo Zheng was startled, and then smiled and said: "Look Come on, you really did it here, it was a good choice, congratulations."

"Young Master, the reason why I'm here is to seek revenge from you. However, my leader said that the situation we are facing is more complicated now and we have to postpone revenge. After the incident with the Dark Church is over, I will still seek you. You and I Only one person can live between them, and the hatred for killing his father is irreconcilable." Tang Tiantian said angrily, glaring at Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng smiled and didn't care. The old Wolf King's death was his own fault, but to some extent it was indeed related to him. He looked at Jackson and smiled: "You are the same, right?"

"That's right, but please don't worry, it will never affect this cooperation. I can distinguish between public and private matters." Jackson said in a deep voice. When he saw a suspect being taken to the next room, he pointed to the glass window and said, "Come on. Now, we can see inside, but the people inside can’t see outside, so we can just observe here and see what’s going on.”

"Who is the interrogator?" Luo Zheng asked curiously.

"Don't worry, he is the most brilliant behavioral expert here. In addition, Tang Tiantian is on the jury." Jackson said, looking at Tang Tiantian, Tang Tiantian nodded, glanced at Luo Zheng with a complicated expression, and walked towards the next room.

Luo Zheng waited patiently and his eyes fell on the suspect. He was a tall and burly black man with a bare head and a gold necklace as thick as his thumb around his neck. He was wearing casual clothes and looked quite imposing. His hands were covered with The handcuffs were tightly clasped, and he looked around with an indifferent expression, his eyes slightly focused, and it was not simple at first glance.

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