The strongest soldier

Chapter 2196 Discuss Countermeasures

Countless fights made Jackson understand a truth. His IQ and tactics were inferior to Luo Zheng's. There was no need to disguise his thoughts in front of Luo Zheng, because it was useless. He might as well show his true nature. Luo Zheng looked at Jackson eagerly. With an expression on his face, knowing that this matter was very important to Jackson, he couldn't help but curiously asked: "So urgent? Is your president putting pressure on you again?"

"That's right, don't talk about this, just tell me the information you have." Jackson asked in a deep voice.

"Does the chairman of Tang Group know?" Luo Zheng asked seriously.

"I've heard about the Tang Group, but I don't know who the chairman is. Why?" Jackson asked curiously.

"Someone found him and asked him to join the Dark Church and donate all his family property for free. When the other party refused, the Dark Church kidnapped his two sons. Their lives and deaths are unknown and there are no clues left. However, since he dared to take action, he There will definitely be clues left behind, isn't it difficult for you?" Luo Zheng explained.

"Of course, as long as he takes action, there will be traces." Jackson said confidently, Sam's country's information warfare capabilities are not just bragging.

Luo Zheng briefly explained the time and place where Tang Sheng met the other party. Jackson immediately asked his subordinates to trace through the internal phone. If there is a time and place, it is not difficult to trace. After the explanation, Jackson looked at Luo Zheng and continued: "Are you here just to inform me of this? Just make a phone call."

"Of course, I really can't hide anything from you." Luo Zheng smiled, gave the other party a slap in the face without leaving any trace, organized his words and continued: "It's not difficult for you to track down that person. Maybe you can find him." It’s difficult, dealing with the Dark Church is our area of ​​cooperation, I wonder what you have in mind this time?”

"Do you want to cooperate with the Dark Church again?" Jackson looked at Luo Zheng in surprise and asked. When Luo Zheng nodded, he thought for a while and added: "There is no problem in cooperation, but this time we take the lead and you cooperate. Here is me I don’t want you to mess around in our country, understand?”

"Understood, no problem." Luo Zheng agreed with understanding, with an indifferent expression. The enemy's situation was unknown, so it was meaningless to take the initiative.

"That's good. We had a pleasant cooperation last time. I hope it will be pleasant again this time." Jackson breathed a sigh of relief and smiled.

"It must be pleasant." Luo Zheng also said.

The two people looked at each other and concluded that the cooperation was reached. The next step was the specific details. However, because they did not know the opponent's situation and lacked sufficient intelligence, it was inconvenient to discuss tactical arrangements and other matters. They mostly recalled things they had experienced in the past, and the chat atmosphere was very harmonious. .

Half an hour passed before he knew it. A staff member hurriedly knocked on the door and came in. He glanced at Luo Zheng and handed a document to Jackson. Jackson took it and read it carefully, his face became much more ugly, and he signaled The staff member looked at Luo Zheng after leaving.

Luo Zheng knew that the investigation results had come out, and asked curiously: "What was found?"

"Following your prompts, we traced the surveillance of their meeting point. The data was cleared, but we still recovered. The other party was wearing a silicone mask, obviously disguising himself. Through the skull scan, we finally locked on a target, Scott. , a senior agent of the Secret Service, I didn’t expect it to be him." Jackson said seriously.

"Is there any problem with the agent?" Luo Zheng asked.

"This man received the presidential award three months ago as a hero of terrorism. I didn't expect that he was actually a member of the Dark Church. In this way, the Dark Church has penetrated very deeply into my country. It is not easy to remove this cancer. ." Jackson said with a solemn expression. It's really ironic that even anti-terrorist heroes have become members of terrorist organizations. I don't know how many people are members of the Dark Church.

"Perhaps counter-terrorism is deliberately arranged by the Dark Church, such as eliminating dissidents, or maybe there are people in the Dark Church who no longer want to do it, and it just happens to help Scott, killing two birds with one stone. Don't blame me for being too conspiracy-minded. Everything is possible, what do you think?" Luo? Zheng said with a sneer.

"Are you saying that the successful counter-terrorism operation was arranged by the Dark Church? What's the purpose?" Jackson's expression changed drastically and he asked, everything that happens and exists has a purpose. Knowing Luo Zheng's power, Jackson couldn't help but ask.

"What's happening with him recently?" Luo Zheng asked.

"Promoted to an operations team leader in the Counter-Terrorism Bureau." Jackson said immediately, his face suddenly turned gloomy, his eyes looking at Luo Zheng became a little colder, and after pondering for a moment, he said: "You mean darkness Is the church preparing to seize power and place people in important departments of the country?"

"I just said, anything is possible. You will find out soon after you investigate the anti-terrorism incident." Luo Zheng sneered, and it was no longer strange for the Dark Church to do anything.

"The last time was a suicide bombing incident. Scott reported to the Secret Service that he found a terrorist trying to blow up a department store. Then he rushed up and killed the terrorist himself. He found a tightly tied bomb from the terrorist's body. It seemed that he was disposed of in a timely manner. , saved the crisis, what do you have to say?" Jackson said solemnly.

"How did he discover the terrorist? Also, has the identity of the terrorist been confirmed?" Luo Zheng asked with a sneer. It is not difficult to track down this kind of thing. Seeing that Jackson was a little moved, Luo Zheng continued: "I I suggest you investigate this matter immediately, and also arrange for someone to secretly monitor Scott."

"Why not just arrest him?" Jackson asked curiously.

"He is a counter-terrorist hero, how can you easily touch him? Secondly, surveillance is to make the other party nervous and lead us to find more clues. The only value of an exposed person is to lead the way and let us find more clues. What do you think? Luo Zheng asked angrily.

The truth is very simple. The Jackson authorities were obsessed with it and ignored it for a moment. Luo Zheng reminded him and said with an awkward smile: "It makes sense. I'll do as you say. Do you want to take over Tang Sheng's case?"

"You want to alert the enemy?" Luo Zheng keenly grasped Jackson's thoughts and asked in a deep voice.

"That's right, I can't hide anything from you. No wonder I lose to you every time. It's a great tragedy to have an enemy like you. What do you think?" Jackson asked.

Luo Zheng did not answer immediately, but began to think deeply. After a while, he said in a deep voice: "Where's the excuse?"

Tang Sheng's case was just an ordinary kidnapping case, and there was no need for the Strategic Operations Division to take over it. Jackson said knowingly: "Simple, it involves national security, excuses are not a problem, is it beneficial to us? This is The essential."

"The purpose of alerting the snake is to catch the snake. Are you sure there is no problem?" Luo Zheng warned.

"No problem, I know it, and I guarantee that none of them can escape." Jackson said confidently. As long as the snake is exposed, Jackson is confident that he can catch the snake.

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