The strongest soldier

Chapter 2168 Building a Bridge with Stones

A rope requires a certain height to build a bridge, otherwise it will not slide. Luo Zheng took everyone to the river bank, looked at the cliff opposite and thought about it. After a while, he said: "It is possible to build a bridge, but the height is not high enough and it cannot slide. I can only Climbing over, I am worried that the height of the rope from the river is limited. If there are monsters in the water, it will be very troublesome. Is there any other better way?"

Everyone looked at the other bank, then at the river, and then at the stone island at their feet. Even if the rope was tied to the highest point, the foothold on the other bank was too low. The rope was only one meter above the river. It would not be a problem for people to climb over. The special ropes everyone carries can withstand one ton of gravity without any problem. However, if there is a monster in the river, it will be very troublesome if it jumps up and attacks.

Everyone is understanding. The river seems calm, but there is no guarantee that there will be no monsters, especially in this weird underground. No one can guarantee it. Everyone pondered. After a while, Sanji suddenly suggested: "The river is wide. It is about 20 meters long. You only need to set up three footholds. Each one is about five or six meters apart, and everyone can jump over. There are many stones here, and it depends on the depth of the river. If it is not deep, just throw some in and there will be a foothold. ”

"It makes sense, let's try it out." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"I'll come." Shi Qian said in a deep voice, picked up a stone, rushed to the river bank, and threw it into the middle.

The stone fell into the water with a splash, causing ripples to appear on the calm river surface, but it soon returned to calm. Everyone shined their flashlights and looked at the river surface quietly. After waiting for a while, they saw some small bubbles surging up. Shi Qian watched the surging up. The little bubble said with certainty: "It's only five meters deep. Just throw a few more stones down and it's enough."

"Five meters is just enough. The rocks here are huge. Just get a few more and get over them." Sanji also said in a deep voice.

"Okay, let's work hard." Luo Zheng thought that this was the safest way, and immediately made a decision, looked at everyone and added: "Cao Xi, Gongsun Wu, you two are responsible for guarding behind you, pay attention to the safety of the surroundings, and everyone else will take action together. Move rocks, move quickly.”

"Yes." Everyone said in a deep voice. They put their backpacks down on a pile, picked rocks that could be carried and threw them five meters in front. Cao Xi and Gongsun Wu turned their backs to everyone, guarding the surroundings just in case. one.

"Drink--" Sanji picked up a huge stone, weighing about a hundred kilograms, walked to the river bank, and threw it into the river with all his strength. There was a loud bang, and the water splashed away, creating a whirlpool. , the stone sank rapidly, and countless bubbles floated up.

"You have good strength." Ji Wu praised when he saw this scene. He also picked up a stone weighing about 100 kilograms and rushed to the river bank. He threw it towards the same position, causing a large splash of water.

"You two are so strong." Shi Qian also threw a stone weighing about 50 kilograms into the river, praised him sincerely, and continued to carry the stone.

"Boom -" Sanji threw a huge stone into the river, causing a large splash. Suddenly he saw a huge fish emerging from the river. This one was more than one meter tall. The fish was black and long. About two meters away, the huge body twisted in the air, opening its huge mouth. Its teeth glowed coldly under the illumination of the flashlight, making anyone's scalp feel numb when looking at it.

"What is this?" Sanji was shocked and shouted in a deep voice.

Gui Shou and others on the other side of the river were organizing their brothers to use flashlights for everyone. They also saw this scene and shouted out in surprise. Luo Zheng and others who were moving stones turned their heads one after another, just in time to see the giant fish falling into the water and making a splash. A large wave of waves came and people stood up one after another. Looking at this scene in surprise, Luo Zheng said in a deep voice: "What's going on?"

"It seems to be a devil fish. At least it looks similar in appearance, but it's much bigger." Sangji said uncertainly.

"Fortunately, we didn't use a rope to get over. Such a big one can jump more than one meter high and is enough to bite us off." Shi Qian shouted with lingering fear, his face solemn.

"Okay, let's continue moving the rocks, Guishou, arrange fire cover from two brothers, just in case." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, no matter what monsters are in the river, they must hurry up and get out, otherwise something will happen.

"Dong dong dong -" Everyone kept throwing stones at the same position in the river. The stones were stacked on top of each other and gradually emerged from the water. Everyone was worried and continued to throw some stones on top. The stone was one foot above the water because of the first There is a place to stay,

Time was running out, and everyone did not dare to stop. They moved smaller stones and threw them farther away. When they were tired, they took a rest. In about an hour, three footholds appeared in the river, all about a foot above the water. It looked like It's very sturdy and enough for everyone to stay on.

"Who comes first?" Luo Zheng said in a deep voice as he looked at the foothold that had been built.

"I'll do it." Sanji shouted in a deep voice and picked up his backpack.

"Your backpack is too heavy. If your footing is unstable, you will sink and you won't even have a chance to save yourself. It's better for me to come first." Ji Wu said in a deep voice and walked towards the river bank.

"Tie a rope. If something happens, you can be rescued in time." Luo Zheng reminded in a deep voice. No one knows whether the foothold is stable or not. Someone must try it first. This is a dangerous operation. Luo Zheng doesn't want anyone to do it. There is an accident.

Ji Wu thought it made sense and agreed, tying the rope at one end. Luo Zheng shouted through the headset: "Guishou, if there is an accident, pull the rope immediately and move quickly to ensure Ji Wu's safety." On the other end of the rope was Gui Wu. On the hand side, it needs to be pulled by ghost hands.

"Understood." Guishou agreed in a deep voice.

"Bring this with you, just in case." Luo Zheng handed the Dragon Tooth Saber to Ji Wu.

Ji Wu nodded, smiled gratefully, tied up the rope and came to the river bank. Looking at the dark river water, he felt that there were some carnivorous fish swimming under the water. He took a deep breath, suppressed his nervousness, and saw Ji Wu glanced at Gongsun Wu, his eyes full of tenderness. This was a risky move, and no one knew what would happen. Ji Wu's face gradually became firm, and he shouted in a deep voice: "I'm coming." He rushed forward. passed.

"Huh——" Ji Wu jumped up with all his strength, his body drew a beautiful arc in the air, and landed steadily on the foothold. The foothold began to shake. Ji Wu quickly squatted down, stabilized the horse's steps, and felt the rope move. Knowing that Guishou and the others were worried about their own safety and were preparing to pull people away, they quickly shouted: "Don't worry."

The foothold shook a little and became more stable. Everyone was relieved when they saw that it did not collapse. Suddenly, Luo Zheng saw a water line appear in the river at a very fast speed. This was a sign of a big fish floating up and swimming. He couldn't help but be shocked. He quickly shouted: "Be careful, there is a fish." He quickly raised his gun and aimed at it, but found that the water line disappeared and nothing was seen on the river. It was quiet and weird.

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