The strongest soldier

Chapter 2169 Thrilling Crossing the River

Since entering the underground space, everyone's nerves have been tense and they dare not relax at all. Luo Zheng's sudden warning made everyone on high alert. They shined flashlights everywhere and aimed their guns at the lake. When they saw the lake was calm, there was no trace of it. When there was any danger, everyone became suspicious and turned to look at Luo Zheng.

"Crash -" Suddenly there was a loud sound of water, and everyone turned their heads to look, only to find a huge black fish rising into the air, twisting its body in the void, opening its bloody mouth and biting Ji Wu where he was. It made a weird sound, as if the devil was grinning, and it looked terrifying and weird.

"Go to hell -" Ji Wu didn't panic, instead roared angrily, raised the dragon tooth sword and slashed at the strange fish, his movements were as fast as lightning, the dragon tooth sword slashed the space barrier, making a buzzing sound of airflow, and before everyone could After reacting, the dragon tooth sword slashed hard on the head of the strange fish, more than half a foot into the flesh, split the head of the strange fish into two, blood spattered out, reflecting a coquettish light under the light of the flashlight.

The moment the strange fish was in pain, its body twisted violently, struggled, and tried to get into the water. Ji Wu, who held the dragon tooth sword tightly, did not let go. The sword belonged to Luo Zheng, and Ji Wu did not dare to throw it away, so he squatted down. , exhaled loudly, shook his wrist quickly left and right, expanded the wound a bit, and quickly used force to pull out the dragon tooth sword stuck in the head of the strange fish. Blood dripped down the sword and fell into the river, making a sound. The ticking sound attracted many devil fishes.

Ji Wu took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down. He stared at the river with sharp eyes and did not dare to be careless. When Luo Zheng and others saw this scene on the river bank, they were all surprised and relieved. Looking towards the river, I saw that the river water was dyed red with blood, a large number of demon fish surged up, and the river water rolled.

Soon, a huge black fish surfaced from the water. Countless demonic fish surrounded the strange fish and started biting wildly, tearing off a large piece of meat in one bite. Everyone's scalps were numb when they saw it. Luo Zheng hurriedly said: "Quick, While the devil fish is devouring the monster fish, leave here quickly, otherwise things will change later."

Everyone agreed. Ji Wu jumped forward with all his strength. After landing, he stabilized his body and tested the stability of the rocks under his feet. Then he continued to jump forward and soon reached the other side. Luo Zheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this scene. , shouted: "Cao Xi, come on."

Cao Xi was not humble. There were mountains of military orders on the battlefield. Cao Xi put on his backpack and rushed over quickly. He was worthy of being a wizard in the world of tomb robbers. The new head of the Cao clan was also very skilled. He jumped to the tomb five meters away. He didn't dare to stop at his footing. He used the inertia of his feet to push hard and continued to rush forward.

Soon, Cao Xi also rushed over. Luo Zheng saw that the devil fish was still devouring the huge strange fish. The river water surged and rolled up waves. He could faintly see that the big fish also joined the devouring team. His face darkened, and he shouted quickly: "Gongsun Wu, come on."

"Okay." Gongsun Wu was not polite and rushed over. He reached the foothold in one leap. He jumped along with the trend, drew a beautiful arc, landed firmly on the second foothold, and continued to rush forward. Go, as easily as a swallow scooping water, light and swift, landing steadily on the other side of the river in the blink of an eye.

Seeing that Gongsun Wu's movements were so light, Luo Zheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief and shouted: "Shi Qian, come on, be careful."

"Yes." Shi Qian put on his backpack and rushed over. As expected of the leader of the thieves, this kind of lightness was very good. He easily crossed the foothold like a triple jump and landed steadily on the other side of the river. .

"Sangji, come on." Luo Zheng saw Shi Qian passing by and saw that the strange fish were all being swallowed up. He shouted cleanly, staring at the river surface. Once the strange fish were swallowed up, those magic fish should be He was about to attack people and had to be stopped. Thinking of this, Luo Zheng quickly aimed at the big fish in the river and opened fire.

"Puff puff puff -" A shuttle bullet sank into the water, making a dull sound. Then, more blood surged on the river, and the demon fish surged even more crazily, slapping the water and splashing huge splashes. The splashes of water actually gathered more and more, and did not leave because of the bullets.

Luo Zheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief as he watched several big fish float up. When he looked back, he saw that Sanji had already rushed up and jumped to the other side after a few ups and downs. It was as easy as walking on flat ground, which showed his strength.

"Tou, come here quickly." The ghost hand on the other side of the river shouted loudly.

"Hurry up." Sanji and others who had already rushed over also shouted. Luo Zheng's rear moved Sanji and others very much, and everyone's recognition of Luo Zheng was even higher.

"Puff-puff--" A dense burst of bullets fired over, hitting the water and killing more demon fish.

Luo Zheng looked up and saw that it was Gui Shou and others who were killing the devil fish in the river to cover his evacuation. When he looked back and made sure that he was the only one left, he rushed over with his backpack on his back and landed on the ground in one jump. When he clicked on it, he felt that the stone he was standing on was shaking. Luo Zheng was shocked in his heart. He didn't have time to think too much. He pressed his feet harder and his body rose into the air again. He rushed forward like a big bird and landed again.

"Crash -" with a sound, the stone under his feet became loose and rolled down. Luo Zheng eagerly took two small steps forward and stepped on a stone. His body was shaking a little and he felt that the stone was about to fall. Luo Zheng kicked hard and kicked hard. , smashed the stone down, and used the force to throw forward.

The stone was loose and his leverage was limited. Luo Zheng failed to hit the foothold in front, and his body fell heavily into the river, causing a splash of waves. Everyone was shocked and shouted eagerly: "Quick, come up quickly."

The foothold set up by the stones was not very stable in the first place, and it became even looser after passing by several people. The risk factor of the last one passing by was no less than the first one. Everyone knew this. Seeing Luo Zheng fall into the water, he became nervous. When others showed concern, he became confused and was about to jump into the river. Luo Zheng paddled the river with all his strength, grabbed the stone at the foothold and shouted: "I'm fine, continue the fire cover."

"Yes." Guishou and the other brothers agreed, and stopped jumping down, with deep concern in their words.

"Grab this." Sanji picked up the rope and threw it up with all his strength. Luo Zheng happened to be in front of him. Luo Zheng grabbed it. Sanji saw it clearly and roared: "Do you have a good grasp?"

"Come on." Luo Zheng agreed knowingly.

"Drink--" Sanji squatted down, exhaled loudly, roared and pulled the rope with all his strength. Luo Zheng at the other end of the rope seemed to be a kite blown by the wind, soared into the air and flew towards the river bank along with the pull of the rope. Up, in the air, Luo Zheng twisted his body strangely, turned over to slow down his momentum, and drew a beautiful arc before landing on the river bank.

Everyone was relieved when they saw this scene and gathered around. Luo Zheng looked at Sanji and said gratefully: "Brother, what a skill."

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