The strongest soldier

Chapter 2167 Exploding the stone platform

The disappearance of the Emperor's Sword made Luo Zheng extremely angry, and his face looked ugly. His brothers narrowly escaped death and ended up working here in vain, which made everyone feel uncomfortable. Of course, Luo Zheng knew that Ji Wu was in a worse mood than himself, and it didn't matter that it wasn't the mausoleum that his ancestors had guarded for generations. Even the last bit of Xuanyuan Huangdi's things are missing. How can this make the guardian of generations feel embarrassed? Ji Wu's face turned ugly after hearing Luo Zheng's question, and he frowned in thought.

Everyone waited in silence, feeling very bad. On the contrary, Cao Xi was constantly busy taking pictures with his helmet camera, recording all the patterns on the stone platform, and then taking pictures of the surroundings, not missing any details. This kind of underground space It is a rare sight and of great research value.

Luo Zheng didn't stop him. He looked at the people around him who were in a very bad mood. Lan Xue was no longer around. No one dared to go up and comfort him at this time. After a while, Luo Zheng took a deep breath and tried to suppress his irritable mood. Things had happened. , being angry would not help. Thinking that his brothers were still waiting for him, Luo Zheng said in a deep voice: "Okay, everyone, cheer up. I just need to find the missing things. Let's see if we can fix this stone platform." Click back?"

"Yes, this stone is somewhat unique. It may be an extraterrestrial thing. It would be good to take it back and study it." As a former scholar, Cao Xi became more motivated in research.

"I'll try." Sanji came forward, circled around the stone platform, squatted down, grabbed the stone platform with both hands, inhaled, screamed, and roared: "Drink-" The veins on his arms were exposed, and he had a strong momentum. It exploded, but the stone platform remained motionless, leaving everyone stunned.

Sanji tried twice but it didn't work. He stood up helplessly, shook his head at Luo Zheng and said with a bitter smile: "It's too heavy."

"Try the sword." Ji Wu suggested.

"Come on, just use my knife." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

The Dragon Tooth Saber was still in Ji Wu's hand. Ji Wu agreed, stepped forward, picked up the Dragon Tooth Saber and struck hard towards the stone platform. The Dragon Tooth Saber struck the stone platform like a black lightning, sparks flying everywhere. The stone platform only left a mark without cracking, which made everyone surprised. You must know that Luo Zheng's Dragon Tooth Saber is very special and can cut even steel.

Ji Wu wanted to show off his strength. He used all his strength to strike with this sword, but the powerful force came back. His arms were sore and numb, and he almost couldn't hold the Dragon Tooth Saber. He was so depressed that he looked at Luo Zheng and said with a bitter smile: " No, this thing is too hard, so I have to think of other ways."

"Use bombs." Guishou's suggestion sounded in the headset.

Luo Zheng looked at the stone platform. Even if he used a bomb, it could only be detonated from below. Below was a hard stone slab, which looked very hard. He didn't know what it was made of. Luo Zheng took the Dragon Tooth Saber and tried it on the ground, and found that the stone slab was very hard. , it is difficult to dig out holes to plant bombs.

"Throw the bomb into the groove? It doesn't take too much. Just bring a few samples. If it's really valuable, just find another way to get it in the future." Shi Qian suggested.

"Try it and detonate it remotely." Luo Zheng responded in a deep voice.

"Understood, I'll do it." Shi Qian placed the button bomb in the groove. The groove was just wide enough to put the button bomb in. The groove was half a foot deep and could hold a lot. In order to ensure that the stone platform would be exploded, Shi Qian After setting the button bomb to detonation mode and throwing it in, more than twenty were lost.

The impact of more than twenty button bombs detonating at the same time is very terrifying, not to mention that in such a narrow groove, the shock wave will increase. Luo Zheng does not understand how the ancients left grooves on this stone platform. Yes, seeing that Shi Qian was ready, he didn't want to think too much and immediately asked everyone to evacuate quickly.

So many button bombs were detonated at the same time, which was no less powerful than a cluster bomb. Everyone knew how powerful it was and retreated one after another. Even Ji Wu and Gongsun Wu, who were not familiar with the power of button bombs, felt nervous and quickly retreated. Everyone tried their best to retreat. He walked far away and came to the river, hiding behind a huge stone.

Shi Qian took out the remote control and looked at Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng glanced at Ji Wu and said in a deep voice, "Am I going to explode?" After all, Ji Wu is a member of the guardian clan, so he should ask for advice to show respect for such violent behavior.

Ji Wu smiled knowingly and said: "Blow it up. What the family has been guarding for generations is not the mausoleum. I don't know the reason, but this result is unacceptable. As long as the truth can be found out, what's the point of blowing it up? I'm fine, I won't mind, I believe it." My father, my people won’t mind if they find out.”

"Okay." Seeing that Ji Wu did not object to his violent behavior, Luo Zheng breathed a sigh of relief and nodded to Shi Qian.

"Brothers are hiding, be careful." Shi Qian said in a deep voice and pressed the remote control.

"Boom -" there was a loud noise, like a thunderbolt from the blue. The whole space seemed to be buzzing and trembling. The powerful sound waves made people's eardrums buzz, and a sick feeling came up. Everyone was very experienced Zhang Open your mouth and shout to reduce the damage of shock waves to the brain.

Ji Wu and Gongsun Wu didn't understand the reason, but they were also infected. They opened their mouths and shouted. Countless stones flew around and fell to the ground with a thud, making a horrifying sound.

After a while, the power of the explosion gradually subsided. Everyone slowly looked over and saw that the pavilion had collapsed and turned into ruins, burying the stone platform. Dust was flying in the sky and lingering for a long time. Luo Zheng waited for a while and stood up after confirming that there was no danger. Walking forward, everyone is wearing gas masks, so there is no need to worry about the dust and squinting.

When they came to the stone platform again, without waiting for Luo Zheng to start talking, everyone started to move the rubble on it, and gradually the stone platform was revealed. When they saw that the stone platform had been exploded into several pieces, they were immediately overjoyed and smashed the broken stone pieces. When I picked it up and examined it, I found that it was completely black and could not see any substance, but it was very heavy.

Seeing that most of the stone platform was still motionless, Luo Zheng thought it would be difficult to explode it. Fortunately, he had some samples. Although they were not many, they were enough. He immediately said: "Sangji, you are strong, help carry these." Something."

"Okay." Sanji did not refuse. He opened his backpack and motioned for everyone to throw the stone pieces into it, then put them back on his back. The heavy stone pieces were not a big problem for Sanji.

"Okay, finally we have gained something. Don't be discouraged, everyone, prepare to evacuate." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice. He looked around and his eyes fell on the other side of the river. Opposite was the cliff. There were many passages and exits, and Gui Shou and others were among them. I am waiting at the exit of a passage, but the height of the passage and the stone island is basically the same. It is difficult to get out with the help of a rope. What should I do?

"There are some footholds under the exit of the passage. You can slide over. However, the height of the stone island is not high enough and the ropes are difficult to arrange. It is very difficult." Shi Qian looked at the opposite side and said in a deep voice, with a solemn expression on his face.

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