The strongest soldier

Chapter 2161 Terrorist Formation

In the dark underground passage, the cold air mixed with the rancid smell surged, which was nauseating. The strong flashlight shone around, and the cold muzzle of the gun was locked on the front and rear of the passage. A solemn murderous aura filled the air. Go, everything is quiet, except for the sound of one person's footsteps cautiously walking in the sand pit. The rustling is very slight, but very clear in this silent passage, as if the devil is whispering, with a bit of weirdness. fear.

The person in the bunker was none other than the ghost. Fortunately, everyone was a brave and talented person who had seen a lot of life and death. Facing the dead-silent underground passage, no one panicked or was afraid. Some were just cautious. Soon, the ghost He passed his hand through the sand pit and climbed up to the opposite passage. He quickly checked the surroundings and signaled everyone to go over after confirming that there was no danger.

To be on the safe side, Luo Zheng did not let everyone pass by in a swarm, but walked through quickly one by one. If something happened, the whole army would not be wiped out. Those who passed through the sand pit immediately moved to the front to cover the others. Ten minutes later, , everyone passed safely without any accidents.

The team continued to move forward without anyone speaking. After walking for a while, an open space appeared in front of them. It was hard to tell whether it was man-made or not. The ground was covered with hard stones that two people hugged each other. They had sharp edges and corners. Everyone carefully stood on the stones. Jumping forward, after walking a few steps, the ghost hand leading the way suddenly shouted: "There are corpses, like tomb robbers."

"Everyone, don't move." Cao Xi was shocked and shouted quickly.

Everyone stopped, quickly alerted the surroundings, and followed the flashlights with cold eyes.

Cao Xi jumped up from the stone and came to Guishou. Sure enough, he saw a corpse pressed under a stone in front of him. The corpse was dressed like a tomb robber. Cao Xi raised his gun with a solemn expression. I shined my flashlight towards the top, but the top of my head was too high and the beam couldn't be found. I couldn't see anything in the darkness.

At this time, Luo Zheng also jumped over, looked at the body, looked at the top of his head, and asked in a deep voice: "What's going on?"

"The legendary falling stone formation." Cao Xi said cautiously.

"What's the explanation?" Luo Zheng asked curiously.

"It's nothing special. The mechanisms of the ancients were very crude. The technology was not developed at that time, and there were no traps such as metal. They were all laid out using natural materials, such as sand, slates, and today's stones. These stones should be How to fix it on the top, touch the mechanism and then smash it down. With so many hard rocks, no one can be spared. It seems like a simple trap, but it has heavy murderous intent." Cao Xi said with emotion.

"The ancients may have underdeveloped technology, but their use of nature was no worse than that of modern people, so they had to be on guard. Fortunately, all the traps along the way were destroyed by tomb robbers. We had to hurry up and hurry up. We didn't find any further arrangements by the tomb robbers along the way. It's a trap, I guess we think we can't get in, or our skills are exhausted." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"Okay, let's go faster." Cao Xi agreed.

The team continued to move forward, with Gui Shou still rushing in front. After passing through the rock formation, six passages suddenly appeared in front of them. Gui Shou was stunned and didn't know which way to go. He had to identify them one by one and found a passage with clear footprints. Cao Xi also came up to check the six passages. He took out his compass and compared what he was looking at. He looked east and west, without drawing any conclusions. Luo Zheng saw that Cao Xi didn't really agree with the path the tomb robbers had taken, and signaled everyone to spread their guard. Wait patiently.

After a while, Cao Xi said in a deep voice: "The six roads are all dug manually. I'm not sure which one is the right way. I need some time, about half an hour. In addition, I need everyone's help."

"No problem, tell me, what do you need us to do?" Luo Zheng promised.

"These roads seem to have problems, so everyone takes out the ropes and works in pairs. One person goes in and one person is outside. The person who goes in walks about ten meters along the stone wall and then stops." Cao Xi warned.

"Ghost hands, make arrangements immediately." Luo Zheng didn't understand Cao Xi's intention of doing this, but believed that Cao Xi must have deep meaning in doing so, so he immediately issued the order without asking any questions.

The ghost hands were deployed immediately. Soon, the six people tied the ropes around their waists and walked towards the six passages with guns in hand. The other end of the rope was held by someone outside and was waiting. Soon, everyone walked about ten meters. Luo Zheng saw Xiang Cao Xi, Cao Xi looked at each one with a bright flashlight, and the more he looked at them, the more solemn his face became.

After a while, Cao Xi finished observing all six passages and shouted in a deep voice: "Go ten meters further."

Everyone continued to push forward. Luo Zheng saw that Cao Xi's expression was not right, so he guessed there was something wrong, so he did not disturb him and signaled the remaining people to be alert. Soon, everyone pushed forward ten meters again. Soon, everyone shouted "Discover" from the front. After entering the horizontal passage, Cao Xi's face became more solemn. He signaled through the headset that everyone should stop running around. He took out a pen and paper from his backpack and quickly drew six lines.

"What's going on?" Luo Zheng came forward in surprise and asked.

"This is a legendary trap. Once people fall into it, it is difficult to get out. Did you see that there are only one of the six passages that left footprints? In other words, they only entered through one passage and entered through another. Those who came out of the same passage don’t know much about the tomb, so they didn’t find anything.” Cao Xi explained in a deep voice.

"You mean it's possible that the Emperor's Sword is still inside?" Luo Zheng asked in surprise.

"Not necessarily. Following the passage they walked through may also lead to the central area of ​​the mausoleum. They may have done this, but this mausoleum is not small, and one passage cannot reach all the places. We should thoroughly investigate the entire mausoleum, no No corner is spared, so I asked everyone to try every path." Cao Xi explained in a deep voice.

"What problem did you find?" Luo Zheng asked curiously.

"The problem is huge. First, these passages are turning inadvertently. If you look carefully at the ropes, you will know that the curvature is very small and difficult to distinguish with the naked eye. If you enter rashly, you will think that you are walking in a straight line. When the curvature reaches a certain level, people will I can only wander around in this passage and lose my way. Secondly, a transverse passage appears 20 meters ahead, which makes the route inside more complicated. Now I suspect that it is a maze. Only by cracking the maze and finding the real way can we reach the core. area." Cao Xi explained seriously.

"Maze?" Luo Zheng was shocked and began to think deeply.

"Yes, the ancients valued natural science, while modern people value material science. In other words, the ancients did not know enough about science and technology, but their understanding of nature and their use of battle methods were better than our modern people, especially their spiritual understanding and If you use it, there might be something in it that disturbs your mind and makes you addicted, making you lose your mind or judgement, and be completely trapped in it." Cao Xi reminded with a solemn expression.

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