The strongest soldier

Chapter 2160 Eliminating the Trap

A few minutes later, the ghost hand tied one end of the special rope to himself and handed the other end to the other brothers. He picked up his weapon and walked forward. He stepped on the stone pillar in front of him and stepped forward firmly. Continuing to walk, everyone nervously watched the ghost hand walking forward step by step, worried. The bottom was bottomless and the stench was billowing. There must be no good things. If you fall, you will definitely die.

Cao Xi looked at Luo Zheng indifferently and said, "Actually, there is no need to be so cautious. It will definitely be safe if they pass here. The right way is to hurry up and pass."

"No, there's something wrong." As soon as he finished speaking, Guishou's exclamation came from in front of him. Everyone stared and looked over, but saw nothing unusual. Cao Xi also looked over nervously. If something really happened, Then what he just said was embarrassing, and he couldn't help but become nervous.

"What's going on?" Luo Zheng asked in a deep voice.

"It's a trip mine. Those bastards made a trip mine on the stone pillar in front. The thunder is hanging a little below, but there are quite a few. Once it explodes, all the stone pillars will be blown to pieces and no one will survive." Guishou said in a deep voice, and his words were frightening. Everyone became even more nervous and opened their eyes wide.

"Can it be dismantled?" Luo Zheng asked in a deep voice.

Cao Xi lowered his head in shame. It was so embarrassing. Just now he had sworn that everything was fine. This was his best field. Suddenly something occurred to him. His face turned cold and he quickly shouted: "It must be those who have passed by." The bastard made it because he was afraid that we would catch up."

"It can be demolished, brothers, turn on the lights." Guishou shouted in a deep voice.

Luo Zheng looked at Cao Xi and said, "Don't be complacent. Brothers have all guessed that they are the tomb robbers. This is a battlefield. What we face is not only the institutions, but also the traps of the tomb robbers. Soldiers must eliminate all unstable factors." Considering that, I’ve taught you another lesson.”

"Yes, it seems that I still have a long way to go before I can become a qualified soldier. I only considered the traps in the mausoleum and did not expect them to damage them. I still didn't consider the problem thoroughly enough." Cao Xi said sincerely and looked at everyone His eyes were full of apologies, but he found that no one took this matter to heart at all. It was as if they had known there would be danger for a long time, and their attention was on the surroundings. Those who lighted the ghost hands, and those who were responsible for guarding the front and rear, the division of labor was very clear, and it was true. They are well-trained elites who know what to do on any occasion without even having to give orders.

Looking at the brothers who were on high alert, Cao Xi felt certain in his heart for no reason, as if he had found strength, and felt that he was a part of this team. This feeling was good, and his self-confidence surged up, and he looked at Luo Zhengchen "Don't worry, I know what to do," he said.

Luo Zheng vaguely felt that Cao Xixi seemed to be a different person. He was a little more firm and decisive, and had the aura of an iron-blooded soldier. He was not overjoyed. As long as Cao Xi completely transformed and became a real soldier, his combat effectiveness would definitely improve. In a big way, with Cao Xi's IQ and professional ability, he will play a greater role in the team, and no one can replace this role.

As for Shi Qian, he was originally working as a consultant in an arms company and was no stranger to modern special operations. He just lacked practical skills. After a few battles, he grew up quickly and already had the qualities of an iron-blooded soldier. There was no need to worry about it. Luo Zheng The only thing I worry about is Cao Xi. Now he's fine. Cao Xi has changed. He will definitely have a long road ahead.

As for Sanji, Ji Wu and Gongsun Wu, they are just temporary help and will return to their respective lives in the future. Luo Zheng does not care whether they can become qualified soldiers. Their identities are different and their expectations are naturally different. He concentrates on observing the front. , Sen Leng's gun was aimed forward, just in case. As for the ghost hand, Luo Zheng was not worried at all. This was the absolute trust cultivated through years of living and dying together.

The dark passage was quiet, and no one dared to speak loudly, or even dare to breathe out, for fear of alarming the ghost hand who was dismantling the bomb. He held the gun flat on his shoulder, aiming vigilantly at the front and back, to beware of a sneak attack, an invisible force. The depressing atmosphere dissipated.

Fortunately, the trap was only deployed by the tomb robbers, and was not very professional. It was not difficult to dismantle the bomb. It didn't take long for the ghost hand to teach how to disarm the bomb. He slowly lifted it up and found a whole package. When he opened it, he saw that they were all grenades. Once detonated, The power is enough to level the stone pillars, making it difficult to move forward.

Guishou secretly breathed a sigh of relief, hung a bag of grenades around his neck, and said: "Okay, brothers, don't worry, the enemy is sending ammunition to us, please come back and treat them to these iron lumps, scatter the flashlights, don't OK, I have to move on." After saying that, he calmly walked forward again, as if nothing was wrong.

Soon, Guishou came to the front. He first checked the nearby situation, and after making sure it was safe, he untied the rope and tied it to a big rock. In this way, everyone can grab the rope and move forward, which makes the safety factor a little higher. After receiving the prompt, Luo Zheng and others passed the stone pillars one by one. Everyone's mental quality was excellent and they were not affected by the dark pit below at all. They walked steadily every step.

After a while, everyone passed safely, and the team continued to move forward. Suddenly, a huge pit appeared in front of it, blocking the way. The pit was full of fine sand, and there was a cave on it. Everyone was dumbfounded and stopped one after another to look curiously. Xiang Cao Xi, I don’t understand what’s going on?

"Is this also a mechanism?" Luo Zheng asked curiously.

"That's right, it's just a quicksand array. Once the mechanism is activated, the ground suddenly sinks, and countless fine sands are left from above, washing people down and burying them alive. However, the mechanism has been destroyed, don't worry, this is just a simple mechanism, those I don’t understand if the bastard has deployed a trap." Cao Xi said cautiously, this time he learned to be smart and left some room for words.

"Ghost hand, check, use a rope." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"Understood." Guishou agreed. He left his rope in the turnover formation just now, so he took out a special rope from a brother's backpack, tied one end around his waist, and gave the other end to the brothers. He walked carefully towards the sand pit, taking every step carefully, and his flashlight kept shining on the way forward.

The sand pit was about five meters deep. No one knew how deep it was below. It was filled with fine sand. It was about ten meters long and about ten meters wide. Gui Hand jumped down carefully. After landing, he felt that his feet were very solid. Walking cautiously forward, Luo Zheng and others used flashlights to illuminate the front, staring at the darkness ahead as if facing a formidable enemy, and prepared for battle.

There are not only traps and enemies in the mausoleum, but also other unknown dangers, such as the known poisonous scorpions. The surroundings are dark and damp. Who knows what kind of terrifying creatures will breed? No one dares to be careless.

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