The strongest soldier

Chapter 2159 Entering the Mausoleum

Ten minutes later, the chasing troops quickly returned and built a defense on the spot. Luo Zheng briefly explained the situation to Ghost Hand, who immediately selected a small team to accompany him, commanded it himself, and told the other two teams to obey Lan Xue. command, and then dropped a few button bombs, and the team rushed down one after another. The tactical flashlight was mounted on the gun, and lighting was not a problem at all.

Guishou led the team to clear the way, and Luo Zheng and others also walked inside one after another. The passages at the beginning were all manually dug and were only for one person to pass. After walking for a while, a huge underground space suddenly opened up in front of them. Come on, Gui Shou and his team quickly dispersed their vigilance, shooting flashlights everywhere to look for suspicious targets.

After Luo Zheng and others came down, they did not dare to move. After careful observation, they saw that the cave was the size of an indoor basketball court. It was a natural cave. It was very dry and had a slight breeze. This meant that it was not a dead cave and there was air, but Luo Zheng still asked everyone to wear gas masks and the earphones were covered inside, so communication on the phone was not a problem.

"Cao Xi." Luo Zheng looked around and shouted warily.

"Understood, wait a minute." Cao Xi responded knowingly, and took out a compass from his backpack. It looked very simple, and it was an old thing. Everyone didn't understand this thing at all, and they focused their attention on the surroundings. , no one cared, Cao Xi took the compass and rushed to a stone platform to compare it.

After a while, Cao Xi said in a deep voice: "This is just a natural cave. There is a passage over there. To be on the safe side, everyone should follow my footsteps and don't run around."

"Guishou, you follow Cao Xi and make sure to ensure Cao Xi's safety. The team will follow behind and provide fire support at any time." Luo Zheng warned in a deep voice.

"Yes." Guishou responded in a deep voice, gave some instructions to the team leader, and came to Cao Xi's side.

Cao Xi glanced at Luo Zheng and walked in one direction, with Guishou following behind him. Luo Zheng arranged the order of the people to follow him, followed by Sanji, Shi Qian, Ji Wu, Gongsun Wu, and finally the team members. , after everything was arranged, Luo Zheng followed Gui Shou and walked forward.

Everyone brought spare batteries for this trip, which were enough to last for a long time. For safety reasons, Luo Zheng did not ask everyone to save. He turned on all the tactical flashlights and illuminated the surrounding area. After passing some piles of rocks, he suddenly stopped in front. Without waiting for Luo Zheng to ask, Cao Xi said in a deep voice: "Two corpses were found, the cause of death is unknown."

"Go up and take a look, be careful. Guishou, you are responsible for the safety on the left side, and I am responsible for the right side." Luo Zheng reminded.

"Understood." Cao Xi and Guishou quickly agreed.

Everyone walked forward for a while and saw two corpses lying on the ground. Cao Xi squatted down to check and found that the two people were all black and obviously died of poisoning. No wounds could be seen. The injuries were very familiar and made everyone They all thought of the poisonous scorpion. Their expressions changed slightly and they looked at Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng also noticed the situation and shouted in a deep voice: "There is a poisonous scorpion here, Ji Wu?"

"Here, what do you need me to do?" Ji Wu said quickly.

"Can the poisonous scorpion be solved?" Luo Zheng asked in a deep voice.

"Okay, the poison pills I gave you will be able to detoxify you. If you're worried, you can bring some phoenix chickens down. This is my first time here and I don't know about poisonous scorpions." Ji Wu said quickly.

Luo Zheng thought for a while, and for the sake of safety, he immediately said: "Ji Wu, you go out, and the team behind you will also go out, and bring in some phoenix chickens, the more the better, just in case something unexpected happens."

"Yes." Everyone said in a deep voice. The rear team changed to the front team and returned along the original route. Ji Wu agreed and went. The phoenix chicken was in the hands of the villagers. The villagers also came nearby, but they were not familiar with it after all. Ji Wu was needed. Go out and negotiate to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings.

Everyone waited where they were. Soon, a noisy chicken crow came, and a bright light flashed. Ji Wu and others came back. Everyone continued to walk forward. With the Phoenix Chicken around, the poisonous scorpions would avoid it, so there was no need to worry about being poisoned. After walking for some distance, two corpses appeared in front of them again, their bodies were dark.

Everyone was already used to it. After passing through a pile of rubble, a passage appeared in front of them. Cao Xi cautiously stopped and observed carefully. Luo Zheng also walked up and shined a tactical flashlight into it. He found that it was empty and there was a faint sound coming from it. , but I couldn’t hear it clearly. The passages were all paved with stone strips, covered with moss, wet, and full of messy footprints, probably left by tomb robbers.

The passage is about three meters high and five meters wide. It is windy and the stone walls are covered with moss. There is nothing suspicious about it. Cao Xi observed it for a while and said in a deep voice: "It should be the movement of the earth's crust that caused the mountain to form this natural The cave is just connected to this passage, so if it’s windy, it won’t be a big problem. I’ll go in front and everyone will follow the footprints.”

"I'll do it, you just need to tell me how to go." Guishou said in a deep voice.

"It's okay, I'll do it, I know this better than you." Cao Xi insisted, knowing that Guishou was worried about his own safety, but no one was more suitable for this situation except himself. The mausoleum has many mechanisms and cannot be compared to the outside. One wrong step would be There is no chance of recovery, so we must not be careless.

Guishou reluctantly took a step back and gave up his position to Cao Xi. Cao Xi looked forward with a flashlight for a while, not missing any details, and then stepped forward. Everyone did not dare to mess around, and followed Cao Xi. After walking five or six meters away from Xi's footprints, the ground in front suddenly broke apart, and a deep trench about ten meters long appeared.

The bottom of the deep ditch cannot be seen, it is dark, and the smelly wind is blowing. Twelve stone pillars are erected. The stone pillars are distributed in an irregular shape. The distance between them varies, ranging from wide to narrow, but they form a passage invisibly, which can be stepped on. Looking forward, it looked extremely weird in the night, which made everyone's scalp numb.

Luo Zheng walked up and asked in a deep voice: "What is this?"

"The ancient simple flap trap, the ground was originally flat, just like the ground we came here, it was paved with stone slabs, but most of them were overhead. They would fall if they were put under a little force, and they would fall if people stepped on them. Go down, there must be a deadly trap below, I can’t see what it is exactly, the only safe passage is these solid stone pillars, you can lead to the front by stepping on them, everyone, be careful." Cao Xi said in a deep voice, and was about to move forward. .

"Wait a minute." Luo Zheng stopped Cao Xi and continued: "You mean the mechanism here has been cracked?"

"Yes, this passage is the only one we can find. The flap mechanism seems to have been cracked not long ago. It should have been cracked by those tomb robbers." Cao Xi explained.

Luo Zheng continued to shine the bright light of his tactical flashlight towards the front of the passage. Unfortunately, he couldn't see far. The darkness was full of danger. He couldn't help but said in a deep voice: "Since tomb robbers passed by here, it means that there are no traps along the way. Ghost Hands, you Go up first and use the rope to make sure everything is safe."

"Understood!" Guishou responded in a deep voice.

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