The strongest soldier

Chapter 2162 Sun Pattern

Luo Zheng was not afraid of any powerful enemy he encountered on the battlefield, but this kind of invisible and intangible enemy was even more difficult to deal with. He had no choice but to pin his hopes on Cao Xi, and couldn't help but ask in a deep voice: " If this is the case, then this trap formation is too terrifying. No matter how many people are trapped in it without using a single shot or a knife, it may seem simple, but it is extremely powerful. The wisdom of the ancients should not be underestimated. Is there a way to break it? "

"Yes, but it takes time. It will be easier to find the pattern." Cao Xi said thoughtfully.

"Okay, we will all follow your arrangements, take your time, don't be hasty." Luo Zheng said in surprise.

"Yes." Cao Xi agreed and hurriedly walked towards the edge of the passage. Luo Zheng followed closely to ensure Cao Xi's safety. Shi Qian was worried and followed him.

The three of them got into the passage and soon came to a soldier. They saw that the fork in the road was to the right. The front was deep and dark. The strong light was not far away and the end was not visible. Cao Xi made a mark on the paper and quickly returned to the original route. , got into the passage next door, walked to the soldier, looked at the passage, measured the distance, and made another mark on the paper.

After repeating this process and walking through all the passages, Cao Xi made a lot of marks on the paper and immediately said in a deep voice through the headset: "Everyone enters the passage, remember not to untie the rope, otherwise you will not be able to come back. Please pay attention, everyone. From left to right, they are numbers 1 to 6. After discovering the fork in the road, immediately measure the distance traveled and the direction of the fork in the road, and quickly tell me that when the rope is exhausted, stop moving regardless of whether there is a fork in the road. Be careful and safe, understand?"

"Understood!" The six soldiers in the passage immediately replied and walked forward with their guns pointed forward and ropes tied around their waists. They walked extremely carefully.

After waiting for a few minutes, someone shouted: "Report, I am No. 2. I came into the fork fifteen meters from where I was and found a fork. Go to the left. In order to detect danger, please give instructions."

"Stand where you are." Cao Xi immediately found the second line and drew a horizontal line at the fork mark, indicating the distance and the direction of the new fork.

Soon, the other five people also sent messages one after another. They found forked roads at different distances and in different directions. Cao Xi noted them in detail one by one. Considering that there was not enough rope, he asked people from outside to go inside along the passage. After a certain distance, stop at the first fork in the road, and then ask the people inside to continue walking forward, do not take the fork in the road, and report back immediately after discovering a new fork in the road.

Time slowly passed, and there were more and more signs on the paper. After about ten minutes, Cao Xi asked everyone to go back and take the second fork, and then continued to report the distance and direction found at the new fork. After finding the new fork, Immediately go back and take the third fork to continue exploring the path, and so on.

Unconsciously, another half hour passed. Cao Xi immediately asked everyone to stop moving forward and stay on guard. He took out a piece of paper and used a pen to draw the proven drawings according to the proportions. With the proportions, The drawings looked different. Luo Zheng looked at the drawings carefully and found that they were very irregular and could not be understood at all.

After a while, Cao Xi finished all the drawings and looked at them carefully. His face was very solemn. After a while, Cao Xi said in a deep voice: "This is not only a trap, but also a unique tomb Feng Shui bureau. The jargon is called the Sun bureau. Scientists call it solar burial, and what we have discovered is just the tip of the iceberg. Judging from the layout of the passages, it is very mild to the proven solar burial pattern."

"Say something we can understand." Guishou came up curiously and said.

"The sun tomb that has been discovered is in the northwest desert area. There are thirty-three straight passages that converge to the center. The center is circular, just like the sun. The thirty-three passages are like thirty-three golden lights spreading out. The three meanings represent the thirty-three heavens, all shrouded in the sun, and there are nine circular passages. Nine is the pole number. It has many metaphors and is also the yang number, so it is called the Sun Bureau. Of course, this is only the definition of later generations. The specific Only the ancients know what it is." Cao Xi explained with a solemn expression.

"Thousands of golden lights emitted by the sun? Then we can find the position of the sun by following one path? This so-called position of the sun should be the core area." Luo Zheng asked curiously.

"Theoretically, this is true, but the inside of the passage is tilted and has bifurcations. It is impossible to tell which is a straight line and which is a bifurcation. Moreover, the further inside, it may be weird. Lack of oxygen can make people lose their normal calmness and rationality. If No matter how psychedelic things are, it can make people lose their judgment and not even know they are going astray, which is scary." Cao Xi reminded.

"We can only use ropes to connect them all." Luo Zheng suggested.

"This is a method. Maybe they also discovered the secret and used this method to get in. No wonder they only chose one passage to enter. They saw through this dilemma without testing. There are experts among them. I suggest following them. Try the passage you walked through." Cao Xi suggested.

Luo Zheng thought for a while. There must be no local agencies that those tomb robbers passed by, and if there were, they would be cracked. Just be careful of them redeploying and getting trapped. It doesn't matter which way you go. He nodded and agreed: "Brothers, all Go back the way you came, and move quickly.”

"Yes!" The person who entered said in a deep voice.

Luo Zheng keenly noticed that only six people answered. The other six people made no sound or were shocked. He shouted: "Quickly, drag the people out. What happened?"

"Ah? Understood." The six people behind agreed in a deep voice, and they all started tugging on the rope.

Soon, someone shouted through the headset: "Report, dragged out, but unconscious."

Soon, more people reported through the headset that everyone was fine, but they were all in a coma. Luo Zheng was shocked and quickly asked everyone to lead the people out. He looked at Cao Xi and asked, "What's going on?"

"The air gets worse the further inside, and there may be poisonous gas that can cause coma." Cao Xi said in a deep voice.

Soon, the people in the passage rushed out with their unconscious brother in their arms. All of them looked bad. Cao Xi and Luo Zheng quickly motioned for everyone to lay the person flat in an open place and examined them carefully. Cao Xi said in a deep voice: "Sure enough, he was poisoned. Fortunately, the poisoning was not serious, Shi Qian?" He stood up and moved away.

"Let me take a look." Shi Qian squeezed forward to check. Seeing Luo Zheng looking at him solemnly, he quickly said: "Fortunately, the rescue was in time. Breathing some unclean air caused the brain to sleep. It's not a big problem. It will be troublesome if it takes longer, I have an antidote here, one pill for each person, take it with water, rest for a few minutes and you will be fine."

"That's good, it's really dangerous in here." Luo Zheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at the passage and began to think deeply. The majestic and powerful warriors on the battlefield, killing all around, were attacked inside without any ability to fight back, and I don’t even know I’ve been infected. It’s so scary. What should I do?

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